Flag Counter Puat-jia2 Pho-lo5-bit-to Sim-king 般若波羅蜜多心經

Puat-jia2 Pho-lo5-bit-to Sim-king *

般若波羅蜜多心經 * The Heart Sutra [The Devata of the Sutra]

台語翻譯: 張東瀛


電腦合成台語語音(Taiwanese Speech Notepad, version TSNB5103RE)

Puat-jia2 Pho-lo5-bit-to Sim-king

kuan tsū-tsāi phôo-sat, hîng-tshim Puat-jiá pho-lô-bi̍t-to sî, tsiàu-kiàn ngóo-ūn kai khong, tōo it-tshè khóo-eh. sià-lī-tsú, sik put-ī khong, khong put-ī sik, sik tsik-sī khong, khong tsik-sī sik. siū-sióng hîng-sik, i̍k ho̍k jû sī.

sià-lī-tsú, sī tsu-huat khong-siòng, put-sing put-bia̍t, put-kóo put-tsīng, put-tsing put-kiám, sī-kòo khong-tiong bû-sik, bû siū-sióng hîng-sik, bû gán, ní, pī, siat, sin, ì, bû sik, sing, hiong, bī, tshiok, huat, bû gán-kài, nái tsì bû ì-sik-kài, bû bû-bîng, i̍k bû bû-bîng tsīn, nái tsì bû nóo-sú, i̍k bû nóo-sú tsīn, bû khóo-tsi̍p bia̍t- tō, bû-tì i̍k bû tit, í bû sóo-tit kòo.

phôo-thê-sat-tó, i Puat-jiá pho-lô-bi̍t-to kòo, sim bû kuà-gāi, bû kuà-gāi kòo, bû-iú khióng-pòo, uán-lî tian-tó bōng-sióng, kiù-kìng liap-phuân.

sam-sè tsu-hu̍t, i Puat-jiá pho-lô-bi̍t-to kòo, tit a niàu-to-lô sam-biáu sam-phôo-thê. kòo ti Puat-jiá pho-lô bi̍t-to, sī tāi-sîn-tsiù, sī tāi-bîng-tsiù, sī bû-siōng-tsiù, sī bû-tíng-tíng-tsiù, lîng-tû it-tshè-khóo, tsin-si̍t put-hi. kòo-suat Puat-jiá pho-lô-bi̍t-to-tsiù, tsik-suat tsiù uat, kia̍t tè, kia̍t tè, pho-lô kia̍t tè, pho-lô-tsing kia̍t tè, phôo-thê sat-pô-o.

Avalokiteswara [The Devata of the Sutra]

Translator: Samuel Beal

When the Prajna Paramita has been fully practised, then we clearly behold that the five skandha arc all empty, vain, and unreal. So it is we escape the possibility of sorrow or obstruction.

Sariputra. [The Jtishi of the Sutra.]

That which wo call form (rupa) is not different from that which we call space (akasa). Space is not different from form. Form is the same as space. Space is the same as form.

And so with the other skandhas, whether vedana, or sanjna, or sanskara, or vijnana, (they are each the same as their opposite).


All these things around us (ye dhamma) being thus stript or devoid of qualities (lakshana), there can be no longer birth or death, defilement or purity, addition or destruction. In the midst then of this void (akasa), there can be neither rupa, vedana, sanjna, sanskara, or vijnana (i.e., neither of the five skandha), nor yet organs of sense, whether the eye, or nose, ear, or tongue, body or mind (chitta), nor yet objects of sense, i.e. matter (rupa), or sound, odour, or taste, touch, or ideas (chaitta), nor yet categories of sense (dhatu), such as the union of the object and subject in sight, in smell, in (ouch, in taste, in apprehension.

So there will be no such thing as ignorance (avidya), nor yet freedom from ignorance, and therefore there can be none of its consequences (viz., the twelve nidanas. Colebrooke, ]). 255) ; mid therefore no such thing as decay or death (jura or mararia), nor yet freedom from decay and death. So neither can there be a method (or way) for destroying tin* concourse of sorrows. No such thing as wisdom, and no such thing as attaining (happiness or rest), as there will not be ought that can be attained.

The Bodhisatwa resting on this Prajna Paramita, no sorrow or obstruction can then affect his heart, for there will be no such tiling ns sorrow or obstruction. Therefore, having no fear or apprehension of evil, removing far from him all the distorting influences of illusive thought, he arrives at the goal of Nirvana.

The Buddhas of the three ages, relying on this Prajna Piiramita, have arrived at the " unsurpassed and enlightened" condition (samyak-sainbodhi).

Therefore we know that this Prajna Paramita. is the Great Spiritual Dharani, — it is the Great Light-giving Dharani. Tin's is the unsurpassed Dharani. This is the unequalled Phararii, able to destroy all sorrows. True and real, (i.e., full of meaning), not vain (i.e., unmeaning). Therefore we repeat (or let us repeat) the Prajna Paramita Dharani. Then also say —

Ki-tai, Ki-tai,
Po-lo, Ki-tai,


唐 三藏法師 玄奘 譯

觀自在菩薩,行深般若波羅蜜多時,照見五蘊皆空,度一切苦厄。舍利子,色不異空,空不異色;色即是空,空即是色。受、想、行、識,亦復如是。 舍利子,是諸法空相,不生不滅,不垢不淨,不增不減,是故空中無色,無受、想、行、識;無眼、耳、鼻、舌、身、意;無色、聲、香、味、觸、法;無眼界,乃至無意識界;無無明,亦無無明盡;乃至無老死,亦無老死盡。無苦、集、滅、道,無智亦無得,以無所得故。菩提薩埵, 依般若波羅蜜多故,心無罣礙,無罣礙故,無有恐怖,遠離顛倒夢想,究竟涅槃。三世諸佛,依般若波羅蜜多故,得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提。故知般若波羅蜜多,是大神咒,是大明咒,是無上咒,是無等等咒,能除一切苦,真實不虛。故說般若波羅蜜多咒,即說咒曰:揭諦揭諦,波羅揭諦,波羅僧揭諦,菩提薩婆訶。

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