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台語作品 (Works in Taiwanese)

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Copyright July 1996. All rights reserved.

Last update : 2024-05-15
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日本作家田村志津枝曾經提到和穿著洋裝的女兒聊天,「感覺就像和自己在說話一般」。 就是這麼細緻的文學技巧,讓我想到要把她的小故事譯成台語,並記錄讀後感。 因為正在測試台語羅馬字的語音輸出功能,所以直接用台羅拼音來書寫。 雖然輸入時用數字標調比較方便,編輯網頁時還是把數字轉成 Unicode 的聲調符。 近年來我逐漸可以用台語思考,打字,還能從電腦聽見自己的聲音,判斷有沒有打錯字。 應該也是這種獨特的經驗,才會對這個故事有所回應吧。 一直努力想用自己母語寫作的夢想,終於開始了。 某些短文有台、日、中、英四種版本,台文要選取 UTF-8 編碼才能閱讀。

Japanese writer Shizue Tamura once mentioned that chatting with her daughter in a dress "feels like talking to myself". It is such meticulous literary skills that made me think of translating her short stories into Taiwanese and recording my feelings after reading them. Because the text to speech function of Taiwanese Roman characters is being tested, the article is written in Romanized Taiwanese directly. Although it is more convenient to use numeric notation when input Taiwanese, it is still necessary to convert tone numbers into Unicode tone marks when editing web pages. Recently, I have gradually been able to think and type in Taiwanese. I can also hear my own voice from the computer during typing and judge whether there is a typo. It should be this unique experience that made me respond to her story. The dream of trying to write in my own native language has finally begun. Some short texts are available in Taiwanese, Japanese, Chinese, and English versions, and the Taiwanese language must be UTF-8 encoded in order to be read.

Tsē-gû-tshia 坐牛車 (Ride in an Ox Cart)
Uán-pì-sù ê kòo-sū 露背裝的故事 (The Story of a Sundress)
Tân-phok-sū ê Guān-Bōng 陳博士的願望 (Dr. Chen's Wish)
Ji̍t-pún ê Kuài-sū 日本的怪事 (Strange Things in Japan)
Phì-jû Tsia̍h-tsiú 譬喻食酒 (The Metaphor for Wine Drinking)
Ma-ma ê Ji̍t-Pún-ka-to 媽媽的日本剪刀 (My Mother's Japanese Scissors)
Tsiann--Gue̍h ê Si-Kue 正月的西瓜 (A Watermelon in January)
Tshiu-luân 秋鸞 (Lady Chatterley's Lover)
Guán-tau ê Lāu-ke-bó 我家的老母雞 (Our Old Hens)
Hú-siânn kū-sū 府城舊事 (My Old Memory of Tainan City)
Guá ê Bó-gú - Tâi-Uân-Uē 我的母語 - 台灣話 (My Mother Tongue - Taiwanese)
Hōo lâng su-liām ê pîng-iú - Marumoto Sàng 讓人懷念的朋友 - 圓本武喜先生 (A Memorable Friend - Mr. Takeki Marumoto)
Hōo lâng uî-bōng ê nî-tāi 被遺忘的年代 (The Forgotten Age)
Lo̍h-seh ê àm-mî thîng tī tshiū-nâ-pinn 雪夜林邊駐馬 (Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening)
Gōo--gue̍h ê Bu-liat-tha--nià 五月的布列塔尼 (Bretagne in May)
Tâi-gú Siann-tiāu-kûn 台語聲調群 (Taiwanese Tone Group)
Si̍p-ngóo-im 十五音 (Ancient Taiwanese Dictionary)
Tâi-gú Gú-im Pit-kì-pún Aū-kì 台語語音筆記本-後記 (Taiwanese Speech Notepad - Postscript)
Tsīng-bi̍k Ê Jia̍t-tsîng: Aū-kì 靜默的熱情-後記 (Silent Passion - Postscript)
Lâm-kan - It-kiú Tshit-sam 南竿,一九七三 (Nangan - 1973)
Tâi-uân Lâng ê Jîn-tsîng-bī 台灣人的人情味 (The Human Touch of Taiwanese People)
Li̍k-sú ê Tsik-jīm 歷史的責任 (The Responsibility of History)
Hit tâi Mi-mà 那台 Mima (That Mima)
Siōng--iah! 上邪 (To Know You with All My Life)
Thô-hua-guân kì 桃花源記 (The Peach Colony)
Pî-Pâ-Hîng 琵琶行 (Song of the Pipa Player)
Puat-jia2 Pho-lo5-bit-to Sim-king 般若波羅蜜多心經 (The Devata of the Sutra)
Kim-kong Puat-jiá Pho-lô-bi̍t-king 金剛般若波羅蜜經 (The Diamond Sutra)