Flag Counter Tân-phok-sū ê Guān-Bōng陳博士的願望 (Dr. Chen's Wish)

Tân-phok-sū ê Guān-Bōng (教育部台羅版)

Tân-phok-sū ê Goān-Bōng (傳統白話字版)

Dr. Chen's Wish




電腦合成台語語音(Version 2.600R)

Tân-phok-sū ê Guān-Bōng

Tân-phok-sū sī Guá ê hó-pîng-iú. Tâi-Uân-Tāi-Ha̍k i-ha̍k-īnn tshut-gia̍p liáu-āu, sing tī Ko-Hiông ê Pēnn-īnn tsò i-sing. I sann-tsa̍p huè lâi Tâi-Lâm-Pēnn-Īnn ho̍k-bū sann-tsa̍p tang, tsò hù-īnn-tiúnn ê sî-tsūn thè-hiu. Aū-lâi tsiah tī Tâi-Lâm-tshī khui i-sing-kuán. I hâm Guá ê ma-ma lóng sī Ji̍t-Pún-sî-tāi Tsiau-Hô jī-nî tshut-sì ê Tâi-uân-lâng. Sóo-í I sī guá ê tióng-puè. M̄-kú I tsò-lâng tsin khiam-pi, tī kàu-huē tiúnn-ló kap bo̍k-su ê bīn-thâu-tsîng, lóng kā in kóng guá sī I ê tiān-náu lāu-su, hāi guá kám-kak tsin-pháinn-sè. Kî-si̍t I tī tsin-tsē sóo-tsāi lóng sī guá ê tsí-tō-tsiá. Iû-kī sī I tuì-thāi-lâng kap tsò-tāi-tsì ê sîng-khún thāi-tōo, hōo Guá tit tio̍h tsin-tsē ê khé-sī, iā hōo Guá tshim-tshim liáu-kái tíng-tsi̍t-puè Tâi-Uân tì-sik-hūn-tsú ê tsâi-tsîng kap pak-tn̂g.

I-sing-kuán ê tsín-sóo ū tsi̍t-tè Tōo-tshong-bîng phok-sū iōng môo-pit siá ê pián-á. Tsé-sī Tân-phok-sū ê lāu-su tī I liû-ha̍k Ji̍t-Pún, tit tio̍h i-ha̍k-phok-sū hit-tang sàng--I ê kì-liām-bu̍t. I tī Ji̍t-Pún gián-kiù tong-sî siōng sian-tsìn ê lāi-sī-kiànn i-ha̍k. Tńg--lâi liáu-āu tī Tâi-Uân tsò kuè tsi̍t-bān guā ê uī-kiànn ê lîm-tshn̂g pēnn-lē. Tsit-tè pián-á tī tsín-sóo kuà sì-tsa̍p-tang.

Tân-phok-sū ē-hiáu Ing-bûn, Ji̍t-bûn kap Tik-bûn tsit sann-tsióng gú-giân. I tsin-tsá tō tsai-iánn Guá teh siá Tâi-Gú gú-im su-tshut nńg-thé. Sui-jiân I jīn-uī tse ing-kai sī tsìng-hú ê gián-kiù-tan-uī tsiah ū huat-tōo tsò ê khang-khuè, m̄-kú I mā tuì Guá án-tsuánn kà tiān-náu kóng Tâi-uân-uē kám-kak tsin tshù-bī. I tiānn-tiānn kóo-lē--Guá, hâm Guá thó-lūn Tâi-gú su-siá huat ê būn-tê. Í-tsá àm-sî káu-tiám nā kuè, Guán tō tiàm I ê tsín-sóo iōng tiān-náu tshâ-tshuē i-ha̍k bûn-hiàn, tsò-hué khai-káng, sūn-suà thiann I kóng tsi̍t-kuá ha̍k-sing-sî-tāi khuànn--tio̍h ê tāi-tsì. I kóng I ê ma-ma tsū sè-hàn tō o̍h Pe̍h-Uē-Jī. In tshù-lāi mā-ū tsi̍t-pún kóo-tsá ê Ē-Mn̂g-Im Sin-Jī-tián. Hit-pún jī-tián khuànn--khí-lâi tsin kū, tān-sī pó-tsûn kah tsin-hó-sè.

Kong-guân 2001-nî, Guá tsiong thâu-tsi̍t-tiunn Tâi-Gú nńg-thé sàng-khí Bí-kok sin-tshíng tù-tsok-kuân. Tē-jī-tiunn tō sàng hōo Tân-phok-sū. Guá hit-tsām tsò ê Pe̍h-uē-Jī pán-pún in-uì iáu-buē ū Iú-ní-khóo ê hû-hō, sóo-í kan-nā iōng sòo-jī lâi piáu-sī siann-tiāu. Tân-phok-sū kóng án-ne khuànn-tio̍h khah buē-kuàn-sì, it-tīng ài siūnn-pān-huat lâi kái-liông. Kong-guân 2008-nî, Guá iōng Iú-ní-khóo tsò thuân-thóng Pe̍h-uē-Jī ê pán-pún, sòo-jī siann-tiāu hâm hû-hō siann-tiāu lóng ē-tàng Uānn-lâi-Uānn-khì, tsóng-sǹg uân-sîng Tân-phok-sū ê sim-guān. Khó-sioh, sin-pán Pe̍h-uē-Jī ê gú-im-su-tshut tsò hó-sè, I í-king kuè-sin--ah.

Tân-phok-sū kuè-sin liáu-āu, Sin-senn-niû tō tsiong hit-tè pián-á sàng hōo--Guá. Tōo-īnn-tiúnn sī Tâi-Uân i-ha̍k-kàu-io̍k ê sian-kak-tsiá, Tân-phok-sū sī uī-tn̂g-kho ê tsuan-ka. Àm-sî-á, Guá ka-kī tsē tī tiān-náu thâu-tsîng leh tsò khang-khuè, tiānn-tiānn lóng ē siūnn tio̍h tsit nn̄g-uī Tâi-Uân i-ha̍k-kài ê tsiân-puè. In ê it-sing lóng tsin jīn-tsin, tsin-tsìng-ti̍t, kha ta̍h si̍t-tē teh tsò tāi-tsì, tuì siā-huē ū tsin-tuā ê kòng-hiàn, In sī tsin-tsiànn ài Tâi-Uân ê lâng.

Tân-phok-sū ê Goān-Bōng

Tân-phok-sū sī Góa ê hó-pêng-iú. Tâi-Oân-Tāi-Ha̍k i-ha̍k-īnn chhut-gia̍p liáu-āu, seng tī Ko-Hiông ê Pēnn-īnn chò i-seng. I sann-cha̍p hòe lâi Tâi-Lâm-Pēnn-Īnn ho̍k-bū sann-cha̍p tang, chò hù-īnn-tiúnn ê sî-chūn thè-hiu. Aū-lâi chiah tī Tâi-Lâm-chhī khui i-seng-koán. I hâm Góa ê ma-ma lóng sī Ji̍t-Pún-sî-tāi Chiau-Hô jī-nî chhut-sì ê Tâi-oân-lâng. Só͘-í I sī góa ê tióng-pòe. M̄-kú I chò-lâng chin khiam-pi, tī kàu-hōe tiúnn-ló kap bo̍k-su ê bīn-thâu-chêng, lóng kā in kóng góa sī I ê tiān-náu lāu-su, hāi góa kám-kak chin-pháinn-sè. Kî-si̍t I tī chin-chē só͘-chāi lóng sī góa ê chí-tō-chiá. Iû-kī sī I tùi-thāi-lâng kap chò-tāi-chì ê sêng-khún thāi-tō͘, hō͘ Góa tit tio̍h chin-chē ê khé-sī, iā hō͘ Góa chhim-chhim liáu-kái téng-chi̍t-pòe Tâi-Oân tì-sek-hūn-chú ê châi-chêng kap pak-tn̂g.

I-seng-koán ê chín-só͘ ū chi̍t-tè Tō͘-chhong-bêng phok-sū iōng mô͘-pit siá ê pián-á. Ché-sī Tân-phok-sū ê lāu-su tī I liû-ha̍k Ji̍t-Pún, tit tio̍h i-ha̍k-phok-sū hit-tang sàng--I ê kì-liām-bu̍t. I tī Ji̍t-Pún gián-kiù tong-sî siōng sian-chìn ê lāi-sī-kiànn i-ha̍k. Tńg--lâi liáu-āu tī Tâi-Oân chò kòe chi̍t-bān gōa ê ūi-kiànn ê lîm-chhn̂g pēnn-lē. Chit-tè pián-á tī chín-só͘ kòa sì-cha̍p-tang.

Tân-phok-sū ē-hiáu Eng-bûn, Ji̍t-bûn kap Tek-bûn chit sann-chióng gú-giân. I chin-chá tō chai-iánn Góa teh siá Tâi-Gú gú-im su-chhut nńg-thé. Sui-jiân I jīn-ūi che eng-kai sī chèng-hú ê gián-kiù-tan-ūi chiah ū hoat-tō͘ chò ê khang-khòe, m̄-kú I mā tùi Góa án-choánn kà tiān-náu kóng Tâi-oân-oē kám-kak chin chhù-bī. I tiānn-tiānn kó͘-lē--Góa, hâm Góa thó-lūn Tâi-gú su-siá hoat ê būn-tê. Í-chá àm-sî káu-tiám nā kòe, Goán tō tiàm I ê chín-só͘ iōng tiān-náu chhâ-chhōe i-ha̍k bûn-hiàn, chò-hóe khai-káng, sūn-sòa thiann I kóng chi̍t-kóa ha̍k-seng-sî-tāi khoànn--tio̍h ê tāi-chì. I kóng I ê ma-ma chū sè-hàn tō o̍h Pe̍h-Oē-Jī. In chhù-lāi mā-ū chi̍t-pún kó͘-chá ê Ē-Mn̂g-Im Sin-Jī-tián. Hit-pún jī-tián khoànn--khí-lâi chin kū, tān-sī pó-chûn kah chin-hó-sè.

Kong-goân 2001-nî, Góa chiong thâu-chi̍t-tiunn Tâi-Gú nńg-thé sàng-khí Bí-kok sin-chhéng tù-chok-koân. Tē-jī-tiunn tō sàng hō͘ Tân-phok-sū. Góa hit-chām chò ê Pe̍h-oē-Jī pán-pún in-ùi iáu-bōe ū Iú-ní-khó͘ ê hû-hō, só͘-í kan-nā iōng sò͘-jī lâi piáu-sī siann-tiāu. Tân-phok-sū kóng án-ne khoànn-tio̍h khah bōe-koàn-sì, it-tēng ài siūnn-pān-hoat lâi kái-liông. Kong-goân 2008-nî, Góa iōng Iú-ní-khó͘ chò thoân-thóng Pe̍h-oē-Jī ê pán-pún, sò͘-jī siann-tiāu hâm hû-hō siann-tiāu lóng ē-tàng Oānn-lâi-Oānn-khì, chóng-sǹg oân-sêng Tân-phok-sū ê sim-goān. Khó-sioh, sin-pán Pe̍h-oē-Jī ê gú-im-su-chhut chò hó-sè, I í-keng kòe-sin--ah.

Tân-phok-sū kòe-sin liáu-āu, Sin-senn-niû tō chiong hit-tè pián-á sàng hō͘--Góa. Tō͘-īnn-tiúnn sī Tâi-Oân i-ha̍k-kàu-io̍k ê sian-kak-chiá, Tân-phok-sū sī ūi-tn̂g-kho ê choan-ka. Àm-sî-á, Góa ka-kī chē tī tiān-náu thâu-chêng leh chò khang-khòe, tiānn-tiānn lóng ē siūnn tio̍h chit nn̄g-ūi Tâi-Oân i-ha̍k-kài ê chiân-pòe. In ê it-seng lóng chin jīn-chin, chin-chèng-ti̍t, kha ta̍h si̍t-tē teh chò tāi-chì, tùi siā-hōe ū chin-tōa ê kòng-hiàn, In sī chin-chiànn ài Tâi-Oân ê lâng.

Dr. Chen's Wish

Dr. Chen Junxiong is my good friend. After graduating from Medical School of National Taiwan University, he first worked as a physician in a hospital in Kaohsiung. At the age of 30, he came to Tainan Hospital to serve for 30 years and retired when he was the vice president. Later He opened a clinic in Tainan City. Dr. Chen and my mother are both Taiwanese born in 1927 during the Japanese era, so they are my elders. However, he was very humble. In front of the elders and pastors of the church, he told them that I was his computer teacher, which made me feel very embarrassed. In fact, he was my mentor in many places. In particular, his sincere attitude towards people and things gave me a lot of inspiration, and it also gave me a deep understanding of the talent and bearing of the previous generation of Taiwanese intellectuals.

The clinic of the hospital has a plaque written by Dr. Du Congming with a brush. This is a souvenir that Dr. Chen's teacher gave him when he studied in Japan and obtained his MD degree. Dr. Chen studied state-of-the-art endoscopic medicine in Japan at the time. He has done more than 10,000 clinical cases of gastroscopy in Taiwan. The plaque has hung in the clinic for forty years.

Dr. Chen is fluent in English, Japanese and German. He knew early on that I was working on a Taiwanese voice text-to-speech software. Although he thought this should be done by government research institutes, he was very interested in how I taught computers to speak Taiwanese. He always encouraged me and discussed literal Taiwanese writing with me. For a while, after nine o'clock in the evening, we were chatting in the clinic, using the computer to look up medical literatures, and listening to him talk about his experiences as students. He said that his mother had learned POJ since childhood, and that there was an old Amoy dictionary at home. The dictionary looks old, but it is well preserved.

In 2001, I sent my first Taiwanese text-to speech software to the United States to apply for copyright. The second one was given to Dr. Chen. The POJ version made at that time had no Unicode Taiwanese tone symbols, so it could only be marked with numbers. Dr. Chen said that this seems very unaccustomed, and he asked me to find a way to improve it. In 2008, I used Unicode to show POJ characters, and the digital tones and symbolic tones could be exchanged, and finally achieved Dr. Chen's wish. Unfortunately, he had already passed away when the software of the new version of the POJ was completed.

After Dr. Chen passed away, Mrs. Chen gave me the plaque. Dean Du is an illuminator of medical education in Taiwan, and Dr. Chen is an expert in gastroenterology. Working alone in front of the computer at night, I often think of these two seniors in Taiwan's medical field. They have been serious and upright all their lives, working down-to-earth, making great contributions to society, and being people who truly love Taiwan.







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