Flag Counter Si̍p-ngóo-im 十五音

Si̍p-ngóo-im *

十五音 * Ancient Taiwanese Dictionary



電腦合成台語語音(Version 5103RE)


Sann-tsa̍p-kuí tang tsîng, Tâi-lâm Bú-biō kí-pān guân-siau ting-tshai, ū tsi̍t ê bê-tê "siông-ngôo pun-gue̍h", ioh tsi̍t-ê tsiáu-á-miâ. Guá tú-hó tī hia, tuì bê-tsheh khuànn tio̍h "tshiap-tan" siōng ha̍h tê-gī, tsi̍t-sî m̄-tsai "tshiap" ê tâi-gú sī án-tsuánn huat-im, tsí-hó īng "khue" am-khàm kuè--khì. Tsú-tshî-jîn khuànn guá sió-sió nî-kí, iā bô kè-kàu, sing lòng sam-thong-kóo, koh sàng tsióng-phín, su-hā tsiah kā guá kóng "tshiap" ê tsìng-khak tha̍k-huat. Guá sī Tâi-uân-lâng, tāi-tîng-kóng-tsiòng tsi-hā liân tsi̍t-tsiah tsiáu-á-miâ lóng kóng-bē-hó, kám-kak tsin bô kong-tshái.

Bîn-kok gōo-tsa̍p tshit nî, khì tâi-pak tha̍k-tsheh, pan-siōng tông-o̍h lóng kóng huâ-gí, tâi-uân-uē kan-na tī tsng-kha kau-iû mn̄g-lōo ê sî tsiah ē iōng--tio̍h. Aū--lâi khì Má-tsóo tsò-ping, ki-hâi-pâi lāi-té ê tshiong-uân-á ping, tsi̍t-tuā-puànn sī oo-tshiú--ê tshut-sin. Siu-lí tshia ê sî tō kóng Tâi-uân-uē. Hit-tsām tsiah tsai-iánn Tâi-uân-uē mā ū kok-tsióng khiunn-kháu. Bîn-kok tshit-tsa̍p-sann nî, guá khì sîng-tāi tha̍k gí-giân-ha̍k, tsin tsū-jiân tō kā bó-gí tòng-tsò sī gián-kiù ê tuì-siōng. Tsū án-ne khai-sí ū hit-tsiòng gú-im tiān-náu-huà ê siūnn-huat.

Kin-nî sì--gue̍h, uī-tio̍h tshâ-khó tâi-gú ê gú-sû, tsuan-kang pài-hóng tuà tī Tâi-lâm ê lîm-lāu-sian-sinn, siūnn-bē-kàu I suah iōng Tâi-gú bûn-im, bi̍k-siōng-kháu-kuat, koh puann-tshut tsi̍t-phō ūn-su huan-tshâ jī-gī, kui-ê kuè-thîng tō sī kuí-nā pah nî-tsîng ê sian-bîn "in-im sik-jī" ê huan-pán. Tsit-tsióng iōng ūn-bó uî king, siann-bó uī uí ê gú-im pian-má, hōo sū-lông kang-siong ē-tàng iōng-im kiû-jī, tsiàu im tshuē-tshut bûn-jī, ē-sái kóng sī tsiok kho-ha̍k ê hong-huat.

Kin-kù hiān-iú ê bûn-hiàn tsí-tshut, Bîng-Tshing ê sî-tsūn, hok-kiàn liû-thuân sòo-tsìng thong-sio̍k ê ūn-tsheh, kap Tâi-uân hong-giân iú-kuan--ê tō sī bân-pak ê "tshik-lîm pat-im", Tsuân-tsiu hong-giân "Huī-im biāu-ngōo" í-ki̍p tsiang-tsiu ê hong-giân "ngá-sio̍k thong si̍p-ngóo-im". Kî-tiong í "Huī-tsi̍p ngá-sio̍k thong si̍p-ngóo-im" tī Tâi-uân siōng liû-hîng. Sú-iōng ūn-bó gōo-tsa̍p jī, siann-bó tsa̍p-gōo jī. Si̍p-ngóo-im tsū án-ne lâi hō-miâ.

Guân-lâi tsa̍p-la̍k-sè-kí, Bîng-tsiòng Tshiok-kè-kng hōng-phài tshut-kun pîng-khòo, Bân-kun ê tsú-tē bat iōng ūn-su tòng-tsò bi̍t-má-pún, phah-pho̍k-á lâi thuân-ta̍t kun-līng. Hit-tsūn ê thong-sio̍k ūn-su khah kán-tan, kan-ná siong-huàn-á hâm tsáu-tsut-á teh iōng, ta̍k-tshè-lâng bô teh khuànn.

Tshing-tiâu tiong-hio̍h ta̍uh-ta̍uh-á tsíng-lí-tshut kui-bôo, tsiah lâi tsiânn-tsò ngá-sio̍k kiōng-sióng ê ūn-su. Bo̍k-tsiân sóo tsai siōng-kài tsá--ê "Huī-tsi̍p ngá-sio̍k-thong Si̍p-ngóo-im" tong-sio̍k ka-khìng bōo-în (tsi̍t-tshing-peh-pah tsa̍p-peh nî) Tsiā-siù-lân sóo pian ê pán-pún, tsuân-su siu-lo̍k tāi-iok tsi̍t-bān sì-tshing-jī, hiān-tsông tī lûn-tun tāi-ing phok-bu̍t-kuán.

Si̍p-ngóo-im án-tsuánn iô-sin tsi̍t-piàn, tsiânn-tsò bi̍t-má-pún? lán tâi-uân tsiang-tsuân gú-im i ū peh-siann, si̍t-tsè kan-tann iōng tshit-siann, pí-jû kóng kun, kún, kùn, kut, kûn kún, kūn, ku̍t , tē-jī-siann kah tē-la̍k-siann kāng-khuán, tsit tshit-siann kap siann-bó, ūn-bó phuè-ha̍p, khàu-tû khang-im ( ū im bô jī ), tsha-put-to ū sann-tshing-kuí-im. Ka-siōng kāng-im ī-gī-jī, tsit-pōo ūn-su ē-tàng kóng sī iú-siann-su.

Ūn-bó, siann-bó, kah kāng-im, jī-sū tsit-tsióng sù-uî-tīn-lia̍t lâi kòo-sîng. Bo̍k-lo̍k sing pâi ūn-bó gōo-tsa̍p jī, liân-āu tsiàu thâu-tsîng lia̍t-tshut it kàu peh-kuàn ūn-bó pat-im ê jī-bó, bué--á tsiah-sī tshiat-im tsa̍p-gōo-jī kah hoo si̍p-ngóo-im ê hong-huat. Uānn tsi̍t-kù-uē-kóng, gōo-tsa̍p ê ūn-bó lóng ū peh-siann, tsoo-ha̍p liáu-āu tō kab4 tsò tsi̍t-tsat, koh tsiàu si̍p-ngóo-im sūn-sū lia̍t-tshut tông-im ī-gī-jī. Tsí-iàu ū siann-sū, ūn-bó, siann-bó, jī-sū, tuì phah-pho̍k-á ê tshù-sòo uānn-sǹg, tsin kín tiō ē-tàng tshâ-tshut-jī khǹg tī tó-uī. Tsit-khuán kiat-kòo hâm bo̍k-tsiân tiong-bûn tiān-náu ê tsù-im su-ji̍p huat luī-sū, m̄-kú kah tsù-im-huat pí--khì-lâi tsá kuí-nā-tang. In-uī si̍p-ngóo-im iōng tsū-jiân ê huat-im hong-sik pâi-lia̍t, bi̍k-siōng kháu-kuat kuí kái í-āu, tsiū ē-tàng tha̍k gah tsin-liû-lī, king-kuè kuí-tsa̍p-tang mā bē khì hōo bē-kì-lit, sóo-í tī bîn-kan ē-sái kóng sī tsio̍k liû-hîng--ê.

Ancient Taiwanese Dictionary

More than 30 years ago, the Tainan Martial Arts Temple held a Lantern Festival lantern guessing game. There was a riddle called "Chang'e Flying to the Moon", which was asked for a bird's name. I happen to join the guessing game and I found out from book that "竊丹 (stealing medicine)" fits the meaning of the title. However, I didn't know how to pronounce the word "竊 (stealing)" in Taiwanese, so I had to use "que" as the answer. The host saw that I was young and didn't care. He played the three-times of drum first and then gave me the prize. And then, he told me privately the correct pronunciation of the word "竊 (stealing)". I'm Taiwanese and I can't even name a bird in public. Therefore, I feel very disgraceful.

In the 57th year of the Republic of China, I was studying in Taipei. All my classmates spoke Mandarin, and Taiwanese was only used when asking for directions on an outing in the countryside. Later, I had military service in Matsu. Most of the soldiers in the mechanical platoon were the "black hands" and they knew how to repair cars. Since then, I learned that Taiwanese also has various accents. In the 73rd year of the Republic of China, I went to NCKU to study linguistics. It was natural That my mother tongue was regarded as the object of research, and the idea of ​​​​speech computerization was also begun.

In April this year, in order to check some Taiwanese vocabulary, I visited Mr. Lin in Tainan. unexpectedly, he used Taiwanese ancient pronunciation, reciting the formula silently, and then taking out a rhyme book to look up the meaning of the words. The whole process is simply like the process of our ancestors hundreds of years ago. A replica of "literacy based on sounds". This kind of phonetic coding with finals as warp and initial consonants as latitude enables farmers, industrialists and merchants to use pronunciation. They looking for words and checking them according to the volume can be said to be a very scientific method.

Existing literature points out that during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, several popular rhyme books were circulated in Fujian, and those related to the Taiwanese dialect were "Qi Lin Bayin" in northern Fujian. Quanzhou dialect "Huiyin Miaowu" and Zhangzhou dialect "Elegant and popular fifteen tones". Among them, "彙集雅俗通十五音 gathering Elegant and Popular Fifteen Tones" is the most popular in Taiwan.

It turns out that in the 16th century, Ming general Qi-Jiguang was sent to lead his army to quell the invaders. The soldier of the Fujian army used the rhyme book as a code book and high-fived each other to deliver military orders. The popular rhyme books at that time were relatively simple and could only be read by traders and common people. The intelligentsia often looked down upon them. In the middle of the Qing Dynasty, the scale was gradually sorted out, and it became a rhyme book that could be appreciated by both refined and popular people. The earliest known "collection of elegant and popular "Fifteen Tones" is undoubtedly the edition compiled by Xie-Xiulan in Wuyin of Jiaqing (1818). The whole book contains about 14,000 words and is now in the collection of London. The British Museum.

How did the fifteen-tones transform into a code book? There are eight tones in Zhangquan pronunciation in Taiwan, but only seven tones are actually used. For example, "kun1, kun2, kun3, kut4, kun5 kun2 , kun7, kut8 ", the second and sixth tones are the same. These seven tones are matched with the initials and finals, excluding some empty sounds (sounds without words) or homophones, there are about more than three thousand sounds, plus homophones and synonyms, this rhyme book can be said to be prefaced by sounds, finals, initials, and homophonic word sequences and other four-dimensional arrays. The table of contents is arranged in the order of the fifty vowels and then printed in sequence. The first to eight volumes of finals and eight-syllable letters, and finally the fifteen-syllable and fifteen-syllable characters. In other words, each fifty rhymes has eight tones, and when combined, it forms a section, and then the homonyms are listed in the order of fifteen tones. As long as there is sound sequence and rhyme Initials, initial consonants, word order, calculated from the number of claps, the vocabulary can be found quickly. This structure is similar to the current Chinese computer The Zhuyin input method is similar, but it is hundreds of years earlier than the Zhuyin input method. Since the fifteen tones are arranged in natural pronunciation, After reciting the formula a few times in mind, it will become catchy and will not be forgotten for decades, so it is widely circulated among the common people.


三十多年前,台南武廟舉辦元宵燈猜,有個謎面「嫦娥奔月」,射鳥名一。我適逢 其盛,從鳥書查得「竊丹」頗合題義,一時不知「竊」字台語如何發音,只好用 「ㄎㄨㄟ」矇混過去。主持人看我小小年紀,也不計較,先擊三通鼓,再送獎品, 私下告訴我「竊」字的正確讀法。我是台灣人,大庭廣眾之下連一隻鳥名都說不 好,覺得很不光彩。

民國五十七年,負笈台北,班上同學都講國語,台灣話只在鄉間郊遊問路時才得派 上用場。後來到馬祖服役,機械排裡的充員兵,一大半是「黑手」出身,修車就講 台語,那時方知台語也有各種腔調。民國七十三年,我到成大修習語言學,很自然 地把母語當成研究對象,也開始有語音電腦化的構想。

今年四月,為了查考若干台語字彙,特地拜訪台南蓍宿林老先生,沒想到他卻用台 語文音,默誦口訣,繼而搬出一部韻書翻查字義,整個過程簡直就是數百年前先民 「因音識字」的翻版。這種以韻母為經,聲母為緯的語音編碼,使農工商賈能用音 求字,按卷而稽,可說是相當科學的方法。

現有文獻指出,明清之際,福建流傳數種通俗韻書,與台灣方言有關者為閩北「戚 林八音」,泉州方言「彙音妙悟」以及漳州方言「雅俗通十五音」。其中以「彙集 雅俗通十五音」在台灣流行最廣。

原來十六世紀,明將戚繼光奉派率軍平寇,閩軍子弟曾以韻書當作密碼本,擊掌傳 遞軍令。當時的通俗韻書比較簡陋,只供商販走卒翻閱,士大夫階級往往不屑一顧 。清代中葉逐漸理出規模,方成雅俗共賞的韻書。目前所知最早的「彙集雅俗通十 五音」當屬嘉慶戊寅(1818)謝秀嵐所編版本,全書收錄字彙約一萬四千,現藏倫敦 大英博物館。

十五音如何搖身一變,成為密碼本? 台灣漳泉語音有八聲,實際只用七聲,例 如「君滾棍骨群滾郡滑」,二聲與六聲同,這七聲與聲母韻母搭配,扣除若干空音 (有音無字)或同音,大約可得三千多音,加上同音異義字,這部韻書可說是由聲序 ,韻母,聲母,和同音字序等四維陣列構成。目錄先排韻母五十字,其次依序列印 一至八卷韻母八音字母,最後才是切音十五字和呼十五音法。換句話說,五十個韻 母各有八聲,組合後自成一節,再依十五音順序列出同音異義字。只要有聲序,韻 母,聲母,字序,從拍掌次數換算,很快便能查出字彙。這種結構和目前中文電腦 的注音輸入法類似,卻比注音法早了數百年。由於十五音以自然發音方式排列,默 誦口訣幾次,便能朗朗上口,歷數十年不忘,因此在民間廣為流傳。

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