1985-09 Natural language research and automatic translation systems published
1986-12 Start building a database management system MDPS v1.0
1986-12 MDPS v1.2
1987-01-03 MDPS v1.3
1987-01-08 MDPS v1.5
1987-01-18 MDPS v1.6
1987-01-23 MDPS v1.7
1987-01-25 MDPS v1.8
1987-02-05 MDPS v2.0
1987-04 BASIC language and database management system published
1987-07 Veil of Intelligence published
1987 Start reading the PCPlus manual and taking notes
1987-08-1~1987-08-25 Started to conduct pirot test with PCPlus. Build a pediatric diagnosis and treatment expert system (Doctor)
1987-12Semantic Network and Framework Structure published
1987-12 BITNET Network published
1987-12-24 MDPS v2.02
1988-01-09 MDPS v2.1
1988-01-19 MDPS v2.5
1988-02-02 MDPS v2.7
1988-02-10 MDPS v2.8
1988-01-20~1988-06-17 Read the Surfer manual and operate
1988-04 ARPANET Network published
1988-08-26 MDPS v3.0
1988-12-25 Completed the Pediatric Diagnosis and Treatment Expert System (Doctor)
1989-01 Technology Wildflowers published
1989-01 Build and modify Welding Expert System with PCPlus (WE->WEA) Add Tutor, move welding to Welding Procedure
Keep main, goal, novice, instruction parameters in Root, and move the rest of the parameters to Welding Procedure
1989-01 Build Rule 035~045
1989-01 test DOS-Call
1989-01 test T-Chapter
1989-01 Remove useless Clusters from Image
1989-01 Build Examination
1989-01 Build Form Input format
1989-01 Method in Parameter can be used DBase-Retrieve or Import
1989-01 Use Trace on to detect DBase transfer value
1989-01 Solved the bug of Rule 110
1989-01 Test Test function Try TestVAL to solve Format (Dbase char limit 254) problem, failed
1989-01 During the import test, the parameter must not have Active-V1989-10-01 MDPS v3.1
1989-02-01~1989-02-11 Construction, testing and modification of computerized teaching expert system (WE, TOEFL, CAI)
1989-02 Completed Test function and Show function
1989-02 TOEFL1 test OK
1989-02 Record the method of moving Frame
1989-02 WED is a program with TOEFL1 CAI added
1989-02 Moved the CAI Rule part to subframe
1989-02 Reconstruction of CMI (TestA...TestF) CAI (Tutor, Text, Picture, Digest)
1989-02 Test A has BUG
1989-02 Carried out rule tracing to solve the bug
1989-02 Test TestA OK
1989-02-17 Filming a slideshow
1989-02-19 Computerized Teaching Expert System Finalized
1989-03 Computerized Teaching Expert System published
1989-01-02~1989-02-23 Finished the development process and summary of the Computerized Teaching Expert System (CBTS) #1
1989-02-24~1989-04-19 Organize the development process and summary of the Computerized Teaching Expert System (CBTS) #2
1989-04-19~1989-05-15 Compile the development process and summary of the Computerized Teaching Expert System (CBTS) #3
1989-05-17~1989-06-02 Finished the development process and summary of the Computerized Teaching Expert System (CBTS) #4
1989-10-03 MDPS v3.3
1989-10-23 MDPS v5.4
1989-11-20 MDPS v5.5
1990-02 Prometheus and Pandora-Meditations on Nuclear Energy Technology published
1990-05 Expert Systematization and Experimental Planning Method published
1990-07-20 Completed the ABC data management system text editor
1990-07-31 Designed ABC data management system data structure editor
1990-08-01 Completed the ABC data management system data structure editor
1990-08-15 Completed ABC data management system v3.0 (development history summary, program structure, code)
1990-11-02 Completed ABC data management system v4.0 (modification history and update record)
1991-01 Tony went to America for further study
1991-10 Multimedia Computer System published
1992-06 A Multimedia-based Bilingual Instructional System Using An Expert System Shell copyright registration TX-3-400-219
1992-12 Plan to design TITES multimedia bilingual education system with Quick Basic and Microsoft Basic Professional Development System
1992-12 Completed graphic input
1993-02 Use GPM to read and display images
1993-01 Tested GPM
1993-01 Conceived using gif files as a slide show
1993-01 Documented Tites6's method of incorporating GDBI into Tites
1993-02 Revised the Tites1 and results of choice (2)
1993-02 Compose Menu Chapter 1, 2
1993-02 Modified choice (2) for review of difficult problems
1993-03 Revised teaching subjects to be scrollable
1993-03 Slideshow file creation
1993-03 Modify variables, test the difference between common and common share
1993-03 Design method for checking the existence of files
1993-04 Design I function, let graphics and text coexist
1993-04 Completed the graphic scrolling display
1993-04 Add computer synthesized music
1993-04 Modified GRI single image bsave format to use gbf, composite image with head and tail using gcf, scrolling image to use gsf, and single image to gpm format to use gbf
1993-04 Modified I function
1993-05 Modified 510 to make the method of flexible size display
1993-05 Method of calculating color value
1993-05 Constructed a multimedia bilingual teaching system with BASIC language published
1993-05 Solved the bug that could not enter the main menu after Esc to DOS
1993-05 Solved the bug of changing the color of the ET status bar when using palette
1993-06 Test storage drive code, save path, set drive, set directory syntax
1993-06 Modified the I function to F3 (optional) and F7 (index) two functions
1993-06 Designed K function, with animation, music, game
1993-06 TITES multimedia teaching system started testing, debugging and modification
1993-06 Added Chinese input control
1993-06 Test the method of converting Gif into pcx in VPIC
1993-06 Designed a method to force the system to return to the original directory after pressing exit
1993-06 Cancel all the Index column and use the *.mnu method
1993-06 Modified S7000, and stopped the main menu cursor at the last selected position
1993-06 Modified 9400 to make the test paper cursor stop at the last selected position
1993-07 Change I unction to all 70 If there is no graphic, replace it with a space
1993-07 modified C function
1993-07 Demo10 uses gaf to display TITES
1993-07 Modified Tites13
1993-07 Modified Demo10 and added Taiwanese image
1993-08 Modified k function
1993-09 test gif 256 color display
1993-10 Modified Demo's music
1993-10 Design Demo displayed as GIF file
1993-10 Designed a method to extract graphics from Tites program
1993-10 Write demo content
1993-10 Designed a method to clear the occupied memory
1993-10 Modified TidemoA, B to enable continuous display, and added advertisements in Author2~17
1993-10 Designed TidemoB into a button to continue or 10 seconds to automatically change the page
1993-10 Designed a method to continuously display slides using BAT files
1993-10 Designed Demo program of TITES
1993-11 Designed and completed 24*24 Chinese character conversion and display function
1994-01 TITES, a multimedia-based bilingual instructional system copyright registration TX-3-641-972
1994-03 Based on the TITES multimedia teaching system, a Vikon multimedia data management program with only I and K functions was designed
1994-07 Applying SVGA Library to design 1024*768*256 color graphics display function
1994-07 Modified 256DT.bas to use SB voc file
1994-08 Completed Vikon multimedia data management system with text, pictures, and sound
1994-08 Published TITES multimedia bilingual education system disk version and operation manual
1994-10 The application of computer multimedia in commercial advertising published
1994-11 Multimedia Data Base is placed on the CD as a method of demonstration
1994-11 Designed and applied Mouse control
1994-12 Design Mouse indicator
1995-02 TITES multimedia management system published
1995-08 Vikon multimedia data management program has six types of 24 fonts
1995-08 Vikon program plus Video function
1995-11 Little Luck and Rugged Old Jingyi-My Computer Learning Journey published
1995-12 Design of external application program interface
1996-02 Established Vikon indexing function and 3D dynamic database, integrated ABC data management system
1996-02 VIKON bilingual graphic user interface program copyright registration TX-4-231-484
1996-03 Designed a combination of Project and Windos, a recursive structure
1996-03 Design of user graphical interface program published
1996-06 Design document encryption program
1996-06 Encryption and password defense published
1996-09 Production of CD Vikon001
1996-10 Edited the Taiwan image
1996-11 Designed Wav playback function
1996-11 Created Taiwan PhotoScope database
1996-12 Analysis of the principle of password design and verification published
1997-01 Edit Taiwan PhotoScope data file
1997-02 Edit Taiwan PhotoScope data file
1997-03 Edited Taiwan PhotoScope data file
1997-03 Test vkcat shortcut and its implementation in win95
1997-04 The method of recording hard spy damage and recovering data
1997-04 Draw a sketch of the DX-50 host version
1997-04 Describe the catalog and file making of VK95
1997-04 Test CD burning software EasyCD Pro 95 and SCSI installation
1997-04 Tested Win95 and TITES
1997-05 Created E-mail index
1997-05 Qianshan Misty Revision
1997-05 Install Logitech sound card
1997-06 Test sound card
1997-06 Taiwan PhotoScope data file list
1997-06 Designed Image capture function
1997-06 Modified VIKON to return to DOS when the hard disk space is insufficient
1997-06 Modified Vkcat to add Key display to facilitate modification
1997-06 Modified VIKON to make MPG file name in tnmpg1.win available path
1997-06 Modified the mouse display mode; if there is an external program project, the mouse pointer is changed to a hand pointer
1997-07 Fix the bug of Mouse hand mark
1997-09 modified Vkcat.exe to write start.bat to vkcat.exe
1997-10 Modified Vikon and Vkcat to use DMA to play wav files
1997-10 Solved the compatibility issue of sound card and vga graphics card
1997-10 List description wavplay.bas program
1997-10 Download related information about Internet and QB sound
1997-10 Test and modify wavplay and dmaplay2
1997-10 Simulate dmaw.c in SBHWPG
1997-10 Test call DMAW.obj, list explanation steps and procedures
1997-10 Integrate DOS version with 1024*768 resolution/256-color graphics display and Voc, Wav, Mp3 sound effects and MPEG video playback
1997-10 Completed TITES Multimedia Management System (For DOS)
1997-10 *****Planning and editing Lin Rongde's music and art album
1997-11 VKW added the function of Title1.wav
1997-11 Revised VIKCAT to fit Display version 1.9
1997-11 Modified TIDEMOA
1997-11 The wav version of VIKCAT uses ???vkw.bas instead
1997-11 Tidemo.bas changed to 1024*768 resolution/256 color graphics and wav sound effects
1997-11 Modified GIFBLK, added pcxblk to support Pentium
1997-11 Solved the bug of Win95 executing Tiana, and completed the Windows 95 TiDemo version (Tiana.bas)
1997-11 Modified Tiana to Tree1~tree12.pcx to use XMS to read gmf
1997-12 Modified VIKCAT.bas to enable DoVideo
1997-12 Revised ShowVikon and DoVideo, same as VIKON
1997-12 Elimination of vkw noise, failed
1997-12 List of points to note when calling C functions from QB
1997-12 Summary of the steps to modify Dmav.c
1997-12 Modify catvkw.bas to use vocplay; save Catvav
1997-12 Modify dmaw.c -> vkwp.c to use mouse control
1997-12 Test vkwp.c and vkvp.c to record 8-bit and 16-bit experimental results
1997-12 Revised the ShowVikon subprogram of Vikcat
1997-12 Update mpeg file name list
1997-12 Modified Tiana.bas and added filecheck (*.pcx)
1997-12 Catvkw added Help function, removed call S285 and call CtrlAlt
1997-12 Solved the bug that caused the mouse to lock up when the interrupted sound effect was returned to Catvkw for the first time
1997-12 Record VIKON page change start delay solution
1997-12 Solved the bug that caused the error caused by invalid sound file
1997-12 Update the steps, precautions and results of Showvikon and DoVideo of Vkcat(w)
1997-12 Modified vkwp.c to solve the problem that the sound effect will be turned off when calling an external program
1998-01 *****Edit Lin Rongde's music and art album database
1998-01 Modified Catvkw so that the audio files in mpeg\ can be used for data recording
1998-01 Add bubble help (use menuhlp.lib), and CPR (display copyright)
1998-01 Modified 3601, 3612 to clear mouse buffer
1998-01 Record the precautions related to Config.sys and autoexec.bat
1998-01 Modified TidemoB.bas to readme.bas
1998-01 Modified Vikon, no need to delay switch to clear the screen
1998-02 Edited Lin Rongde's music and art album database
1998-02 Wrote Lin Rongde's educational philosophy
1998-02 Modified Vikon, if there is no text in columns 6-30, then the picture is centered
1998-03 Revised S505 reset resolution
1998-03 Edited Lin Rongde's music and art album database
1998-04 Modified 101 to solve the bug that selects the directory from the vkcat menu and returns to the top left corner of title1.pcx
1998-04 Modified Catvkw so that it is not necessary to copy title1.pcx, title1.wav into tites (for installation)
1998-04 Modified readme.bas so that it can be read from CD
1998-04 Completed TITES multimedia display system (For DOS)
1998-04 TITES multimedia display system copyright registration TX-4-836-107
1998-04 Edited Lin Rongde's music and art album database
1998-05 Solved the problems caused by Vkcat installation and uninstallation
1998-05 Solved the problem that Display can not synchronize audio and video in the 4x speed CD driver, modify config.cat
1998-05 Edited Lin Rongde's music and art album database
1998-05 Modify vkwp.c to add all printf, puts REM, and mouseexit before exit
1998-05 Add sub GetBlasterEnv to Vkcat to capture Blaster's environmental variables
1998-06 Published Multimedia CD-Lin Rongde Music and Art Album, released in LA
1998-07 List explains how to use Mp3 to replace wav in Vkcat
1998-07 Modified Sub Mp3play to use gosub 107, gosub 108
1998-07 Tested MP3B
1998-07 Solved the problem that lotus.mpg and lotus.wav could not be synchronized
1998-07 Modified Catvkw to integrate Mp3 and wav
1998-07 Vkcat uses vkcat.lib to check whether a CD file is used
1998-07 Computer multimedia album production documentary published
1998-07 Plan to port Vkcat to windows 95 with VB 5.0, and rename it to Wvkcat
1998-08 Designed the Windows version of Tites multimedia display system
1998-08 Revised edition of Lin Rongde's music and art album
1998-08 Record Title changed to picture display method
1998-08 Record S1680 changed to VB version sub program
1998-08 Record the method of storing string array elements into string variables
1998-08 Record how to make the program return to the Title page without ending
1998-08 Completed the basic structure, diagram, Playwav
1998-08 Mouse indicator editor
1998-08 completed spk control icon
1998-08 Switch to using Timer to play MPEG files
1998-08 Handle the bug that the automatic execution can not be aborted
1998-08 Record the method to detect whether the wav sound effect has been played
1998-08 Auto loop display playback is complete
1998-08 Added display image name, sound name, key index No.
1998-08 Solved the bug that when the sound effect is playing, pressing auto will keep changing the page
1998-08 Recorded the method to make the iconmpg inactive (transparent) for the page without mpeg
1998-08 Handle the bug that the first page is silent after selecting Title
1998-08 Design and test the routine to capture CD driver name
1998-08 Solved the bug that the sound effect does not stop after pressing the second help
1998-08 Modified DBForm_load, when automatically executed, if there is no music, set a 10 second delay
1998-08 Modified MPEG Shell method
1998-08 Switch to Activemovie to play mpeg
1998-08 Completed the main program design
1998-08 It was the first time to use the installation wizard to package, and the list to record the installation program
1998-08 Recorded the revision steps of Lin Rongde's music and art album
1998-08 Simulate centralized playback of Vkcat mpeg files
1998-08 The prototype version of Lin Rongde's music and art album was completed, and Ljtmaw01 was produced
1998-08 If there is an mpeg file on the video page, change the mouse pointer to a hand mark
1998-09 The design of automatic response yes, enter method
1998-09 Record identification method of Chinese and English versions
1998-09 added mpeg title display function
1998-09 Solved the problem of displaying Title2 every time
1998-09 Handle the spkoff variable problem of the sound effect switch
1998-09 Modified Iconmpg, mousepointer of icon as hand mark
1998-09 The list explains how to increase the Index function and Project page
1998-09 Added GetRecordData
1998-09 Completed the Sindex string input index function, can create a cross database, project index area, and provide random data query
1998-09 Design project display
1998-09 Completed all index functions, established a cross-database, and provided random data query
1998-09 The list explains the design method of the index function
1998-09 modified the background color of the menu bar to distinguish between DB and PJForm
1998-09 Redesigned the number of columns (23)
1998-09 Solved the bug that the project indexed subtitles appeared when indexing back to the browsing page
1998-09 The method and precautions of record search (Picture Collection)
1998-09 Design project display function
1998-10 The automatic sound effect was changed to interruptible
1998-10 Produced Taiwan PhotoScope
1998-10 Established the coordinate value of LJTitle
1998-10 Modify the input index string and press the Enter key to execute
1998-10 Re-recorded Loreley harmonica performance
1998-10 Solved the bug that the project name could not be displayed when selecting Tfallm for the first time (without project) and Twnfsm for the second time (with project)
1998-10 recording "Sankandian Creek"
1998-10 Added the routine to identify the title of the disc in TIForm
1998-10 Formload was modified to be applicable to different Title combinations
1998-10 record the coordinate values of sound, image, mpeg, and image
1998-10 Modified the text of the drawing file to regular script
1998-10 The method of recording loadpicture
1998-10 Added subtitle to Tiform, limited Project to 99, and Item in Project to 1000
1998-10 List of operating procedures after the completion of programming
1998-10 added animation to TIForm
1998-10 Modify the animation without waiting for all to be interrupted
1998-10 Added Fire1~Fire8 animation
1998-10 Add external program execution function
1998-10 Use Select Case to change the value of Exprogramname
1998-10 Modified the offset of GW for Bmoon to be adjusted to the central axis
1998-10 Solved the bug that the execution of mpeg does not close, and if you go back to the upper directory and select a project, the sound effect will be delayed, and the picture will not be updated.
1998-10 record mpeg file name, content and size
1998-10 removed love.wav, fg03-007 changed to ornt06a.wav
1998-10 List the set of component items and set reference items
1998-10 Goose.mpg soundtrack "Four Seasons Red"
1998-11 Mpeg file dubbing, recording the new coordinate values of Taiwan PhotoScope
1998-11 Modified tiwagon.pcx, titelev.pcx
1998-11 Solved the problem that Activemovies can not be executed in NT
1998-11 Use Form_Resize() to measure maximization and minimization
1998-11 Use the attributes and events of the sysinfo control item to measure the screen size and resolution
1998-11 Modified gonew.mpg, pelensi.mpg dubbing
1998-11 Modified JPNLTRI.wav, TFWKM.wav (Mind... changed to Rainy Night Flower)
1998-12 Try vb5 popular version OK
1998-12 Provided by Cheng Cheng University Professor Shi Chenguang Taiwan PhotoScope Vikon043 CD
1998-12 modified ORNT05B.wav, tail fadeout 75%
1998-12 Modify Saltfb.mpg, add cross fade effect before and after
1998-12 Released the trial version of Taiwan PhotoScope for Windows
1999-01 Test the execution efficiency of wvkcat in win98
1999-01 Solved the problem that Activemovie would crash if it was not closed normally
1999-01 Modify the image file and adjust the brightness
1999-01 Solved the problem that 1024x768 can not be displayed, sound effect switch, and mpeg file playback crash
1999-01 Beimen Agricultural Workers Lecture-Design of Multimedia Player
1999-01 *****Programming technology and code conversion required to integrate voice output system
1999-01 *****Construction of Taiwanese thesaurus
1999-02 Test hardware compatibility
1999-03 Adjusted Sampo 711 monitor refresh rate
1999-03 To solve the problem of PJForm -> TiForm -> DBForm, you can use PJForm -> DBForm
1999-03 Registration CD submission record form (Vikon023~086, LJTMA01~26)
1999-03 Printed two copies of Wvkcat (code and text)
1999-03 Modified readme.exe, readme05.pcx
1999-04 Changed Wvkcat.exe to VIKON Multimedia Display Program (For WINDOWS)
1999-04 Produced Wvkcat.exe (the source code is TV9904A.lzh), removed the TIDEMO function and data, and changed the version to ljtmam18s (for Library of Congress)
1999-04 Jong-teh Lin's music & art copyright registration TXu-904-071
1999-05 Modified readme8.pcx, readme.exe
1999-05 modified Tnmpg1.gif
1999-05 Registration CD submission record form (Vikon087s~148s)
1999-05 Modified Wvkcat (English version) for optimization
1999-05 Try to use API to try to solve the setting problems caused by windows small font and big font (see 1999-03-31)
1999-05 The solution to solve the problem that small font and big font will affect the position of control items
1999-07 Test the relationship between resolution, font size and control icon
1999-07 Design of VIKON multimedia player (Windows version) published
1999-08 Read Digital signal processing literature
1999-10 modified twnfsm 10-066
1999-11 Update of LJTFE database
1999-11 Update of LJTFE database
1999-12 Produced LJTMAM22S, LJTMAM23S, Vikon097S
1999-12 Tested vb6 package file, win98 + sb16 ISA card, confirmed that 3d pci + ISA is not compatible with win98
2000-01 modified pinpu01.mpg
2000-01 TITES file statistics tites: 66 files, image: 793 files, sound: 199 files, mpeg: 30 files
2000-02 revised 09-106 Coral Lake
2000-02 Thinking about the method of making picture index
2000-03 Record the method of modifying TITLE2
2000-03 Test and improve Tiform animation, mousemove, mouse click methods
2000-03 Animation changed to use mouse On/Off to solve problems caused by Windows execution
2000-03 Added Spageform to execute search any page function
2000-03 Solved the bug that Form_load could not update the variable
2000-03 Test the function of Search page and analyze the cause of the problem
2000-04 Modified Dompg in Showgif
2000-04 Use sendkeys to simulate User and press Alt-F4 to end Activemovie
2000-04 Solved the problems caused by Vikon103s and Vikon104s entering the project
2000-04 Solved the problem caused by Mac simulation win98
2000-05 Constructed Taiwanese speech output system (MlttsB)
2000-05 Established the store and retrieval function of Binary Data Base to store and search phonemes, words, and sound data
2000-05 Designed text detection subprogram for mouse movement position
2000-05 Designing a routine for continuous playback of sound effects
2000-05 Design the basic word array; can create words, polysyllable words, idioms, common sentences, etc.
2000-05 Create another index, if it is a word when inputting, call the word database
2000-05 Designed spelling retrieval function
2000-05 Designed Parser, split the sentence into words and store them in the array
2000-05 Completed Prototype executable words and partial polysyllable speech output
2000-05 Modified the structure of the audio file
2000-05 List description Mltts basic functions
2000-05 Established ABCDB module to implement 3D dynamic data management
2000-05 Create file import and save function
2000-05 List explains how to convert dictionary files into Corpus
2000-05 Added Chinese anti-white words with relative synonyms
2000-05 Designed Dictionary display function
2000-06 Modified ABCDB Module
2000-06 Completed speech synthesizer
2000-06 Established Binary Database
2000-06 The dictionary menu was redesigned and controlled by DICNX
2000-07 When the program exits, remind user whether to save
2000-07 Modified ABCDB Module
2000-07 Data structure when designing three tones
2000-07 The first edition of Mltts started testing, debugging and modification
2000-08 Production of vikon115s, vikon116s, vikon117s, vikon118s
2000-08 Created a digital audio recorder Audiorecorder
2000-08 Added Showtext recording function
2000-08 Voice file sound effect processing
2000-08 Completed Word Append, Edit, Delete functions
2000-09 Designed and produced quality vocabulary and Taiwan-Chinese translation function
2000-09 Test the functions of Mltts Pro version
2000-09 Solved the problem that the counter can not be displayed during Import
2000-09 Review the reasons for garbled characters caused by showtext, Csentence text input and test the improvement methods
2000-09 The design of the Chinese translation function of the recording station
2000-09 Test the execution efficiency of prime vocabulary
2000-09 Completed the prime word database sorting
2000-09 Design and production of record quality word database
2000-09 Line break and paragraph processing after Chinese-Taiwan translation
2000-10 Taiwan photoscope copyright registration TXu-990-899
2000-10 Completed 15,000 recordings of tonal words
2000-10 Estimated recording labor cost
2000-10 Change all icons to button
2000-10 Modified dictionary sorting
2000-10 Modify the location of the recording file storage directory
2000-10 Modified ABCDB Module
2000-10 modified TITES ljtd103.gif, title2.gif, tony256.gif
2000-10 Modified TITES, removed some mpg files, and added colophon.doc
2000-11 Check the main thesaurus words
2000-11 Created Data #21 backup voice file
2000-11 Modified Mlttsp to the disc version, the code is saved in mlp2011.zip
2000-11 Completed the first version of Mltts and created a GMltts package file
2000-11 Voice file sound processing (noise reduction)
2000-11 lists the files that need to be copied to the hard disk during Mlttsb CD installation
2000-11 Produced Mltts001s, Mltts002s disc version
2000-11 *****Thinking about how to deal with sentence shifts
2000-12 *****Provide Dr. Lin Jixiong MlttsG003s CD Trial Version
2000-12 *****Designed to use web browser to do External program speech output (webpage speech output)
2000-12 Test web Taiwanese voice output
2000-12 Added webBrowser menu content and explained the method
2000-12 Modify webpage without forced call, you can directly close wordInput or return to WordInput without closing webpage
2001-01 Modified ABCDB module variables
2001-01 ***** Construction of Chinese Voice Output System (Chtts)
2001-01 Test Chinese Text-to-speech
2001-01 Recorded Chinese benchmark single syllables
2001-02 Record the method of copying the webpage of Mltts to Chtts
2001-02 Added dictionary to display English when text is selected
2001-02 Tested ChttsP
2001-02 Compose the design outline of Chinese speech output system
2001-02 produced vikon137s, vikon138s, vikon139s, vikon140s, vikon141s, vikon142s
2001-02 Produced Mlttsg007, mlttsg008, mlttsg009
2001-03 HD crash, reinstall win98, install application software list
2001-03 produced vikon143s, vikon144s
2001-03 Produced JVKMP001, JVKMP002, JVKMP003, JVKMP005, JVKMP006, JVKMP007
2001-03 Airmail to Nihon University, Taiwanese researcher Shizueda Tamura, Taiwan PhotoScope CD (JVKMP003)
2001-06 Log in to the Mlttsg disc delivery list
2001-06 Mlttsp, Chttsp added find function, modified readrecordkey
2001-06 modified ABC7E4.bas
2001-06 Test method of text detection in Textbox
2001-07 produced vikon146s (Chinese VB 5.0), JVKMP008 (English VB 6.0)
2001-07 Reinstall Win98
2001-07 Modified the data structure of the main thesaurus
2001-08 *****Modify Chinese anti-white can also display Chinese, Taiwan, English
2001-08 Remake the setup package of Mltts
2001-08 Solved the bug caused by the interaction between MlttsG, MlttsbP showtext and dictionary
2001-08 Created the required documents and programs for Copyright application
2001-08 Made Mltts VB5 version
2001-08 *****Modern literal Taiwanese reading and writing system copyright registration TXu001166182
2001-08 Record Mltts improvements
2001-08 Solved the bug caused by file open and save
2001-08 *****Send Dr. Hongya Zhao EMltg010 CD Trial Version and Taiwan PhotoScope CD
2001-08 Research Taiwanese Unicode
2001-09 ***** Added the right mouse button function in Mltts
2001-09 Completed Corpus conversion, 39904 words in total
2001-10 Update prime word database
2001-10 Media language 40000 font version completed inspection
2001-10 Csentence added right-click cut and paste function
2001-10 Mouse pointer changed to funnel when icon click
2001-10 Test Showtext right click to add Find & Replace function
2001-10 Voice file sub-directory storage and compilation
2001-11 Tested the new version of the voice file compiling program
2001-11 Solved Cmdsave, Ctransave archive, backup and file name issues
2001-11 Tested Visual Basic 6.0 Professional
2001-12 Production of Vikon151S
2001-12 produced jvkmp011~jvkmp014, vikon148s~vikon149s
2001-12 produced evkmp015, evkmp016 (changed to vikon151s), evkmp017 (changed to vikon150s)
2002-01 produced evkmp018
2002-01 Tested Mlttsb
2002-02 Modified Vikon to solve the problem that Wvkcat sometimes caused title2.wav and page1's wav overlap
2002-02 Added Windows version detection routine
2002-03 Add process to terminate subroutine
2002-03 Solved the bug that Mlttsb could not archive the inverted words when the showtext recording was archived
2002-03 Established the Chinese and English version of FTIVB VB6, applicable to Win98 and Win2000
2002-03 Dictionary added right-click function (copy, paste...)
2002-03 Established FTIVB VB5 version, compatible with Win98 and Win2000
2002-03 Production of Vikon153s
2002-03 Designed ZBTS program
2002-04 Test ZBTS program
2002-04 Completed the ZBTS program and recorded the design summary
2002-05 Modified Abc7E5.bas "T" function
2002-05 Produced MLTGs010
2002-05 @ Record Linus function and operation summary
2002-06 List description TWNPAM, TWNPSM, TWNFSM, TWNOEM version content
2002-06 Solved the problem of error caused by win2000 Wvkcat index
2002-06 Production of Vikon156s
2002-08 Revised ABC data management system
2002-08 Produced Vikon157, MLTG010
2002-08 Airmail Dr. Albert Kuo MlttsG010B CD trial version and Taiwan PhotoScope CD
2002-08 Check dictionary recording and process sound effects
2002-09 Test sound processing program
2002-09 The method and procedure of recording sound effect processing
2002-09 *****Modify the main thesaurus data structure, add English thesaurus
2002-09 produced MLTG011, MLTG012
2002-09 Designed the Twneng.vbp tool program, inserting English into Taiwanese
2002-10 Renfile.vbp utility program
2002-10 Modified Mltts versions of Csentence
2002-10 Produced MLTTSG013, added English dictionary
2002-10 Remake Mltts setup package
2002-10 *****Airmail Huafu Taiwanese Language School Prof. Lai MlttsG013A CD Trial Version and Taiwan PhotoScope CD
2002-11 Chinese->Taiwan translation changed to prime vocabulary
2002-11 Provided a trial version of Mltts that can be executed in HD by DCT
2002-12 Modified Twneng.vbp tool program
2002-12 Update the main dictionary
2003-01 Completed Taiwanese, Chinese, and English main thesaurus
2003-01 Modified the data structure of the main thesaurus, Chinese characters can be placed with homophones
2003-01 Revised the English display mode
2003-01 Update the main dictionary
2003-01 Modified Mlttsb, Mlttsp to handle the Chinese-Taiwan translation bug
2003-01 Mlttsg uses binary to read the main thesaurus corpus
2003-02 Production of Mlttsg015
2003-02 Airmail Nihon University Taiwanese researcher Shizue Tamura Mlttsg015 CD trial version
2003-02 Production of Mlttsg016
2003-02 Update prime word database
2003-03 modified Csentence.keypress
2003-03 produced Mlttsg017, Mlttsg018
2003-03 Airmail Washington DC Taiwanese School Principal Feng Zhaoqing MlttsG018 CD Trial Version
2003-03 *****Provide Dr. Lin Jixiong MlttsG018 CD Trial Version
2003-03 Designed a method for synchronous storage of unicode files
2003-04 Update voice file, make Mlttsg019
2003-04 Modified MlttsbP and changed its name to VIKON MultiLingual Text to Speech System Producer
2003-04 Production of Vikon157H
2003-05 Modified some variables of Mltts WordInput to public
2003-05 Reorganized Mltts program catalog
2003-05 Wrote Mlttsp Technical Document No.1
2003-05 produced Mlttsg020
2003-06 Solved the problem of garbled Chinese characters
2003-06 produced Mlttsg021A, Mlttsg021B
2003-06 Airmail CMSU Dr. Aileen Helmick Mlttsg021A CD Trial Version
2003-06 Airmail CMSU Dr. Dr. Ronald W. Long Mlttsg021B CD Trial Version
2003-07 produced Mlttsg022, vikon157
2003-07 Modified Mlttsp to simplify the English Searching method
2003-07 Test in and English index function
2003-07 Sorting out common Taiwanese vocabulary
2003-07 Update voice file, make Mlttsg023
2003-07 *****Send to Dr. Guo Desheng, National Taiwan University Mlttsg023 CD Trial Version
2003-07 Audio processing and cost estimation
2003-07 *****Planning the production method of the new version of Mltts POJ
2003-08 Update the main dictionary
2003-08 Modified ABCDB module
2003-08 Design dictionary transcoding program
2003-08 Modified VC++ resource file
2003-09 Write Encode and Decode code
2003-09 update the six program files of Mlttsp, improve the platform->Chinese translation speed
2003-09 produced MlttsG025A
2003-09 Modified the audio file compiling program
2003-09 Written-Discussion on the literalization of Taiwanese
2003-09 Update prime word database
2003-09 Modified Mlttsbp to solve Taiwan->Chinese translation problem to improve execution speed
2003-10 Completed 15,000 Taiwanese word classification
2003-10 Update the sound processing method
2003-10 Import Routine added the function of detecting words without voice files and saving words
2003-10 Import Routine added the function of detecting no-added English words and saving the words
2003-10 Modified Mlttsbp command icon, added Taiwan translation and Chinese translation options
2003-11 Produced Mltts CD cover (disc printed version)
2003-11 Mlttsp modified word index function
2003-11 Added the function of Chinese inversion and Taiwanese pronunciation
2003-11 Completed network Taiwanese voice output function
2003-12 English annotation check of the main thesaurus
2003-12 Completed English spelling checking
2003-12 Document how Mlttsp releases memory
2003-12 Added word recording and sound effect processing
2004-01 Added word recording and sound effect processing
2004-02 Added word recording and sound effect processing
2004-03 Added word recording and sound effect processing
2004-04 Added word recording and sound effect processing
2004-05 Completed the recording of 30,000 words in this tone
2004-05 Check the voice file where the aspiration sound part is cut
2004-05 ***** Record the method of dealing with the tone sandhi in a sentence
2004-05 Update the main dictionary
2004-05 Index Form added Taiwanese voice output function
2004-06 Expanded Corpus array and updated Corpus
2004-06 Check the pinyin of words in the prime word database
2004-06 Composing-Tone Sandhi in Taiwanese
2004-06 Prime vocabulary reordering
2004-06 Production of Mlttsbg1203
2004-07 Backup hard drive
2004-07 David participated in the 2nd Academia Sinica Linguistics Excellence Camp-Corpus and Computational Linguistics Lecture
2004-07 Mlttsbp added notes and explanations
2004-07 Writing-Classification of Knowledge
2004-08 Production of Vikon158
2004-08 Designed Tkword.vbp tool program
2004-08 Produced Mlttsbp1203
2004-09 Design of the behind-the-scenes modulation mechanism
2004-09 MlttsbP changed its name to Vikon multilingual text to speech system compiler
2004-09 *****Vikon multilingual text to speech system compiler copyright registration TXu001220566
2004-09 *****Established Tone Sandhi Processor to handle the behind-the-scenes tone sandhi mechanism
2004-09 Changed the DOS version of Chap.bas to the windows version
2004-10 Created a file of tone sandhi words
2004-10 Taiwanese tone sandhi words are entered as key, the dictionary only shows the original tone
2004-10 Redefine compound words
2004-10 *****Thinking about how to mark Allmark
2004-10 Test the tone-modified voice output
2004-10 Modified Sindex
2004-10 Designed ChkComma.vbp tool program
2004-10 Record Mlttsbp changed to ChttsBP Note
2004-11 Modified Mlttsb to a tone sandhi (version 2.0)
2004-11 Tested Mlttsb version 2.0
2004-11 Tested the speed of word search in sandhi version
2004-11 Drafting rules for tone sandhi in sentences
2004-12 *****Completed the recording and sound processing of 15,000 tone sandhi words
2004-12 *****Modify the tone sandhi rule of h input tone tone4->tone2, tone8->tone3
2004-12 David participated in the High Medical Taiwanese Language Seminar
2004-12 chtts revision and testing
2005-01 Modified network voice output to external application voice output method
2005-01 Revised and revised rules
2005-01 Record the process and experience of sound processing
2005-01 Written-The Implementation of a Corpus-based Multilingual Text-to-speech System
2005-01 Modified the Taiwanese voice output method of Webpage, which can be applied to a variety of Application programs
2005-02 *****Established three processing modes of Taiwanese tones and modified the program of tone setting
2005-02 @ Study on the Tone form Mode in the Sentence of Composing Taiwan (4 pages)
2005-02 @ Compose the relationship between Taiwanese tones and POS (1 pages)
2005-02 Re-ordering of prime vocabulary
2005-02 Divided Taiwanese intonation processing into two levels
2005-02 *****Designed a tone sandhi processing mechanism with AI function, which can identify and correct misaligned words
2005-03 Taiwanese Word Marking
2005-03 Organize the principles of word formation
2005-03 Update Corpus
2005-03 Produced MlttsBGO2010A
2005-04 Tested the speech synthesis function of Mlttsbp polysyllable words
2005-04 Check and re-record single-syllable voice files
2005-04 Modified Mlttsb, Mlttsbp added PageNo selection function
2005-04 Production of Mlttsbg1210
2005-04 List the methods of updating prime word database
2005-04 Modified MlttsB, Mlttsbp speech synthesizer
2005-04 Defined strong words as compound words
2005-04 Check and re-record monosyllable words
2005-04 Re-editing the voice file
2005-04 Compare the main lexicon with standard monosyllables
2005-05 Added vocabulary recording
2005-05 Designed Poj2Mlt.vbp tool program to convert vernacular characters into Media language, and recorded methods and procedures
2005-05 Completed the single-syllable phonetic file and the sound
2005-05 Update the main thesaurus, make MlttsBGO2120A
2005-05 Taiwan -> Chinese translation exception handling
2005-05 Update prime word database
2005-06 Design Taiwanese Speech Recognition Program
2005-06 Download HTK Ver. 3
2005-08 Modified SR training model, multiple files can be selected at one time
2005-06 Designed srprime.vbp tool program
2005-06 Download Speech SDK, Julius
2005-07 Browse CMU: Sphinx SR engine
2005-07 Modified Mlttsbp AudioRecorder and added 16000Hz option
2005-07 Produced MlttsBGO2120B
2005-08 Modified Trainer and Recognizer so that multiple files can be read at a time, and the model is changed to 722
2005-08 Designed automatic execution function of Trainer and Recognizer
2005-08 Completed the syllable cutting program
2005-08 Modified Recognizer to continuously interpret voice files
2005-08 Modified Recognizer user interface
2005-09 Changed the processing method of vocabulary pronunciation of monosyllable texts in prime vocabulary
2005-09 Compare the words of the main word bank and the prime word bank
2005-09 produced MlttsBGO2200
2005-10 Test Chinese pronunciation, update the qualitative vocabulary
2005-10 Taiwanese word frequency statistics
2005-11 New monosyllable words
2005-11 Check the 4->2, 8->3 tone sandhi of Corpus protonation h
2005-11 Check single syllable voice files
2005-11 Produced MlttsBGO2300
2005-11 Tonal sandhi words of compound words, using compound words instead
2005-12 Modified Ftivb coordinate value
2005-12 Designed Mlttsp to play and listen function
2005-12 Test prime word database implanted in Unicode Japanese
2005-12 Modified Mlttsp tone sandhi rules
2005-12 Production of CD printing layout files
2006-01 Modified Mltmenu3.htm and added anchor point
2006-01 Produced MlttsBGO2321
2006-01 sent to Taiwanese scholar Wang Kangmin MLTTSBGO2321 CD trial version
2006-01 Modified Mlttsb, Mlttsp SndSave routine
2006-01 Test Recognizer
2006-01 Send to Ms. Du Shuchun MLTTSBGO2321 CD Trial Version
2006-02 Modified Mlttsp and added POJ sentence reading and monolingual functions
2006-02 Airmail Dr. Albert Kuo MLTTSBGO2322 CD Trial Version
2006-02 Airmail Dr. Zhao Hongya MLTTSBGO2322 CD Trial Version
2006-02 Airmail Washington Taiwanese Language School Prof. Lai MLTTSBGO2322 CD Trial Version
2006-02 Modified Mlttsp csentence.keyup routine
2006-02 Produced MlttsBGO2323
2006-03 Reset the principle of using separators
2006-03 Extracted the compilation of Taiyin orthography, POJ version of words
2006-03 Designed Media language word synthesis program asmprime and recorded the method
2006-03 Established POJ prime vocabulary
2006-03 version number redefinition
2006-04 Production of POJ Corpus
2006-04 Design unique.vbp tool program to eliminate repeated words
2006-04 Designed Poj2Mlt.vbp tool program to convert POJ original tone words into tone sandhi words
2006-04 *****Testing the typing and listening function of POJ Han Luo mixed sentences
2006-04 Production of MlttsbG2325
2006-05 Check-Taiwan Orthographic Assembly Words
2006-06 Create POJ version related file catalog and instructions
2006-06 Test the functions of Mlttsb POJ version
2006-06 Modified Mlttsp dictionary to display POJ
2006-07 Written Thesis: A Text-to-speech System Using Bilingual Corpus and Speech Synthesis Technique
2006-07 Research on the linguistic meaning, composition analysis, number, rules and definitions of tonal groups in Taiwanese
2006-07 *****Airmail Ms. Wang Xuemei, Japan MlttsBGO2325 CD Trial Version
2006-07 Established and tested tone group Corpus
2006-08 Mlttsp annotated
2006-08 *****Designed Mlttsp's routine to cut out tones from Taiwanese sentences
2006-08 Re-record some monosyllable voice files
2006-09 The processing method of test tone clusters
2006-09 test MlttsBT2330
2006-10 Dealing with words that can not be set by rules
2006-10 Sent to Chenggong University Professor Gao Shimei MlttsBGO2330 CD Trial Version
2006-11 Sent to Chenggong University Professor Wu Juxia MlttsBGO2330 CD Trial Version
2006-11 Wrote the 0th edition of Thesis
2006-11 *****Professor Lin Jixiong MlttsBGO2330 CD Trial Version
2007-01 Recorded training corpus for speech recognition
2007-02 The function of designing the model to automatically test and record the results and archive
2007-02 Trainer and Recognizer program modification
2007-02 The training steps and methods of recording voice model
2007-03 Designed to recognize syllables and classify voice files according to syllables
2007-03 Re-record the training corpus and test
2007-04 Recorded training corpus for promoting sound
2007-04 Statistical analysis of speech recognition results
2007-05 Acoustic training and recognition
2007-05 Simplified Mltts into two versions, Mlttsb and Mlttsp
2007-05 Mlttsp added real tuning file accumulation function
2007-05 Mlttsp added Tro2mlt and Tro2mlt2 subprograms
2007-05 Design Pdic2dat.vbp tool program
2007-05 Design a new version of PrimeEnc.vbp tool program
2007-06 Modified MakeWavTxt to add speech synthesis function
2007-06 Solved the bug caused by Sylmerge, Gpwavdata
2007-06 Modified App.path in Mlttsb to become a debug environment
2007-06 Made and packaged MlttsBT2500
2007-06 Record Fast Huffman algorithm compression and re-decompression method
2007-06 Solve the method to restore the red letter to black after correction, and record the Debug process
2007-06 Modified PlayTsentence, HarnParser can be applied to three pinyin systems
2007-06 *****New Taiwan text box spell checker displays typos in red, and blue displays words that are not yet built-in in the dictionary but are readable
2007-06 Modified the code related to the ABCDB module and the tuning process
2007-07 Modified the speech synthesizer to distinguish the execution mode of the Chinese box from the Chinese box
2007-07 Designed POJ2TRO.vbp tool program
2007-07 Update Corpus
2007-07 Mlttsp annotated
2007-07 Modified and tested the Import function of Mlttsp
2007-07 update Taiwan->Chinese, Taiwan->Chinese translation processing principles
2007-07 *****Record the relationship between the three-dimensional dynamic database and the words, tone groups, and tone rules database and how it works
2007-07 Research on Media Language Features
2007-07 Re-edited MlttsBT2540
2007-08 Designed AddAttrib.vbp tool program
2007-08 Modified Sentence.TSP
2007-08 Modified Mlttsp ReadmrPrime
2007-08 Installation test ASUS-1
2007-08 Mlttsp added red and blue word archive function
2007-09 Proofread of "Taiwan Orthographic Compilation" Tai Luo version
2007-09 Test the speech recognition program
2007-09 Modified Mlttsp so that unrecorded compound words can also be used to synthesize tones in sentences
2007-09 Intra-statement tone sandhi on the test bench
2007-09 reorganized MlttsBT2540
2007-09 Checked and re-recorded 336 monosyllable recording files
2007-10 Modified Showtext
2007-10 Designed and tested the Num2Mlt subprogram and converted the numbers to media language
2007-10 Check and re-record 290 single-syllable recording files
2007-10 Completed the sound processing of re-recorded single syllable files
2007-11 Update voice file
2007-11 Added Sentence.cpsTro2Mlt
2007-11 Re-edited and produced MlttsBT2550
2007-11 Handle the bugs of the misreading of the tone group, record the debugging process and methods
2007-12 Translated Stopping by Wood on a Snowy Evening
2007-12 Modified mlttsb and changed Default to Taiwanese Romaji (ORT) version
2007-12 Modified Mlttsp, because the word formation of Taiwan's Roman characters has not been finalized, as far as possible, no combination words are used
2007-12 Re-edited and produced MlttsBT2550
2008-01 Designed CompMT.vbp tool program
2008-01 Designed DelLine.vbp tool program
2008-01 *****Established Tai Luo Corpus
2008-02 Test bed Luo version voice output function
2008-02 re-edited MlttsBT2550
2008-02 Designed AddTro2Syl.vbp tool program
2008-02 Modified the single syllable sorting file
2008-02 Modified SylCMR.dic and sorted by EPSort.vbp
2008-02 Designed Comp2p.vbp tool program
2008-02 Check and update Cmrsyl.dic, make Cmrsyl-M.dic
2008-02 Taiwan Romaji Edition Corpus Reinforced
2008-02 Cross-comparison of prime vocabulary words, about 7400 words need to be re-corrected
2008-02 Designed TRO2MLT tool program
2008-03 Record the method of making Cmrsyl-R.dic
2008-03 Update Cmrsyl-R.dic, Cmrsyl-M.dic, Primesyl.dic
2008-03 modified Tro2Harn
2008-03 Update Corpus
2008-03 Re-recorded 55 words
2008-03 Re-edited MlttsBT2550R
2008-04 Modified Mlttsb to limit translation and the number of speech output words
2008-04 Record station->Chinese translation, processing Tone1,4 omitting key words
2008-04 Design Catchtext.vbp tool program and record the design process and usage method
2008-04 Comparison of "Taiyin Orthographic Compilation" and the words in the Tai-Japanese Dictionary, and save them one by one in the text file
2008-05 Translated example sentences of Taiwan-Japanese dictionary into Taiwanese Roman characters
2008-05 Added exemplar frame and example sentence voice output function
2008-05 Modified PlayHsentence to read Taiwanese and Chinese example sentences
2008-05 Expanded Mlttsp to store 160,000 words in advance
2008-05 Design CorrectP.vbp tool program
2008-05 Compare example sentence corpus, use Reorder.vbp to build POJ and Taiwan Romaji corpus
2008-05 Update Corpus
2008-05 Written an explanation about the syllables of Chinese characters
2008-06 Modified Tone Sandhi Process code
2008-06 Modified the speech synthesizer to process compound words that were not included in Corpus to tone
2008-06 Production of MlttsBT2600R
2008-06 Update the monosyllabic corpus and record the sorting method
2008-06 Analyzed the reason why Showtext was removed after calling the speech synthesizer
2008-06 Analyze the tone and tone sandhi mechanism of Taiwanese words
2008-06 Examples of situations that can not be set by rules and methods of exception handling
2008-06 Handling of Tone Sandhi in Soft Voiced Words and Polysyllable Words in Tone Groups
2008-07 Modified and tested the tone sandhi rule
2008-07 Update Corpus
2008-07 Change the Taiwanese Romaji in Showtext.mousemove to cpstro2mlt and directly convert to Media language
2008-07 Re-edited MlttsBT2600R
2008-07 Modified mlttsp and added dictionary right-click copy function
2008-08 Make wav file watermark
2008-08 Modified and tested the tone sandhi rule base
2008-08 Explain the relationship between parts of speech and tone in Taiwanese
2008-08 Produced Onepiece.htm
2008-08 *****Renamed Mltts to Taiwanese Speech Notepad
2008-09 Designed TRO2POJ.vbp tool program
2008-09 Create another Mlttspoj directory to handle the new version of POJ
2008-09 Compile POJ version MlttsBT2600PE and record the compilation program
2008-09 filtered unrecorded words in the prime word database
2008-09 Designed TRO2MLTS.vbp tool program
2008-09 Corpus-5.dic add English
2008-09 modified mltmenu3.htm
2008-09 Update Mltts Technical Manual No. 2
2008-09 Compare Corpus and spare Corpus
2008-09 Re-edited and produced MlttsBT2600P
2008-10 Made Mltts teaching videos and recorded the production procedures and methods
2008-10 update Mlttsb icon bar
2008-10 Modified Mlttsp Tone Sandhi Processor
2008-10 Modified Mlttsp, no text is displayed when Mouse moves to space
2008-10 E disk is damaged, rebuild with backup disk
2008-10 Recompile MlttsBT2600R
2008-10 Prime vocabulary added the none column to store allmark data
2008-10 in progress pre-work for Chinese and Chinese column
2008-11 Update prime word database
2008-11 Designed the conversion function between Unicode and ASCII modes of Teluo and POJ
2008-11 Design an external program to read Unicode Taiwanese and perform voice output function
2008-11 The function of designing an external program to right-click to convert unicode to ASCII and save it back to the desktop frame
2008-12 Added single syllable files, recording, and reprogramming voice files
2008-12 Based on the Xiamen Yinxin Dictionary, revised Taiwan Romaji and POJ standard position
2008-12 Supplementary design specification and Tone Sandhi Processor design criteria
2008-12 Reordering of Chinese characters in the corpus
2008-12 *****Modify and test the program for converting between key and digital mode and modify the Unicode archive function
2008-12 Compile MlttsBT2610R
2009-01 Modified and tested the program for conversion between key and digital mode, and added uppercase conversion
2009-01 Re-edited MlttsBT2610R, MlttsBT2610P
2009-01 Changed the program design of the key and digital mode conversion to be applicable to the new version of the standard and the traditional standard.
2009-01 Modified speech synthesizer and tone sandhi rule library
2009-02 Test the influence of silence on speech synthesis
2009-02 Written Drchen.htm
2009-02 The main thesaurus of Mlttsp was added to 60,000 words, and the primal thesaurus was added to 120,000 words
2009-02 Modified the sorting method of prime vocabulary
2009-02 Record the interaction and influence of tone sandhi between sentences and the corpus, speech synthesizer, and tone sandhi rule database
2009-02 Modified the handling of numbers + words
2009-02 Modified and tested the program for mutual conversion between tune and digital mode
2009-03 Written My Mother's Japanese Scissors
2009-03 Test and modify the Taiwanese speech recognition program
2009-04 List Comparison of Factors Influencing the Recognition Rate of Promoting and Non Promoting Tones
2009-04 Language Model Conversion
2009-04 Perform outside test with 80 syllables of "Riding in the Bull Cart"
2009-04 Strengthen training for the recognition rate over 80%, and find out the reason for the low recognition rate for syllables below 80%
2009-05 Re-identify the menu-var of 2009-04-24
2009-05 Re-record syllables with a recognition rate of less than 90%, add syl780_mix, retrain and do inside test
2009-05 Summarize the reasons for the decline in recognition rate
2009-05 Created a Tone catalog, conducted tone training and recognition, and recorded experimental results
2009-06 The experimental method of using Octave to study tones
2009-06 Research on the relationship between frequency and time domain
2009-06 Repeated tone training and recognition, and recorded experimental results
2009-07 Modified Trainer3 to handle state changes as subroutines
2009-07 Modified the recognition procedure of Recognizer3 to distinguish Syllable or Tone
2009-07 Compile the design of tone sandhi rule base and the program file of tone adjustment
2009-08 Added Japanese romaji monosyllabic words
2009-08 Test VB6 English version
2009-08 *****Add Unicode Japanese to the main dictionary
2009-08 Mlttsb changed to Mlttsb-U
2009-09 Test English, Japanese, Taiwanese Romaji vocabulary display and voice output
2009-09 produced MlttsBT2620PE, MlttsBT2620RE
2009-09 Produced Taiwanese Speech Notepad CD COVER
2009-09 Make research log index
2009-09 Written Introduction to Taiwanese Speech Notepad and English version mltmenu3e.htm
2009-09 Airmail Washington Taiwanese Language School Prof. Lai MlttsBT2620RE CD Trial Version
2009-09 Airmail Xu Huangcheng MlttsBT2620RE/PE CD Trial Version of Tai Lei Town, Victoria
2009-10 Modified MlttsBT2620PE, MlttsBT2620RE
2009-10 Modified and tested the program for mutual conversion between tune and digital mode
2009-10 Modified Mlttsp to paste the reversed text of the external program into the Taiwan text frame in ASCII grades
2009-10 Modified Mlttsp, Mlttsb can directly paste the Taiwanese text of Application program to the Taiwanese text box
2009-10 modified Mltmenu3.htm, mltmenu3e.htm
2009-11 Nangan, 1973 published
2009-11 Reedited MlttsBT2620PE, MlttsBT2620RE
2009-11 Update Mltts instructional video
2009-11 Modified Taiwan PhotoScope, made TWNPXP200C
2009-12 Modified Mlttsb to do version detection, reprogram MlttsBT2621PE, MlttsBT2621RE
2009-12 Provided the trial version of Taiwan PhotoScope TWNP002E CD and MlttsBT2621RE CD by Professor Wen Tianjin from Chenggong University
2009-12 Record Corpus update steps and principles
2009-12 Produced CD cover file for Taiwanese Speech Notepad
2010-01 Modified the copyright page of Mlttsb
2010-02 Added word recording
2010-03 Draw a draft of the flowchart
2010-03 Written The Implementation of Tone Sandhi processor
2010-04 Draw the flow chart of Taiwanese Speech Notepad
2010-05 Redefine prime words
2010-05 Update Thesis 1st, 2nd and 3rd edition
2010-05 Update Thesis 4th, 5th, 6th edition
2010-05 Update Thesis 7th, 8th and 9th editions
2010-06 Update Thesis 10th edition
2010-06 Modified Mlttsp, Mlttsb, Find & Replace function
2010-06 Reorganized MlttsBT2630PE, MlttsBT2630RE
2010-06 modified Mltmenu3.htm
2010-06 Record Brinell verification methods and test results
2010-06 Write Taiwanese Speech Notepad Chinese and English installation instructions
2010-06 Modified the Mlttsb calibration icon description, re-edited MlttsBT2630PE, MlttsBT2630RE
2010-07 Update Thesis 11th edition
2010-07 Modified the image files required by Hyundai Library of Japan
2010-07 *****David participated in the 2010 Academia Sinica Linguistics Excellence Camp-Min Language Studies Lecture
2010-07 *****Writing a research proposal for the Linguistics Excellence Camp-Research on the improvement of the accuracy of the tone sandhi in the phonetic output of Taiwan and Fujian dialects
2010-07 Translation and update A Watermelon in January
2010-07 Tone Sandhi Processor new rules
2010-07 Modified Mlttsb, Mlttsp added primeitem4 variable
2010-08 Update Corpus
2010-08 Modified speech synthesizer and Tone Sandhi Processor
2010-08 Writing-The Influence of Taiwanese Phonetics and Tones on Word Formation
2010-08 Test the impact of the number of Corpus comparisons on execution efficiency
2010-08 Modified Mlttsb, Mlttsp, added right-click to execute Taiwanese Unicode conversion ASCII function
2010-08 Update prime word database sorting, remake MlttsBT2640PE, MlttsBT2640RE
2010-08 Modify the speech synthesizer and test the influence of compound words and polysyllable words on the speed of speech synthesis
2010-09 modified Thesis lite version
2010-10 Added Corpus terms
2010-10 Take tioh8 as an example to do morphology experiment
2010-11 Modified speech synthesizer and Tone Sandhi Processor
2010-11 Switch to "Qiyong" as the demarcation point of monosyllable words
2010-11 Modified the speech synthesizer so that the tone group is directly compared with Corpus without parser
2010-11 Modified Mlttsb so that the maximum limit of Unicode for ASCII conversion is 64 K
2010-12 Check Corpus three-character and two-character words
2010-12 ***** Writing-A Knowledge Representation Method to Separate Tone Groups from Taiwanese Sentences
2010-12 Airmail Japanese scholar Megumi Tada MlttsBT2640PE CD trial version
2011-01 Update Corpus
2011-01 Compiled and produced MlttsBT2650PE, MlttsBT2650RE
2011-01 Modified version judgment routine
2011-02 Airmail to Nihon University Professor Chen Shengren MlttsBT2650 CD Trial Version
2011-02 Translated by Dr. Hongya Zhao "The Enlightenment of the Renaissance to Taiwan"
2011-03 Test frame cutting FFT and Time-frequency Analysis, compare the difference between tones
2011-04 Designed Tone Recognizer to test full wave FFT
2011-04 Use Autocorrelation to calculate the relationship between frequency and time
2011-04 Test "Watermelon in the First Moon" with ASUS-CP5141 Full text
2011-04 Re-edited MlttsBT2650PE, MlttsBT2650RE
2011-04 Translated "1927 English-Taiwan Conversation" into Taiwanese Romaji version
2011-04 Use prime vocabulary words to form document samples, which is the collection with the least vocabulary repetition rate and the largest coverage rate
2011-05 Re-read "Taiwanese Studies Volume" by Dr. Wang Yude
2011-05 Checked the "1927 English-Taiwan Conversation" Taiwan Romaji version
2011-05 Test quantifier tuning rules
2011-05 Modified Tone Sandhi Processor and the tuning mode to deal with the tuning of quantitative words, this mode can break through the limited rules and infer the limitations of unlimited groups
2011-05 Designed Taiwanese Unicode key synchronization display function
2011-05 Modified the program for adding Unicode Japanese to the main dictionary
2011-06 Test Unicode Japanese synchronous display function
2011-06 *****Update Mlttsp, Mlttsb to the third edition
2011-06 Compiled and produced MlttsBT3000PE, MlttsBt3000RE
2011-06 Wrote a technical document about the addition of Unicode Japanese
2011-07 Modified Mltts Technical Document No. 3, added Taiwanese Unicode code table
2011-07 update Corpus
2011-07 Mlttsb added Unicode Japanese version changed to Mlttsb-u
2011-08 Modified Tone Sandhi Processor to process complex words
2011-09 Sorted out tonal symbols and tonal classification table
2011-09 Modified the speech synthesizer and Tone Sandhi Processor to process words that can not be adjusted according to the rules
2011-10 Modified the sample corpus for the Taiwan Romaji test
2012-01 Update Catchtext.bas utility program, applicable to ASCII and Unicode
2012-02 Modified Recognizer3 to use wavelet FFT processing
2012-02 Process pitch detection with Autocorrelation algorithm
2012-03 Taiwanese Tone Fundamental Frequency Characteristics Analysis List
2012-03 Test the absolute and relative pitch values of Taiwanese tones and analyze the differences
2012-04 Modified Introduction to Taiwanese Speech Notepad
2012-04 Design Language model for speech recongition
2012-04 Tested with Corpus and Taiwanese example sentences and calculated TV set repeat rate
2012-04 Record examples of how tones of Taiwanese can cause part-of-speech changes and semantic changes
2012-04 Update the Taiwanese language model
2012-04 Illustrate the relationship between BV and TV
2012-04 Modified Tone Sandhi Processor and added new rules
2012-04 Checked the "1927 English-Taiwan Conversation" Taiwan Romaji version
2012-04 Update Mltts Technical Document No. 3
2012-04 Record the tone sandhi of "Guan" and the discussion of similar words
2012-05 Re-recording of murmured or mispronounced words
2012-05 Designed and tested the program for adjusting Playback tempo
2012-05 Check and re-record some single-syllable recordings
2012-05 Update the language model construction method of Speech Recognition
2012-05 Update Taiwanese TTS language model construction program
2012-05 Modified Tone Sandhi Processor new rules
2012-05 Modify Mlttsp to make the mouse cursor return to the original stop after highlight
2012-05 Modified the voice output of telephone, numbers and numbers + words
2012-06 Update Corpus
2012-06 Modified speech synthesizer and Tone Sandhi Processor updated k rule
2012-06 Re-edited MlttsBT3010PE
2012-06 Wrote the first draft of natural language cognitive system
2012-07 Prime word database sorting completed
2012-07 Update example sentence database
2012-07 Update Taiwanese works
2012-07 Modified Tone Sandhi Processor to handle quantifier ambiguity and multiple semantics
2012-07 Modified speech synthesizer
2012-07 Check the prime word database and remove repeated words
2012-07 Added three-character words to the prime word database
2012-07 Reedited MlttsBT3010PE, MlttsBT3010PE
2012-07 Revised the Corpus to compare with the Taiwan-Japanese Dictionary and add Chinese to it
2012-07 Correction of errors in Tai-Japanese Dictionary
2012-07 Added word recording
2012-07 Re-edited production MlttsBT3020RE, MlttsBT3020PE
2012-07 Processed mltdic4, mltdic5 recording files in order
2012-08 Write the first draft of my native language (Taiwanese.tbn)
2012-08 Follow-up work list
2012-08 The Responsibility of Writing History-In Memory of Dr. Du Congming First Draft
2012-08 Compare the main thesaurus with the Tai-Japanese Dictionary
2012-08 Statistics and collation of Corpus file list
2012-08 Update recording procedures and methods
2012-08 Modified Mlttsp, Mlttsb-u variable names
2012-08 Verify that the number of newly added main thesaurus words does not affect execution efficiency
2012-08 Compile MlttsBT3030RE
2012-08 The main thesaurus version statistics list
2012-08 Integrate comp2p.vbp tool program for multi-function comparison, call by subprogram
2012-08 Set the priority order of words to be recorded in the future
2012-08 Main thesaurus supplementary note in English
2012-08 Compile MlttsBT3040RE
2012-08 Re-record some words
2012-08 *****Modify Mlttsp, MlttsB-U to allow unrecorded words in the dictionary to output speech by synthesis
2012-09 Modified Tone Sandhi Processor update rules
2012-09 Corpus Chinese and Chinese translation, check and supplement allmark
2012-09 Integrate Chinese words from Corpus files
2012-09 reedited MlttsBT3050PE, MlttBT3050RE
2012-09 modified Taiwanese.tbn
2012-10 Wrote the Mltts design summary draft P1~P18
2012-10 Corpus Chinese and Chinese translation, check and supplement allmark
2012-11 Sort out the improvement methods of Speech Recognition
2012-11 Solved the problem that Mlttsp and Mlttsb-u can not display Unicode
2012-11 Corpus Chinese and Chinese translation, check and supplement allmark
2012-11 Update Mouseover can display Taiwanese Unicode method synchronously
2012-11 *****Mouse right click adds Copy as Unicode function
2012-12 Corpus Chinese and Chinese translation, check and supplement allmark
2012-12 Re-edited MlttSBT3060RE
2012-12 Modified Mlttsp, Mlttsb-u Taiwanese Unicode archive method
2012-12 Modified Mlttsp, Mlttsb-u can also display Unicode in reverse
2012-12 Code plus variable annotations
2012-12 Re-edited MlttsBT3060RE, compiler list
2012-12 *****The test splits the Spell checking function from the voice output function
2012-12 test MlttsBT3060RE
2013-01 ***** Added Speech tempo function
2013-01 modified Mltmenu3e.htm
2013-01 Corpus Chinese and Chinese translation, check and supplement allmark
2013-01 Corpus added Chinese words with higher frequency ranking
2013-01 Corpus new word check
2013-02 Notes for recording single-syllable recording files
2013-02 Corpus Chinese and Chinese mutual translation supplementary notes
2013-02 Corpus new word check
2013-02 Corpus all mark supplementary note
2013-02 Compile and test MlttsBT3070RE
2013-03 Modify the external program interface, the SpeechOutput function is synchronized with the main program
2013-03 Reedited MlttsBT3070PE, MlttsBT3070RE
2013-03 Provided by Dr. Hongya Zhao and DC Taiwanese Language School Prof. Lai MlttsBT3070RE CD
2013-03 Provided by Professor Qingxiong Li from Chenggong University MlttsBT3070RE CD
2013-03 Update the word formation of Media language
2013-03 Corpus word check
2013-03 Corpus all mark supplementary note
2013-04 Delete the prime vocabulary words to less than 70,000 words
2013-04 Reedited MlttsBT3070RE
2013-04 Thesis 12th, 13th, 14th edition
2013-04 Corpus Word Check
2013-04 Corpus all mark supplementary note
2013-05 *****The silence of the beginning and the end of the recording file is 25ms each
2013-05 Modified Mlttsp, Mlttsb-u tone selector related code
2013-05 Modified the bug that caused the typing and listening function to fail due to Microsoft Unicode Chinese input
2013-05 Test the function of typing and listening
2013-05 Corpus Word Check
2013-05 Corpus all mark supplementary note
2013-05 Update Corpus
2013-05 Reorganized MlttsBT3080RE
2013-06 Backup Mltts related files to CDR
2013-06 Modified single syllable recording file
2013-06 Sort unrecorded words into alphabetical order
2013-06 New vocabulary source list
2013-06 Frequency of lines and vocabulary files in the comparison
2013-06 Update the voice files, make four voice files of large, medium, small and standard monosyllable
2013-06 Reorganized MlttsBT3080RE, MlttsBT3080PE
2013-06 Created LabNote Index
2013-06 Modified Mlttsp, Mlttsb-U instead of ReadRecord, use HarnParser instead
2013-06 Modified Mlttsp, Mlttsb-U instead of HarnParser, use Harn2mlt instead
2013-06 Reorganized MlttsBT3080PE, MlttsBT3080RE
2013-07 Modified Mlttsp to Sndmake to automatically compile audio files
2013-07 Test Sndmake automatic compilation function
2013-07 Explain the ASUS-2 hard drive directory list
2013-07 Record a new case of simplified Mltts compiler
2013-07 Modified the Index function of Mlttsb-u, Mlttsp to Chinese also can search, display
2013-07 Created LabNote Index 1998-07 ~ 2013-08
2013-08 Remake of MlttsBT3080PE, MlttsBT3080RE
2013-08 Airmail to Nihon University, Taiwan Researcher Shizue Tamura MlttsBT3080PE, MlttsBT3080RE CD
2013-08 Produced LabNote Index 1992-12 ~ 1998-08
2013-08 The Responsibility of History-In Memory of Dr. Du Congming published
2013-08 Make a summary of the research log and modify tycl.htm
2013-08 modified pworks.htm, index.htm
2013-08 Tony and David attended the 120th birthday commemorative lecture of Dr. Du Congming, Kaohsiung Medical University
2013-09 Modified Mlttsp, mlttsb-U SndSave to save Tempo relative voice files
2013-09 Reorganized and updated MlttsBT3080PE/RE
2013-09 Made the Mltts Dos version, which can convert Taiwanese Chinese, Chinese, and Taiwanese romaji or Hanluo text files into voice output files
2013-09 Modified MlttsDos to enable the distinction between ASCII and Unicode, POJ and Taiwanese Romaji
2013-09 test MlttsDos
2013-09 Revised the third edition of Cakrm.doc
2013-09 Wrote the first draft of Taiwanese tone symbol conversion program
2013-10 Wrote the first draft of the Taiwanese spelling check function design
2013-10 Created MLTTS Thesis.list
2013-10 Written First draft of displaying Unicode fonts in graphical mapping mode
2013-10 Modified Cakrm.doc module Sentence subprogram structure diagram
2013-10 revision-Taiwanese word formation applied to artificial intelligence
2013-10 Written-First Draft of Online Dictionary Display Design
2013-10 Written-Sentence parser design draft
2013-10 Written-Text Perceptron and Word Synchronous Display Design First Draft
2013-10 Written-First Draft of Binary Data Processor Design
2013-10 Written-First draft of Taiwanese speech synthesizer design
2013-10 modified TSP, 2 seconds faster on ASUS CP5141
2013-10 Update the main word database and prime word database
2013-10 Recording voice can not be correctly pronounced check program
2013-10 Modified the main thesaurus, and added homophones and heteromorphic media words
2013-10 Modified TSP, updated the main word database and the prime word database
2013-10 Modified the word search algorithm of the thesaurus, greatly improving the efficiency of translation, spelling check and voice output
2013-10 Modified TSP, updated the main word database and the prime word database
2013-10 Three-character soft voice recording
2013-10 Test the thesaurus search algorithm, the overall efficiency of speech output is 100 words per second
2013-10 Update-A Knowledge Representation Method to Separate Tone Groups from Taiwanese Sentences
2013-10 Modified Mlttsb-U, Mlttsp, Chinese box highlight position to restore and refresh text
2013-10 Written-The first draft of the design guidelines for the Taiwanese tone sandhi processor
2013-10 Corrected 120 words in the main and qualitative lexicons
2013-10 Compare thesaurus with Comp2p.vbp, update Allmark
2013-10 Compare and correct the medium term of the thesaurus
2013-10 Complete the thesaurus media language comparison and correction, save main20131022.dic, MP20131022.dic
2013-10 Compile MlttsBT3100RE Part of the words can not be pronounced, check the related programs for correctness, and judge that the format of the main lexicon is disordered, causing the system to fail to access the data correctly
2013-10 Reedited MlttsBT3100RE, failed, use reorder.vbp to check whether English words in the main thesaurus are mixed with Chinese and correct 37 words
2013-10 Reedited MlttsBT3100RE, OK
2013-10 test MlttsBT3100RE
2013-10 The new version of SpellCheck can not be displayed normally, use the new version of the vocabulary word search algorithm instead
2013-10 Use Comp2p.vbp to re-compare the medium language of the thesaurus
2013-10 Re-edited MlttsBT3100PE, OK
2013-10 Modified Mlttsp, MlttsB-U uses API to execute external programs
2013-10 Reorganized and tested MlttsBT3100PE/RE
2013-10 update MlttsDos Version No. 2
2013-10 Burn MlttsBT3100PE/RE
2013-11 Modified Mlttsp, Mlttsb Chinese->Luo translation, MRtranslation changed to use new search algorithm
2013-11 Update prime word database
2013-11 Reorganized and tested MlttsBT3100PE/RE
2013-11 A2 and the preceding word must have sandhi, the a2 syllable can not be extracted from the polysyllabic word, need to be re-recorded
2013-11 Modified mltmenu3.htm, mltmenu3e.htm and three discussions related to tone sandhi and tone groups in Taiwanese
1. Taiwanese is a bi-tonal language system, and each word has two forms (phase): the original tone and the sandhi
2. If and only if there is only the last word in a string of words, the set of words is called a tone group, and the sentence in Taiwanese is a set of tone group (A set of tone group)
3. The tone sandhi of Taiwanese is not only simple in rules at the word level, but also universal. Rules can also be used to process the tone sandhi at the sentence level to clearly define the tone group
2013-11 Modified mltmenu3.htm, mltmenu3e.htm added an example of distinguishing semantics by tone and determining the tone of the preceding quantitative words by contextual semantics
2013-11 update jj2tl-1311.cha online
2013-11 Modify mlttsp WordInput.tl2mlt to use 2013-09 version, update mtp1311a.zip
2013-11 Remove the old version of mlttsp mtp1311a.zip and save it as mtp1312a.zip
2013-11 Update-A Knowledge Representation Method to Separate Tone Groups from Taiwanese Sentences
2013-11 Burned MlttsBT3100RE CD x 7, MlttsBT3100PE x 2
2013-12 Modify mlttsp WordInput.tl2mlt to use 2013-09 version, update mtp1311a.zip
Remove the old version of mlttsp mtp1311a.zip and save it as mtp1312a.zip
2013-12 Install Android 4.0, Eclipse, SDK
2013-12 update mltmenu3.htm
2013-12 Rewrite "Lady Chatterley's Lover" Chapter 1 Preface into Taiwanese version
2013-12 update mltmenu3e.htm
2013-12 Update thesaurus
2013-12 Modified mlttsb-U Data Import and changed the target language thesaurus to embedded (unfinished)
2013-12 @ Write homepage for users to enter data and archive the uploaded homepage
2014-01 Wrote the updated draft of 3D dynamic data structure design
2014-01 Update the design guidelines of the Taiwanese tone sandhi processor
2014-01 Rewrite "Lady Chatterley's Lover" Taiwanese version Chapter 2 Mrs. Chatterley
2014-01 test 1-Sandhi.tbn
2014-01 test 2-Sandhi.tbn
2014-01 Update thesaurus
2014-01 Statistics Mlttsp.vbp (14028+1092-1980-975=13165) line
2014-01 Statistics Mlttsb.vbp (8898+612-1759=7751) line
2014-01 Update Mlt technical file 3.doc
2014-02 Raise Mlttsp
2014-02 Rewrite the third chapter of the Taiwanese version of "Lady Chatterley's Lover"
2014-02 Modified mltmenu3.htm, mltmenu3e.htm Taiwanese tone sandhi and tone group
Added word inserting example
2014-02 Modified Tone group corpus data structure
2014-02 Sort out Taiwanese soft sounds and words
2014-02 Update thesaurus
2014-03 Rewrite the third chapter of the Taiwanese version of "Lady Chatterley's Lover"
2014-03 Modify the thesaurus light tones to 0, a total of 43, placed after the standard single syllable of the prime lexicon, and the main lexicon at 17262
2014-03 Modify Mlttsp, Mlttsb-U sentence.cpstro2mlt I to 60000
2014-03 Sentence.Addone changed If Val(trotxt) <> 0 Or Right(trotxt, 1) = "0" Then GoTo 100
2014-03 Reorganized and tested mlttsp MlttsBT3100RE OK
Modified Mlttsp, Mlttsb-U Tai Luo transfer media subroutine to I = 1 TO MR
Reprogram and test mlttsp MlttsBT3100RE OK
2014-03 Rewrite the fourth chapter of the Taiwanese version of "Lady Chatterley's Lover"
2014-03 If mrprime.dic has been updated and still can not be pronounced correctly, it may be caused by incorrect tone sandhi of MLT in the main dictionary or incorrect recording file
2014-03 Added Tone sandhi processor test corpus, added 3-sandhi.tbn
2014-03 Rewrite the fifth chapter of the Taiwanese version of "Lady Chatterley's Lover"
2014-03 Tested the pronunciation of the Taiwanese version of "Lady Chatterley's Lover", updated the main and qualitative lexicons
2014-03 Compile MlttsBT3200RE
2014-04 Rewrite the sixth chapter of the Taiwanese version of "Lady Chatterley's Lover"
2014-04 Test mlttsp, mlttsb MlttsBT3200RE OK
2014-04 Update the Mltts compiler and save it in F:\mltts
2014-04 Rewrite "Lady Chatterley's Lover" Taiwanese version Chapter 7
2014-04 DavidTSP.vbp coding and testing
Use line Input to read in text, when merging, add CrLf after each column
2014-04 Rewrite "Lady Chatterley's Lover" Taiwanese version Chapter 8
2014-04 Amended Mlttsp, MlttsB-U index function, when "Found no data" appears, the display must match the original keyin word
2014-04 Fixed the bug of Chinese index error caused by Mlttsp and mlttsB-U. The reason is that monosyllabic Chinese/Chinese characters are not corresponding in the prime word database.
If it is a blank word, there will be a comparison error. The single syllable must be changed back to directly compare with the keyin word.
2014-04 Modified word frequency calculation program
2014-04 Category and archive of 2012, 2013, 2014 Linguistics related documents
2014-04 Design of Data mining (Pindex.vbp) program
2014-04 Test LCL-English with Dwordfreq.vbp, Text parser takes 100 minutes
2014-04 Test LCL-English with Dwordfreq.vbp, the line parser takes 2 minutes
2014-04 updated thesaurus, re-edited and tested MlttsBT3200RE
2014-04 modified Dwordfreq.vbp, Pindex.app sorting changed to TriQuickSort routine
2014-04 Modify DavidTSP.vbp to add ASCII screen function to filter Unicode
2014-04 Tested DavidTSP.vbp to convert Rdisk-8G TRO file
2014-05 Modified mlttsp, mlttsB-U webplay to add incompatible Unicode to Unicode to ASCII
2014-05 Convert Unicode pdf file to ASCII text file (15 h)
2014-05 Modified test Dtgf.vbp, Dwordfreq.vbp, Pindex.vbp can be applied to large files (7h)
Convert Rdisk-8g TRO file to get 158868 TG
56394 after counting the frequency
2014-05 Modified Dtgf.vbp sorting function (7h)
2014-05 Test Dtgf.vbp to make TG corpus (7h)
2014-05 Test Dtgf.vbp, Dwordfreq.vbp, Pindex.vbp to use Multi-dimension sorting (6h)
2014-05 Modified the bug that the tool program addtv.vbp lightTone does not display the light tone value (5h)
2014-05 Designed TGFto5D.vbp and merged TGF-allTG.dic, SSC-allTG.dic into three columns plus two columns of adjustment values
Can be used in Excel
2014-05 alltg-S.dic filter illegal TG, test, debug, draw file process, add annotations (32h)
2014-05 completed Dtgf.vbp (6h)
2014-05 Test Dtgf.vbp
2014-05 Write A simulation for Taiwanese tone sandhi acquisition experiment plan
The influence of computer simulation assessment rules and vocabulary memory on the acquisition of tone sandhi in Taiwanese
2014-05 bug report: mlttsP, mlttsb-U SpellCheck and then do voice output, resulting in some confusion
And some click words have no voice output
Solution: Modify mnuPopSpellCheck, mergeWav, SmergeWav, Sylmerge, TSGparse.
WordInput new variable sstone
Sylmerge's ChkTSGDA = 1'Common variables will cause MakeWavTxt errors
Before Call Sylmerge in mergeWav, set sstone = STone to keep the key value of compound words.
It will not be confused with the stone of sylmerge, causing the compound word voice output to be confused
Modify TSP and add a new metarule
2014-05 Revised the paper Taiwanese speech synthesizer design
2014-05 Wrote the first draft of Taiwanese speech engine design
The syntax tree is helpful for machine translation, but it needs to improve Taiwanese tone (allomorph selection)
The correct rate may be quite limited. There is often a gap between the results of the computers operation expected by the human brain. If the computers structure and operation method,
Without major breakthroughs, AI research will be limited to computer simulation of the human brain.
2014-05 Modified dtgf.vbp to medium language version and renamed to STTS.vbp
2014-05 Test and modify STTS.vbp
2014-06 Modified STTS and added SMLT2TRO to save STTS1406a.zip
2014-06 mrprime.dic The medium word TG and the pre-word part of TG must be changed to a compound word form, otherwise it can not be reverted to TRO
2014-06 Test STTS and annotate
2014-06 Modified mlttsDOS, compiled the third edition
2014-06 Re-review Scientific American articles in "Language, Writing, and the Computer"
2014-06 Reorganized MlttsBT3200RE
2014-06 Regardless of whether there is recording or not, the medium language of the prime word library is all in this tone
2014-06 Modified and upgraded thesaurus, the old version is saved main-1404, mrp1405
The method to resolve the tonal difference of homonymous words (see sandhi.tbn example)
Prime vocabulary items are not as many as possible. Rules, interactions between POS and homonyms should be considered
2014-06 Modified 300 words in prime vocabulary (5h)
It is not that the TSP can make correct speech output when it is set correctly, and whether the speech synthesizer can synthesize correctly is also the key.
pdic2dat.vbp has misplaced files, reply from mltts mltvbp.zip
2014-06 Modified Thesis\david-mltts related files
Update synthesizer.doc, SEngine.doc, InSynOut.doc, SpeechPlayer.doc, ExtProg.doc
2014-06 Compile MlttsBT3300RE
2014-06 Compose the first draft of 3D dynamic data manager design
2014-06 Modified mlttsp TSP and added meta-rule to handle multi-pos cases
2014-06 Modify stts.vbp to restore medium language to TRO for display
2014-06 modified primenc.vbp to handle prime.enc and stts.enc separately
Modify stts.vbp to set the tone of all words
2014-06 Modified prime word database, old file mrp1406.dic (4h)
2014-06 Modified the prime word database and changed the medium language to the original tone (5h)
Modify Comp2p.vbp
Re-statistics of Tmark distribution
2014-06 Handle the problem of confusion caused by medium language
Dealing with the bug in the skip rule of ending particles
Compile mlttsBT3400RE
2014-06 Modified the TSP ending particle rule (meta rule)
2014-07 corpus should exclude e5 khuan2 and similar words unless necessary, so as not to affect the k rule
2014-07 update corpus allmark
2014-07 Modified stts.vbp output tuning result to use allmark to interpret
Delete the old file before updating the file, so as not to overwrite the large file with small files
2014-07 revised prime corpus "e5" related word order
2014-07 Produced SttsNet related htm files
2014-07 Modified stts-local.htm, added word count control, modified sttsnet.vbp crlf to be able to wrap
2014-07 Statistics Telecom File 7.5+-0.5 bytes/words
2014-07 Modified eakem fifth edition Chapter 1 & 2
2014-08 Revised the sixth edition of eakem
2014-08 Test stts-local.htm added double action is invalid
2014-08 Modified sttsnet and added userinput to save files
2014-08 Modified the example sentence comparison method of mlttsb-U, mlttsp, wordInput sub ReadDefinexp
2014-08 Modified sttsnet, stts primenc.vbp and removed stts.enc
Update mrprime.dic 20001-21500 verb
2014-08 Modified mlttsb-U, mlttsp, wordInput sub Form_load Example restoration
Compile MlttsBT3400PE
2014-09 update mrprime.dic 21511-22000 verb
Burn MlttsBT3400PE
2014-09 update mrprime.dic 18000-20000 verb
2014-09 update mrprime.dic 16500-18000 verb
2014-09 update mrprime.dic 50001-52530 verb
2014-09 update mrprime.dic 52531-55653 verb
2014-09 Use mltprog\comp2p.vbp to re-compare the two-character and three-character words in the Taiwan-Japanese Dictionary and save as F:\mltts\david\mlttsbt3400
2014-09 updated design criteria of Taiwanese speech recognition
Modify Procedure No. 4
2014-10 Update design criteria of Taiwanese speech recognition
Modify Procedure No. 4
2014-10 Update TSR language Model
2014-10 Wrote the Design Specification for Speech Recognition Corpus
2014-10 Convert Taiwanese Romanian sentences to TRO ASCII format and save TRO articles-1a.tbn
Update stts.dic and stts.enc
2014-10 Modify STTS.vbp to call addone in parse to add 1, 4 to oldstrParsed()
sub addone() uses 30 syllables instead, alltg.dic is all lowercase
Solve the bug that the number of SRcorpus TV does not match
2014-10 Use addone.vbp to add 1, 4 to alltg.dic and save as alltg-1.dic (2832KB)
2014-10 conversion tro 248KB->16636 alltg-2.dic 265KB 3hr
2014-10 modified stts.vbp outfile <= 10240 to display
Convert tro 373KB->25096 alltg-3.dic 401KB 4:17hr
2014-10 conversion tro 274KB->18297 alltg-3.dic 295KB 2:32hr
2014-10 Process TRO corpus, remove single syllable -> 1410SRCorpus.dic (203481)
2014-11 Make 1410SRCorpus.dic prime vocabulary and compare mrprime.dic to get nprime1410.dic (46587)
2014-11 Modified comp2p.vbp prime_tro to handle parallel corpora
Added addLineNo.vbp to add line to the serial number column
The text file after adding the serial number column can sort two columns at the same time and remove duplicate rows
Sort the serial number again to restore the original sort
2014-11 Designed CorpusAna.vbp to directly convert the parallel corpus into a bilingual lexicon
Execution result: some unicode and big-5 codes must be modified
2014-11 to send Mr. Zheng Yongkang MlttsBT3400PE, MlttsBT3400RE
2014-11 Mlttsb-U.vbp restarted the Taiwan-Chinese translation function
2014-12 Reedited MlttsBT3400PE, MlttsBT3400RE
2014-12 Free Mr. Xu Huangcheng, Victoria MlttsBT3400RE
2014-12 Modified the CorpusAna.vbp test parallel corpus, adding corpus1 and corpus2 about 60,000 bilingual words
2014-12 Convert new words to mrprime.dic format
2015-01 Revised the two-character and three-character words of Taiwan and Japan
2015-01 Modified Model/Trainer3 operating procedures
2015-01 Update TG corpus (new parallel corpus)
2015-01 update mrprime.dic (add u3-lu5, two-character and three-character words for Taiwan and Japan), main.dic (ham7->ham5)
2015-02 Compile MlttsBT3500RE
2015-02 Modified Recognizer3 design program (Language model and single syllable recognition probability algorithm of similarity)
2015-02 Binary data processor design (Import.doc about 3D dynamic data processing program) Second draft
2015-02 The second draft of 3D dynamic data manager design (abcdb.doc)
2015-02 Create MLTTSB subroutine and function list according to frame and module classification
2015-02 Send Yiling Tsai MlttsBT3400PE
2015-02 Modified MlttsP, MlttsB-U PJRpt1 Backcolor to green (&H8000000F&)
Reprogram MlttsBT3400RE
2015-03 Use comp2p.vbp to cross compare Taiwan's Japanese corpus and news corpus
2015-03 Correction and Marking Taiwan Day-News 1800 tokens
2015-04 Calibration and marking Taiwan Day-News 1500 tokens
2015-04 Sort out the relationship between Taiwanese Tone and POS
2015-04 Revision of the corpus word mark rules
2015-04 Modified MlttsB, MlttsP prime word database search and comparison algorithm
2015-04 Update prime word database
2015-04 Update stts.vbp and sttsnet.vbp (TSP and prime word database search algorithm)
2015-04 Completion of calibration and marking of Taiwan Day-News corpus
2015-04 Modified MlttsB, MlttsP, stts TSP, reorganized mlttsBT3400RE
2015-05 Revised the rules for quantifiers, adverbs and conjunctions of MlttsB, MlttsP TSP
2015-05 Update EAKRM.doc Version 11
2015-06 Modified EPSort.vbp and added syllable number sorting
2015-06 Update EAKRM.doc Version 12
2015-06 Compose explanations on the construction of prime vocabulary and main vocabulary
2015-06 Change the input & output folder of commonly used tools to app.path
2015-06 Record the steps to modify from TSP to Chinese Speech Notepad (Lab note vol.7)
2015-06 Proofreading mkprime.dic
2015-06 Update prime word database, organize AHONG hard drive
2015-06 Update the Taiwanese speech recognition model to multi-model
2015-06 Modified addtv.vbp design mktvdir.vbp
2015-06 Modified addtv.vbp and added tv-tro file for mktvdir.vbp
2015-06 Modify mktvdir.vbp (8hrs) to cut tv-tro file and make mkdir-**.bat rec-tv**.bat
2015-06 Recorded ModelB model making program (vol 7, p.103)
2015-06 Modified AddTV.vbp
2015-06 Modified ModelB voice model production program
2015-06 Record how to deal with words with significantly related voice features
2015-06 Start ModelB(60000) training and recognition
2015-06 Modified SRtrainer4.vbp, Recognizer4 to detect ModelName, Model_num, syllable()
2015-07 Record the method of separating the empty directory from the A folder
2015-07 Record the method of converting MLT folder to TRO folder
Complete and test SRtrainer.vbp, Recognizer4
Record ModelB training and recognition precautions
Convert Model syl780 to MCHK & NMCHK
2015-07 Re-recorded M44 lv2000, lv1000
SRtrainer can remove illegal wav
2015-07 Speech Recognition result evaluation
Record evaluation procedure and feedback method
2015-07 Reorganized ModelB language model design and multi-acoustic model production program
2015-07 Established the processing principle of Words of significant correlation
2015-07 Modified Recognizer4 and added ModelName to ErrFile
2015-07 Modified SRtrainer4.vbp, Recognizer4.vbp to select Model folder
2015-07 Combine M44-S and M44-L together
2015-07 Syl560_2007 (MLT) merged into MNChk model (TRO 12050 files), record the merge method
2015-07 Test the impact of Threshold and pre-emphasis on recognition rate
2015-07 M44 did Threshold (150, 250) cross-test on Trainer and Recognizer, T150&R250 had the best recognition rate (98.98)
Do the MChk cross test in the same way, no significant difference
MChk Test No.1, No2
2015-07 Modified Recognizer4 to add AutoSR Rec-*.bat to generate files
p,t,k also have 8->3 examples, such as bak3, tshak3, iat3
MChk Test No.3, No4
Modify Recognizer4 ErrFile judgment conditions
2015-07 MChk Test No.5, No6, No7
2015-07 MChk Test No.8, No9, No10
2015-07 MChk Test No.11 (98.435) (3 significant correlation)
MChk Test No.12 (99.272) (Add new file from syl48_2007)
2015-07 MChk Test No.13 (99.765)
Record Testing report
2015-07 Written SR Application Program Design Procedure
2015-07 Modified SRtrainer4, added save as MMean.bin and syllable() for SRApp to access
ByteToString for ASCII, BytesToSTR for Unicode usage see mlttsP.vbp
2015-07 ModelName is obtained by Tone detection subprogram TVdetect variable ("M" & TVDetect)
Syllable() read from Mmean.bin
Modify SRApp.vbp Model_num to MMean.bin filesize/(36+1120)
2015-07 How to display the actual Tv value of tro
How to convert the actual transfer to the main tone in SR, #is a difficult problem
2015-07 The classification method of the model will affect the recognition rate, which is the key to designing the speech model
2015-07 Modified SRApp.vbp to test Umittg and HUM functions
How Pdection cuts and recognizes tone still needs improvement
2015-06~2015-07 Speech Recognition ModelB summary
2015-07 Merged MCHK and MNCHK and tested
ASUS-2 can not be repaired
2015-08 Modified Trainer4 wav file clearing conditions
Reprogram MlttsBT3500PE/RE
Use A-Hong instead of ASUS-2
2015-08 Model priority ordering is 1. TG lexicon 2. Commonly used word lexicon 3. Other language lexicon 4. Monosyllabic lexicon
The thesaurus needs to be sorted by the number of syllables
2015-08 Tested the large installation method of incorporating mltdic.snd into the cab file, which took a long time and the effect was not good
Use copy to process mltdic.snd when you use it for the first time instead
2015-08 Added ewait.wav for mltdic.snd copy
Burn TSN3500PE/RE
2015-08 Backup F and part H at 120G, 750G
2015-09 Install ASUS-2 cd driver in A-Hong
Reorganize the File1 and file2 directories
2015-08 revised eakrm.doc Chapter 3
2015-08 Newly created y2m-poj.vbp (pos.dic->Y-mr-tro.dic,Y-main-tro.dic), N2nn.vbp(N->nn)
Modify tro2mlt.vbp plus error file archive conditions
2015-08 Convert Y-mrp1.dic
2015-08 Modify epsort.vbp slash.vbp can apply multiple "/"
2015-08 List the unorganized corpus list
2015-08 Produced Y-mrprime-pos.dic
2015-08 Compare MOE-Han Luo.dic and mrprime.dic
Record conversion *.can method
2015-08 Added ME-AddP.dic to mrprime.dic
Reprogram TSN3500PE/RE
2015-08 Organize the corpus
Modify Eakrm.doc Conclusion
2015-08 modified mrprime.dic
2015-08 Examples of handling nouns and quantifiers
Modify TSP
2015-08 Record the classification of attributes
2015-08 Update TSP design criteria
2015-09 update 3-sandhi.dic
Update mlttsp.vbp/mlttsb-U.vbp TSP annotation
2015-09 Record the method of using stts.vbp to make Taiwanese syntactic Parser
2015-09 The characteristics of quantifiers
2015-09 modified TSP
Modify mlttsp.vbp/mlttsb-U.vbp PlayTsentence (1 to primeitem2)
2015-09 Record the updated design of the prime word database search algorithm
2015-09 updated TSP rules for personal words and localizers
2015-09 Supplementary TSP design criteria
2015-09 Record about the grammatical analysis of Taiwanese
2015-09 update mrprime.dic reorder
2015-09 Modify the prime word database search algorithm, all two-syllable words can be translated into Chinese
Reprogram and test TSN3500PE/RE
Replenish TSP design criteria
Re-record ewait.wav
2015-09 Burning Program2015 and corpus
2015-09 test sentence text plus 1, 4, can not improve the comparison efficiency
2015-09 Update mrprime.dic to re-verify 3-sandhi.dic, wminj.tbn
2015-09 Replace ASUS-2 HD -> Ahong
2015-09 Use stts.vbp/weinj.tbn to test the correct rate of tone modification
Compare 10 test files General rule, MRP, Normal modulation accuracy rate
2015-09 Tested 10 files of mrp/non-mrp, and analyzed the difference
2015-09 Update TG tone label specification
2015-09 updated MRP design criteria
Modify stts.vbp
2015-09 *****Modify and add stts.vbp, add fault tolerance mechanism
Test 10 files
2015-09 print stts.vbp
2015-09 modified TSP
2015-09 Modified stts.vbp to handle single words
Design sttsa.vbp simulate sttsnet.vbp
2015-09 modified stts.vbp file6, file7 to be processed separately
Modify the word count method of sttsa.vbp
2015-09 TSP and MRP interface description
Modify the main screen of sttsa.vbp
Establish and apply stts.vbp to simulate the difference analysis of TG Parser
2015-09 update TSP
2015-09 Mlttsp.vbp added TG Parser function
Update TSP to handle multi-POS terms
2015-09 Update TSP, use complementary rules for monosyllabic multi-POS words
2015-09 updated TSP design criteria
2015-10 Modified TSP quantifier rules, N+N rule
Main.doc must list the MLT tone sandhi to avoid misinterpretation caused by homophones
2015-10 Blue words need to deal with the adjective part
Test the relationship between quantifiers, k, and nouns
2015-10 Modified stts.vbp, sttsa.vbp added digital conversion subroutine
2015-10 Use r for personal words
TSP adds blue word adj recognition rules
2015-10 TSP punctuation must exclude quotation marks, because quotation marks must be inferred
Re-discussion on the relationship between TSP and MRP
Illustrate the method of separating homophones in MRP
2015-10 Explore the 3D neural network structure from the relationship between quantifiers and nouns
Re-plan the relationship between quantifiers, k, and nouns in TSP
2015-10 Check single syllable allmark
2015-10 Modified stts.vbp Modified General Rule adjustment accuracy comparison
Analysis of the Correct Rate of Pitch Change
In the 2015-10 book, when the tone sandhi represents different words, how to deal with mrprime.dic and main.dic
Organize MRP allmark sample
2015-10 modified mrp-samp2.dic
Update TSP design criteria
2015-10 Major revision mrprime.dic, main.dic
2015-10 Wrote the first draft of How to convert language expertise to knowledge base
2015-10 Review the allmark of v+n compound words and multi-POS words
2015-10 Modified TSP
2015-10 Added XP type POS
Organize the allmark table
2015-10 mrprime.dic reorder
2015-10 Modified comp2p.vbp and added prime_tag to allmark
2015-10 The purpose of the research is to reveal the interface(relationship)
between Taiwanese tone and syntax through the implementtation of
a tone group parser.
2015-10 In principle, mono=pos is defined by POS, and multi-pos is defined by Xp-POS(w,b,t,o)
2015-11 Make stts.kb upload, update archuve
2015-11 Update mrp-samp2.dic to mrp-samp3.dic
2015-11 eakrm-17.doc finished
2015-11 Added Taiwanese word formation to mrp-samp3.dic
2015-11 Re-corrected mrp-samp3.dic and updated it to david01.dic
2015-11 Modified sttsa.vbp to sttsb.vbp + kblib.dll
2015-11 Compare sttsa.vbp and sttsb.vbp TSP execution process
tro2mlt can not be converted correctly
2015-11 sttsb.vbp + kblib.dll debug procedure
Test the difference between byVal and byRef
In principle, use ByVal for general variables and ByRef for arrays.
But ByVal needs to save Public variable separately in knlib.vbp
To return to sttsb.vbp
2015-11 produced tl1511-jj2.cha uploaded tonylab@lycos.com, vikontony@yahoo.com
2015-11 Modified sttsb.vbp, kblib.vbp
2015-11 Update TG classification
Compile and make TSN3600RE
2015-11 Debug and find out the cause of csentence speech interruption (read only oneword)
2015-11 Amended mlttsp.vbp, mlttsb-U.vbp added double protection mechanism
Record the procedures for modifying TSN3500PE/RE
2015-11 January to December
Modify mlttsp.vbp, mlttsb-U.vbp lcase processing method
2015-11 Tested mlttsp.vbp words without 1,4 search efficiency can be improved, but the overall execution efficiency drops
Reduce the replace efficiency and no significant improvement
Mlttsb.vbp tested in AHong wminj.tbn 12 seconds is currently the best program
2015-11 update 32G, 750G
2015-11 update labnote-asc3.dic
2015-12 Modified Amark.dic
Record the definitions and differences of ax, bx, tx, ox
2015-12 Modified Amark.dic
2015-12 Install Standard DLL vbp to vb6
2015-12 Modified kblib.vbp primeItem2,3,4 to long
2015-12 test sttsb.vbp upload
2015-12 About Multi-POS tagging method
Handling of ambiguity caused by original tone sandhi and actual function words
Evaluate Alberta Univ TSM corpus
2015-12 Preliminary analysis of TG corpus and xp Parser
Modify sttsa.vbp to remove crlf (2) and save the variable as archive
Keep crlf when displaying results
2015-12 Make 10 Test files TG and allTG with stts.vbp
Syntax analysis of TG
2015-12 Backup ASUS-1 system -> AHong C:
2015-12 Burn TSN3600RE x 3 (send Huang Hongping x 1)
Burn TwnPS002E x 4 (Send Professor Cheng Da Sun x 1)
2015-12 Review Taiwanese vocabulary and grammar
2015-12 Record resource files about TG Parse
Use stts.vbp to do inside test and outside test
2015-12 Modify sentence.makeparse, sentence.parse to For...Next
TG -> TG preamble example
2015-12 Record sttsb.vbp installation precautions
*****Make sttsb.vbp installer upload tgp.zip
2015-12 Test stts.kb and kblib.dll to install system path (failed)
2015-12 Modified mrprime.dic (Wind slightly)
2015-12 Make and burn TSN3600PE
2015-12 Modified JYS913 Tid8.gif
2015-12 Burn TSN3600RE x 4
Burn TwnPS002E x 4
Update LabNote
2015-12 Make mlttsb-api.vbp and save mtb1512a-api.zip
2015-12 Organize VBCode, VBtest
2015-12 Hardware maintenance
2015-12 Organize VBCode
2016-01 backup bookmark
2016-01 Check PSC VBCode
2016-01 OCR and Graphic recognition study
2016-01 HMM/time-frequency array
2016-01 Modified trainer for tone record and test new procedure
The test result does not significantly improve the recognition rate
2016-01 Update Chinese Speech Notepad (csn, csnp, csnb_u)
2016-01 updated crprime.dic, csn-main.dic
Modify csnp primeitem settings, mergewav, sylmerge
2016-01 Modified csnp parse and remade primesyl.dic
2016-01 Update spellcheck, test OK.
Modify csn title
2016-01 Modify csnb_U.vbp MergeWav, complete the initial conversion
2016-01 test csnp three-tone modulation
2016-01 Processing number/Chinese tones conversion
2016-01 Update HD750G
2016-01 Update and test single syllable speech
2016-01 Check the tone sandhi and broken phonetic words, and mark the monosyllabic words
2016-01 Modified csnb_u.vbp SpellCheck, SmergeWav, Sylmerge
2016-01 Modified Ucomp.vbp->c_Ucomp.vbp
2016-02 Modified csnb_u.vbp MakeTxtWav, Showtext
2016-02 Modified Mlttsp.vbp, mlttsb_u.vbp, csnp.vbp, csnb_u.vbp ReadDefinexp
Reprogram mltts3600PE/RE
2016-02 Convert Unicode Chinese to Big5 Chinese
2016-02 Completed the new version of crprime.dic, csn-main.dic, re-edited csndic.snd
2016-02 Test Chinese voice output
2016-02 Modified crprime.dic (soft sound, broken sound character)
2016-02 Test Chinese voice output
2016-02 Update crprime.dic, csn-main.dic
2016-02 Supplementary recording of 100 Chinese monosyllables
2016-02 Tested Chinese Speech NotePad
Fix crprime.dic broken sound characters
The soft part is subject to Taiwanese Chinese idioms
2016-02 Update program/data shared tla.cha, tlb.cha
2016-03 update mrprime.dic allmark 45000~45202
2016-03 Discussion on Chinese grammar
2016-03 update mrprime.dic allmark 53000~54000
2016-03 update mrprime.dic allmark 52000~53000
2016-03 update mrprime.dic allmark 50000~52000
2016-03 update mrprime.dic allmark 25000~26000
Tone group parser can be regarded as the predecessor of XP parser
2016-03 Explore the differences between the essence of Taiwanese and English
2016-03 update mrprime.dic allmark 26000~36600
2016-03 Redefine verb related symbols
2016-03 Compare the language models of Taiwanese speech recognition and English speech recognition
Word Classification of Taiwanese
2016-03 Why a language model is needed
2016-03 Record the method of converting the TRO tuning file to the actual tuning file
2016-03 Process for recording soft-voiced words
2016-03 sttsa add notes, modify the processing program of soft words
2016-04 update mrprime.dic allmark 36601~61472
2016-04 update mrprime.dic allmark 16530~30001
2016-04 Revised the definition of symbol related to verbs
2016-04 Modified TSP sentence beginning rules
From the function word's tone sandhi rule as 4<->8, determine the original tone of the function word "to3" as "to7"
2016-04 Written A symbol system for converting Taiwanese linguistic heuristics into
knowledge base joined amark02.dic
Revise TSP's rules on verbs
Reprogram TSN3600RE
2016-04 modified amark02.dic
2016-04 Add sstone=stone to Sub TSGDA() to correctly handle compound word sandhi
K-rule priority needs to be reviewed
2016-04 Revised TSP's multiple-POS rules
2016-04 Reedited TSN3610RE
2016-04 modified Amark03.dic
2016-05 Update Archive added part of eakrm18.doc
2016-05 Modified Amark03.dic, eakrm18b.doc
2016-05 backup seagate4.3G
2016-05 Produced F:\Techtran technical transfer catalog and related files
2016-05 reorganized TSN3620RE
2016-05 Modified mrprime.dic, main.dic, TSP
2016-05 Revised and tested TSP auxiliary verb rules
2016-05 Reorganized TSN3630RE
2016-05 Added linking verb rule
Modify amark03.doc
2016-06 Reorganized TSN3700RE
2016-06 Put the newly added or modified wav in mtdic6
2016-06 Modified the mergewav blue word allmark processing method
2016-06 Modified the localization rules, T rules, X rules
Modify amark03.doc
2016-06 Reorganized TSN3700RE
2016-06 Modified multiple-POS rules
2016-06 Discussion on the word formation of Taiwanese
Test sandhi-3.tbn, sandhi-4.tbn
2016-06 test sandhi-5.tbn
2016-06 Modified TSP
Reprogram TSN3700RE
2016-06 Modified Boolean varification
2016-06 ***speech is silent, due to inconsistent tmark type
2016-06 Tainan-T.tbn first draft and Chinese translation completed
Solve the bug that the file header of mlttsb_U.vbp utf file is not added
2016-06 Check mtp1212a.zip has been modified, mlttsb_U.vbp has not been updated
2016-06 Added post-Ti rules
Modify Tainan-T.tbn to complete Tainan.htm
2016-06 Explore the relationship between MRP and TSP
Update MRP & TSP criteria
2016-06 Writing language knowledge conversion Chinese and English version, add mltmenu3.htm
2016-06 ASUS-1 infected with Decrypt virus, reset HD
2016-07 Modify sttsb.vbp and store kbli.vbp in another subdirectory
2016-07 revised amark.doc, eakrm18.doc, eakrm18b.doc
2016-07 Modified TSP auxiliary verb rules priority
2016-07 Written a simulation of human thinking (excerpt from Isaac Slobin p.176)
2016-07 Modified the rules after mlttsp TSP ti
Modify mergewav to solve the bug that numbers + words display blue characters
Modify Smergewav to solve the bug that the scarlet letter can not be displayed correctly
Reprogram TSN3700RE
2016-07 Modified mlttsp TSP multiple-POS rules
Modify mrprime.dic, amark03.doc
2016-07 modified wminj.htm upload
2016-07 Modified eakrm18c.doc
2016-07 Modified eakrm18d.doc
2016-07 Modified TGP-3.dia-> TGP-3a.dia
2016-07 Modified eakrm18e.doc
2016-07 Translated eakrm18e.doc into Chinese
2016-07 Modified eakrm18e.doc -> eakrm19Se.doc, eakrm19Sc.doc
2016-07 review eakrm19Se.doc, eakrm19Sc.doc
2016-07 re-edited sttsb.vbp
Termites invaded the laboratory
2016-07 Supplement sttsb.vbp
2016-07 Experiment log and code printing box
2016-08 The laboratory was invaded by termites for the second time
2016-08 Modification of TSP must pay attention to the conditions in ELSE IF
Modify eakrm19Se.doc, eakrm19Sc.doc
2016-08 Modify TSP, test Mlttsp
2016-08 allmark added symbol
2016-08 Taiwanese compound words need to be redefined
2016-08 Modify TSP, test Mlttsp
2016-08 modified amark03.doc
2016-08 Revised eakrm20Se.doc, eakrm20Sc.doc
2016-08 New purchase of equipment and installation of ASUS-3 Pro
Modify amark03.doc
2016-08 Modified the rules after TSP ti
Mlttsp restores red, blue archive function
Test inside test file, about 500 blue word
Reprogram TSN3700RE
2016-08 Modified and tested sttsb.vbp, kblib.vbp, stts.kb
Reprogram sttsb1608a
2016-08 Organize laboratory logs
Modify eakrm21Se.doc, eakrm21Sc.doc
2016-08 Modify sttsb to change kblib to Tcorpus, and sttsb.kb to Tcorpus.db
***Note, when declaring xxx as new Tcorpus.Search, xxx can not be Tcorpus
That is, xxx can not have the same name as Dll's prpject
Save sttsb1608b.zip upload
2016-08 Modified eakrm21Se.doc, eakrm21Sc.doc added data record example
Update 750G HD, update primenc.vbp
2016-06 Eakrm graphics and images are changed to 4,4.5 cm resolution with 360/in pixels 567/638 pixels, the more dots per inch, the higher the picture quality
Modify TGP3c.jpeg->Chinese version
2016-08 Modified eakrm23Se.doc, eakrm23Sc.doc
Modify eakrm24Se.doc, eakrm24Sc.doc
Modify eakrm25Se.doc, eakrm25Sc.doc
Modify eakrm26Se.doc, eakrm26Sc.doc
Modify eakrm27Se.doc, eakrm27Sc.doc
Modify eakrm29Se.doc, eakrm29Sc.doc
Elementary school Taiwanese textbooks added to the corpus
2016-08 Modify TSP kaq rules
***The way of single quotes in the record
***Record information and processing methods about the Ninth Tone
Update mlttsp.vbp, mlttsbp.vbp, sttsb.vbp
2016-09 Update mrprime.dic, modify the TSP ending word rules
2016-09 The principle of judging the floating sign of the recorded phrase
2016-09 Review mrprime.dic monosyllable noun and verb symbol mark
Test Elementary School Taiwanese Textbook Volumes 4, 5, and 6
Organize Blue.dic, Red.dic
Modify Eakrm31Se.doc, Eakrm31Sc.doc
2016-09 Record the difference between quantifiers and noun markers
2016-09 Marking symbol system design date and file location
2016-09 revised Eakrm31Se.doc, Eakrm31Sc.doc
2016-09 Check mrprime.dic single syllable
2016-09 Converting the corpus of local documents
2016-09 revised Eakrm32Se.doc, Eakrm32Sc.doc
Update 32G Ramdisk
2016-09 Added 1,007 local literature corpora and blue word
2016-09 Modified mlttsp.vbp, mlttsb-U.vbp, tro2mlt.vbp, tro2mlts.vbp sound-proof character processing program
Create a new ninth corpus and record a voice file
2016-09 sorted out the new prime words, added mrprime.dic and marked the position
2016-09 Plan statistical analysis methods and procedures, and execute the first test of the second edition of Inside test
Modify stts.vbp to replace the error rate of the modulation with the correct rate of the modulation
Perform Type I test and Type II test, and cross-check general sentences with specific sentences
2016-09 revised Eakrm32Se.doc, Eakrm32Sc.doc
2016-09 Execute the second test of the second edition of Inside test
2016-09 Modified stts.vbp and added a new contribution algorithm for the correct rate of pitch change
Set the inside test corpus classification
2016-09 revised Eakrm33Se.doc, Eakrm33Sc.doc
Calculate and compare the contribution rate for the second Inside test
2016-09 Recompiled sttsb1609 upload compressed file
Write TTGPE.htm, TTGPC.htm
2016-09 modified TTGPE.htm, TTGPC.htm, Eakrm33Se.doc, Eakrm33Sc.doc
2016-09 Tag new words
2016-09 Design and explain how Tsay-2b.vbp converts the corpus format
2016-10 Modified Tsay-2b.vbp to TLP/Tro dual-use mode
Record the program of Tsay-2b.vbp conversion corpus
Use Tsay-2b.vbp to convert elementary school Taiwanese textbooks to tbn files
2016-10 Update corpus
Change the order of Mltdicbp subdirectories
2016-10 revised Eakrm33Se.doc, Eakrm33Sc.doc
2016-10 revised Amark-06.doc
2016-10 Modified soundmake.vbp
2016-10 compile TSN3710RE
2016-10 revised Amark-06.doc
2016-10 Revised TSP.doc to TSP-2.doc
2016-10 Update 32G Ramdisk
2016-10 revised Eakrm34Se.doc, Eakrm34Sc.doc added Inside test statistical analysis and inference
2016-10 Record data analysis Item
2016-10 Modified the main thesaurus data structure and expanded to include Taiwanese phrases
2016-10 *****TSN5000RE and ASUS-pro Win7 compatibility test
2016-10 Modified TWNP to solve the MPG playback problem in Win7
2016-10 Modified Mlttsp ShowUTFT
2016-11 Organize the list of established TSP rules
2016-11 Modified and tested Ftivbwin7b.vbp mpgPlayer
Update 32G Ramdisk, 750G HD
2016-11 Install TITES multimedia editing management system on ASUS-Pro Win7
2016-11 Reorganization of ASUS-1 HD-F/I/H
2016-11 *** Redefine the V+N symbol
2016-11 Supplemented MLttsbp\Mltdic1\auw.wav
2016-11 Create another symbol for monosyllable nouns to distinguish the first reading tone of the sentence
2016-11 Handling of monosyllable noun and adverb symbols
2016-11 An example of semantic problems that Weak AI can not handle
***Boundary between data statistical analysis and rule processing
2016-11 Update 30G, 16G Ramdisk
2016-11 Record the discussion about the feedback mechanism and the preset tone category
2016-11 Designed Mltsame.vbp to compare Taibuun and Taibun, remove the same ones, re-convert Taibun and update the main dictionary
2016-11 Recompile and test TSN5001RE
2016-11 Re-split HT120 HD to F/H and update the old file
2016-11 Transfer of T disc backup to L disc
2016-11 Pitch array and HMM test
2016-12 Test batch extraction of single syllable speech file F0
2016-12 Convert mltdic1 rename to trodic1
2016-12 Re-review trodic1 monosyllable voice file
Add/modify 84 files, copy to mltdic1 after rename
2016-12 update mrprime.dic
2016-12 Compile and test TSN5002RE
2016-12 Modified mltdic1/trodic1 two monosyllable voice files
2016-12 Update experiment log
2016-12 *** Redefine monosyllable noun symbols
2016-12 Modify Comp2p.vbp to add allmark to single syllable according to word frequency
Record conversion program
2016-12 update mrprime.dic 27 monosyllable allmark
2016-12 Modified TSP rules
Showtext menupopPaste () add call setScrpos to make the cursor return to the starting point after paste
Modify TSNP.vbp, TsnB-U.vbp
2016-12 Convert 100 Taiwanese proverbs
2016-12 Modify tro2mlt.vbp, tro2mltS.vbp can perform long sentence conversion
*** Modify TSNP.vbp knowledge base search algorithm, which can be used for sentences and phrases
Added Sub Proverb(), modified PlayTsentence(), HarnParser()
Update and test TSNB-U.vbp
Record knowledge base search algorithm updates and test procedures
2016-12 Record the method of mrprime.dic built-in sentence and phrase
2016-12 Update 750G HD, 38G HD, 32G Ramdisk
*** Record mrprime.dic components
Complete Taiwanese linguistic expertise and heuristic knowledge converting process & Knowledge base components searching algorithm
2016-12 Recompile and test TSN5002RE
2017-01 Transform and debug proverbs
2017-01 Added mark symbol s&x and its definition
The format and applicable scope of s&x records
2017-01 Transform and debug Tang poetry and classical Chinese corpus
2017-01 Modified TSNP.vbp Sub proverb()
Modify Tro2Mlt.vbp
2017-01 added addoneS.vbp, MoveOneS.vbp
Modify TSNP.vbp, TSNB-U.vbp
2017-01 Review TSNP.vbp PlayTsentence(), HarnParser()
2017-01 Modified Primenc6, Tcorpus, db to use Primenc6 conversion
Update sttsa.vbp, sttab.vbp
2017-01 TSNP.vbp sub mnuPopSpellCheck() debugging
2017-01 Record the process of distributing different readings
Optimize TSNP.vbp PlayTsentence(), HarnParser(), mnuPopSpellCheck()
2017-01 Discovered and solved the problem of unable to read tone sandhi after the red letter, modified Sylmerge(), and recorded the debugging process
2017-01 Record the methods of processing homophones with different forms, multiple pronunciations of a character and different pronunciations
Solve the problems of homophones, polyphonic words and variant pronunciation between literary and colloquial readings.
2017-01 Check Taiwanese monosyllables from the speech output of Chinese articles, and replace the text with white sounds
2017-01 Added single syllable tio1, updated related files
Convert the Tang poem part of TwnPoem1.txt into a dic file and add it to the prime word database
Organize LabNote
Test Tang Yun's voice output
Recompile TSN5002RE
2017-01 Update TSNP, TSNB-U, SttsB, Sttsa, KBlib and other vbp files to share mrprime.dic
Modify KBlib knowledge base search algorithm about Sub Proverb() code
2017-01 produced sttsb1701a.zip
update 750G, 32G
2017-01 Design ScreenBun.vbp to screen standard monosyllable text and replace it with white tone
2017-01 Modified Prosyl.dic, mrprime.dic, Cmrsyl.dic
2017-01 modified mltmenu3.htm
2017-01 Compile TSN5002PE
2017-01 Documented the solution to the failure of St6unst.exe installation
Store two files of Taiyin orthographic text and Baiyin
2017-01 Comparing Taiyin orthographic text Baiyin with mrprime.dic
2017-01 Established a fault-tolerant mechanism for Taiwanese word formation
2017-02 Modified AmarkPOS-06.doc, added symbols, and redefine the symbols for name concatenation and separation
Modify mrprime.dic to enable the application of word-building fault tolerance mechanism
2017-02 Record the search sequence of the knowledge base search algorithm
Modify TSP
Reprogram TSN5002PE, TSN5002RE
2017-02 Eakrm Chinese version first finalized
2017-02 Revised Eakrm35S-C.doc
2017-02 Revised AmarkPOS-06.doc
update tla.zip, tlb.zip
2017-02 Modified stts.vbp
2017-02 Modified the three-character word mrprime.dic
2017-02 Explain the difference between "watermelon peel and red bean soup"
Modify the TSP and record the points to note about changing the inferred value
2017-02 Update TSP-2.doc
2017-02 Modified mrprime.dic
Modify TSNP.vbp TG output format
Modify TSP Boolean verification process g,h,j,k,p to be excluded
Define the preset key value in the independent rule area
2017-02 Test complementary rules
Execute wminj-T.tbn inside test
2017-02 Re-review the multi-POS solution
2017-02 Modified stts.vbp and added the statistical values of the tone and tone sandhi of the test corpus
inside test: Rate of sandhi tone = 4011/7798 = 51.4362%
2017-02 stts.vbp with annotations and instructions
2017-02 Thesaurus word and phrase distribution rules and word formation fault tolerance design
2017-02 Falling Leaves Homepage adds user-controlled sound effects
2017-02 Incorporate the word-building fault tolerance mechanism into the thesaurus search algorithm
Tested with wminj-T.tbn, processing time increased by 30%
2017-02 Modified Eakrm35c.doc to IEEE format version
2017-03 Check mrprime.dic three-syllable words
2017-03 Review the symbol and tone rules of multi-POS nouns and verbs
Modify TSP rules
2017-03 Re-examine time words and frequency adverbs
2017-04 Revise TSP rules to differentiate POS with tone form.
2017-04 Update mrprime.dic, Amark06.doc
2017-04 Revise TSP rules, assign some tone forms to initial values and then make inferences
Start planning Speech recognition Model C
2017-04 Modified monosyllable Multi-POS word symbol
Modify sttsa.vbp input file limit, add accumulated TG file
2017-04 Test uses ExtractN.vbp + sttsa.vbp to make the model catalog and related batch files required by ModelC
2017-04 Record the big data analysis technology applied to natural language processing
Modify ExtractN.vbp to process soft-voiced words
2017-04 Modified TSP u+u rules, multi-POS n/v rules
For test examples, see 6-sandhi.tbn
2017-04 Take tshit-tho5 as an example to test the n/v rule
2017-04 Record ModelC model making program
2017-04 Explain the recursive definition of Tonal government hypothesis
Modify TSP punctuation rules
2017-04 Tone form reset program moved to inference engine
Modify the thesaurus search algorithm, add primeitem5 variable
Can retain the fault tolerance mechanism and speed up the overall search speed
2017-04 Change the order of some words in mrprime.dic
Modify TSP complementary rules, see 6-sandhi.tbn for test examples
2017-04 Added built-in phrases in prime word database
2017-04 About the processing method of Autonomous semantic mapping
The words affected by the steps have regularity, but are not limited to a certain part of speech
2017-04 Record the comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of Taiwanese Chinese characters and Taiwanese Roman characters in natural language processing
Modify TSP to implement punctuation rules before the conclusion of the inference
Modify the TSP rules to solve the bug of the tone sandhi of a few sentence endings in the full text output
2017-04 revised outline.doc
Composing Standards of Xiamen Yinxin Dictionary
2017-04 Note sttsb.vbp, Tcorpus.vbp and sttsa.vbp code differences
Adding the method and precautions of calling DLL and explain why prime1, prime2...
2017-04 The big data statistics of this tone sandhi Lexical word: 51.636% syllable: 31.59&
2017-04 pitch shift ratio word: about 50%~55% syllable: 70%~75%
2017-04 Modified TSP t rules
2017-04 Update TSNB-U.vbp, sttsb.vbp
2017-04 Check whether the word priority after the complementary rule has commonality
2017-04 Modify the Boolean varification "h" rule
2017-04 TSP add example sentence
2017-05 Modified x rules
*** Analysis of the difference between machine learning and language acquisition
2017-05 Review n rule and k rule
*** Record the related procedures of Multi-POS vocabulary development symbol
2017-05 Modified and tested TSP Multi-POS rules
Document Autonomous semantic samples
2017-05 Organize the corpus linking verb mlt mark
2017-05 Move linking verb and two-syllable homophones similar to linking verb to PrimeItem5
2017-05 The two mlt of the linking verb must be separated correctly, otherwise even if the standard is correct, it will cause speech out to be misinterpreted
e rules must limit the preceding word
2017-05 Taiwanese tone sandhi is one of the important elements that affect word formation
2017-05 List and explain the key words of prime vocabulary
2017-05 review on the handling of multi-POS and phrase semantic ambiguity
2017-05 Update outline.doc
Modify TSP s rules
check noun subcategory
2017-05 Record the tone setting methods of common words, homonyms, and homonyms
Construct specific words in TSP machine learning routine
Example sentences to test machine learning to identify phonetic meanings
2017-05 TSNP.vbp is temporarily used. First click speech out to execute machine learning routine and then click to translate.
Modify sttsb.vbp to remove the "&" in mlt
2017-05 Test machine learning repeat recognition function
2017-05 Screening noun sub-category words
Modify TSNP.vbp WordInput.TGparser
Update sttsb.vbp
2017-05 *** review adjective symbol
2017-05 Distinguishing basic tone groups and sub-categories of nouns
Relocate the blue words processing area
2017-05 Execute inside test
Compile sttsb1705b, TSN5004RE
2017-05 review five multi-POS symbols and related rules
2017-05 Modified some recording files of mlttsbp
Update 750G HD
2017-05 Mark homographs with different pronunciations
2017-05 *** TSNP.vbp added MLearn()
Compile TSN5005RE
2017-05 Modified AKRM09CL.doc to add semantic recognition and machine learning
Comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of voice output software design between FSP and Jeolla
2017-05 Test MLearn()
2017-06 HD file management
2017-06 Revised AKRM09CL,doc
Update mrprime.dic
2017-06 Update Amark08.doc
Explain the use of tmark, modemark and the relationship between the two
2017-06 *** Redesign the thesaurus and modify the search algorithm
*** Added new word formation and writing fault tolerance mechanism
2017-06 Design and test three fault tolerance methods
2017-06 How to improve the efficiency of recording fault-tolerant mechanism for lagging search
2017-06 Design analysis on search algorithm and fault tolerance mechanism
2017-06 Update and test search algorithm and fault tolerance mechanism
*** Redesign the thesaurus records sorting method
2017-06 review thesaurus allmark, modify TG Parser metarules
Fault-tolerant degrees of freedom classification
2017-06 Design special conjunction screening program
*** Update ComP2P.vbp, reorder.vbp adds various file comparison and word screening subprograms
Draw the distribution map of the lexicon block
2017-06 TG Parser 2015 has pre-designed allmark fault tolerance, no need to update
Machine learning is used for word-building fault tolerance
2017-06 *** COMP2P.vbp compare2f() added the same file and different file to remove duplicate record design
Modify tro2mlt.vbp to convert compound words into compound words and make voice file name conversion batch files
2017-06 Convert 4752 combination words and phonetic files
Fault-tolerant words can be displayed in blue
Record completed work items
2017-06 Annotation of thesaurus search algorithm
2017-06 Modified the sub-categories of thesaurus blocks
2017-06 Mrprime.dic has a bug, modify tro2mlt.vbp and redo compound word conversion
*** Definition and method of machine learning (about massive data analysis and autonomous startup)
Record the singular phenomenon of simultaneous playback of voice files caused by DOS execution of batch files
2017-06 Update main and Mrprime.dic, remove duplicate records
Modify akrm09CL.doc, akrm10CL.doc, akrm11CL.doc
2017-06 *** Analysis of the difference between cmark k and u
Optimize the thesaurus search algorithm code
Compile TSN5010RE
2017-07 *** Record main and MRP comparison and update procedures
2017-07 Record the application of external dictionary file check thesaurus, and then use the program of manual comparison
mrprime.dic TRO should have Double fields
2017-07 check 250 comparison results, correction of related thesaurus (35 words/hour)
The updated version of the thesaurus and voice file conversion completed
2017-07 Modified akrm12CL.doc
Compile TSN5010RE Japanese
2017-07 comp2p.vbp added ScreenJAP() to remove repeated words from TRO and Japanese documents to speed up the conversion speed (2hrs->1.33hrs)
Record ScreenJAP() design points
Test TSN5010RE found that the old bug has not been removed, and the blue character can not clear the Japanese display of the preceding word
Modify TSNB-U.vbp 2080(), test OK.
Reprogram TSN5010RE
2017-07 Organize and upload LabNote
2017-07 Test SetScrpos(), restore the highlight position of huge files and refresh text function
Modify the quantifier writing rules
2017-07 Modified the blue word number and quantifier writing rules
Reprogram TSN5010RE
2017-07 Review the fault tolerance of blue three-character word division
2017-07 Update sttsa.vbp
2017-07 Modified the part of the rules of TSP verbs and frequency adverbs that are affected by the parting rules
2017-07 Re-edited TSN5010RE
2017-07 Organize MRP standby corpus
Modify TRO2MLT.vbp, TRO2MLTS.vbp
2017-07 Explanation of word formation fault tolerance, refer to Small Note 2017-07-18
Sort out the specification of word-building fault tolerance design
2017-07 MLearn() only processes homographs or phrases
2017-07 Screening the intersection of MRP pending corpus
2017-07 Check and mark the new corpus
2017-07 Modified TSNP and added Blue Word comparison program
Modify the word formation fault-tolerant search algorithm
2017-07 Test the execution efficiency of each main function subroutine in sections
Check and mark the new corpus
2017-07 Added new corpus (4500), total 74258
Reprogram TSN5010RE
2017-07 Modified webPlay Form
Redefine #nv
2017-07 Add new version detection function of mltdic.snd
Reprogram TSN5010RE
2017-07 Modified mltdic.snd installer
2017-07 Modify TitlePage picture
2017-07 Modified ewait.wav
Record "Student Han" and the processing method of n+n rule
2017-07 update TLa.zip, Tlb.zip
2017-07 Modified akrm12CL.doc
2017-08 Modified akrm13CL.doc, akrm14CL.doc, akrm15CL.doc
2017-08 Organize experiments and test notes
2017-08 Writing programming skills and methods
2017-08 Make Tcorpus.dll standard version
2017-08 Reorganized TTGP, TSNB-U
2017-08 Revised akrm15CL.doc
2017-08 Create and test TSN5010REL single package file
2017-08 Record TG Auto-feedback procedure
2017-08 Test TG Auto-feedback routine
Update sttsa.vbp
2017-08 Organize and upload LabNote
2017-08 ***Record the relationship between TG, STG and tone and prosodic structure
2017-08 Planning sttsa.vbp TG feedback function
2017-08 ***Feasibility analysis of TG re-analyzed as XP
2017-08 Test TG feedback
Modify the final output of sttsa.vbp TSP and pasing()
2017-08 Two-character fault tolerance is temporarily reserved
2017-08 Modified TSP linking verb rules
2017-08 Test linking verb rules
TSN currently does not join the TG feedback function
2017-09 Methods and precautions for screening TG
2017-09 to A-Ing 9th gear
Modify sttsa.vbp comp2stg()
2017-09 Modified sttsa.vbp to solve the bug caused by the execution of large files
2017-09 The method and application of building TG corpus
2017-09 sttsa.vbp added epsorttg(), epsortstg()
Detect the existence of tg, stg update files
2017-09 comp2tg(), comp2stg() remove personal pronouns
Sttsa.vbp test a large number of corpus analysis
2017-09 Modified sttsa.vbp tg, stg file archive directory
2017-09 Modified sttsa.vbp blue word linking verb identification function
2017-09 ***Take wminj.tbn as an example to test the performance of TG feedback
2017-09 Solve the bug caused by continuous processing of open and put, see comp2stg()
Solve the bug of large file overflow (modify chk1, chk2, chk3 variable definition as long)
Compare the advantages and disadvantages of feedback data in the first block
2017-09 ***Take An2-tsuann2 as an example to illustrate its symbol definition
2017-09 Modified sttsa.vbp and added right-click function
2017-09 Solved the bug that the scrollbar can not be scrolled to the paste position
How to strengthen the information screening function
2017-09 ***The meaning and function of Auto feedback
2017-09 Modify comp2p.vbp to comptg.vbp and add sttsa.vbp for TG comparison
Explain how to determine which is the TG, STG that needs to be updated (learned)
2017-09 ***Explain the reason why TG inspection should be prioritized over STG
Modifying sttsa.vbp can also read mrprime.dic first
Modify the TSP ending word rules
Solve the bug that sttsa.vbp keyboard input can not find related files
2017-09 The establishment of err-stg.dic will set the wrong TG and STG to be managed
2017-09 ***It is easier to miswrite (concatenated and split) or unstandardized words are concentrated in the same block for comparison
2017-09 ***Handling of unstandardized words and non-POS related words
Modify to7 symbol, #kx rule
Reprogram TSN5010RE
2017-09 Take continuous verbs as an example to illustrate how to define symbol rules
Modify K rule
2017-09 Handling of time words such as khah4-tsa2
2017-09 Verb and noun word processing method that is not affected by the n rule
2017-10 Modified TSP e5 +# rule
2017-10 *** Explain the way, reason and influence on word formation of monosyllable function words
2017-10 update and compile sttsb.vbp
2017-10 ***type neural network can handle TGs that can not be inferred or inferred incorrectly
Modify sttsa.vbp feedback to use S-chkstg.dic
2017-10 ***Modify sttsa.vbp Take Kong2 as an example to illustrate the necessity and function of TG and STG feedback
2017-10 **Establish the method and scope of TG feedback
***Record the process of ttgp feedback
2017-10 sttsa.vbp Comp2stg() switch to this version
2017-10 Test sttsa.vbp with ASUS-pro
2017-10 ***The difference between comparative rule inference and supervised machine learning
2017-10 AKRM Question & Answer
2017-10 Recompiled TSN5010RE, TSN5010REL, sttsb1710.vbp
2017-10 Compile TSN5020PE
Correction of missing planting in TSN5010RE monosyllable Chinese comparison
2017-10 Application of induction and interpretation in TTGP
2017-11 Revised AKRM Q&A
2017-11 The application of AI in language
2017-11 Notes on Bootstrapping and Tonal Government Hypothesis (note 8 has a reverse part)
2017-12 Final solution of TTGP modulation error and feasibility analysis of constructing XP-parser
2017-12 Compile and burn TSN5020RE, TSN5020REL
2017-12 Modified TSNP.vbp TSNB-U.vbp Harnparser() sixth block Chinese comparison to the end of the file
2018-01 test translation
2018-01 Modified TSNP.vbp Harnparser() Chinese two-syllable searching priority
2018-01 Preface + quantifier change to #ux
Harnparser() comparison, Chinese characters after Chinese characters
2018-01 Test Inside test Chinese translation
2018-01 Notes for Chinese translation from Taiwan
2018-01 Processing, conversion and screening of common Chinese characters, save add26289.dic
2018-01 @ How to use HMM to recognize tone
2018-02 Retry standard single syllable tone recognition
2018-02 Redesign the SR acoustic model
2018-02 Record tone recognition acoustic model construction program
2018-02 Create standard monosyllable f0 file
2018-02 Compile TSN5020PE
2018-02 Extract the tonal features of Taiwanese and test the eigenvalues for tone recognition
2018-02 Modified Tone recognition algorithm
2018-02 Added Sub ToneRecognition()
Tone7,4,8 are temporarily merged into Tone1
Record the characteristic values and recognition procedures of the tone recognition of Taiwanese
2018-02 Test bench speech tone recognition algorithm
Record Chinese tone files
2018-03 Modified Sub ToneRecognition() to Sub CToneRecognition() for Chinese tone recognition
2018-03 Analyze the possible causes of Chinese tones recognition errors
2018-03 Extract Chinese tonal characteristics
2018-03 Modified the recognition rules and features of Sub CToneRecognition()
2018-03 Modified the eigenvalues of Chinese tone recognition rules
2018-03 Chinese four-tone recognition rate Tone1:91.596 Tone2:94.5 Tone3:91.138 Tone4:90.427
2018-03 Recording test
2018-03 Recording of Taiwanese proverbs and fifteen-tone calls of the Ministry of Education
2018-03 Edit 15-tone recording file
2018-03 Produced 15-tone standard single-syllable recording batch files
2018-03 Test 15-tone recording conditions
2018-03 Test f0 file Pitch data
2018-03 Organize download files
2018-03 Modified Sndmake.vbp and added conversion file statistics
Organize f:\mlttsbp\mltdic1 files
2018-04 Test the new version of sndmake.vbp
Modify TSNP.vbp sndmake() and sndmake-L()
2018-04 Update HD750G
2018-04 @ Language Model application. (Tone recognition completed, how to perform corpus comparison.)
2018-04 Prepare to test David's Chinese four-tone recording
Record pre-work points
2018-04 Test David Chinese four-tone recognition
Tone1:84 Tone2:100 Tone3:66 tone4:71
2018-04 Test David Chinese four-tone recognition
Tone1:94 Tone2:98.9 Tone3:90 tone4:92.9
2018-04 Test David Chinese four-tone recognition
Tone1:97 Tone2:98.989 Tone3:94 tone4:91.9
2018-04 Update speech recognition method and model
2018-04 Added mltdic2 recording
Check main.dic or mrprime.dic typo with TSN
2018-04 Neural network program installation precautions
2018-04 Modify TRecog6.vbp to test David Chinese four-tone recognition
Tone1:96 Tone2:100 Tone3:97 tone4:94.9
2018-04 Modify TRecog6.vbp to test David Chinese four-tone recognition
Tone1:96 Tone2:100 Tone3:97 tone4:96.969
2018-04 Modify TRecog6.vbp to test David Chinese four-tone recognition
Tone1:96 Tone2:98.989 Tone3:99 tone4:97
2018-04 Modify TRecog6.vbp to test David Chinese four-tone recognition
Tone1:98 Tone2:98.989 Tone3:99 tone4:97
2018-04 Modify TRecog6.vbp to test David Chinese four-tone recognition
Tone1:98 Tone2:98.989 Tone3:99 tone4:97.878
Average: 98.5 The correct rate starts to converge
Organize and annotate Sub CToneRecognition()
2018-04 @ Changed from Taiwanese TG to Chinese Prosodic unit.
Use orthogonal table or data observation method to find out the characteristic variables that affect pitch
2018-04 Mr. Takeki Enmoto from Japan visited and presented TSN5020PE, TSN5020RE, Taiwan PhotoScope CD each
2018-05 Update LabNote
2018-05 revised thesis outline
2018-05 update tl1805a.zip, tl1805b.zip, tl1805d.zip
2018-05 Reinforce Tonal government hyposis with experiment date
Record unfinished related assignments
Create a breakpoint observation program to execute the inference (simulation) process
2018-06 Conversion of David's second (8G Recorder mic) Chinese four-tone recording file
Record conversion program
Unscreened recognition rate of files: tone1 98%, tone2 99%, tone3 96%, tone4 94% average 96.75%
2018-06 szbook Google translation Test
2018-06 David's second screening (8G Recorder mic) Chinese four-tone modified pitch file
2018-06 Corrected the download file name of ttgpc.htm
Modify the Chinese and English versions of the proposal
2018-06 Regarding the usage and symbol of lip8-khi3 (add amark08.dic)
2018-06 Modified the rules of blue light tone words and tone sandhi words in TSP (the paper can use this example to illustrate)
Added jit4 to the main thesaurus
2018-07 update 2GRAM program and ZIP file
2018-07 update tl1805a.zip, tl1805b.zip, tl1805d.zip encrypted storage 8G Recorder
2018-07 *****Record: The learning function of the human brain profiler-predict the attributes of blueword
About tone sandhi acquisition circulation
The relationship among TG, syntactic structure and context
2018-07 khi3->khih8 conversion
2018-07 update 2G RAMdisk
***The method to predict attributes of bluewords that are not built in the corpus
2018-07 Check the monosyllable words to be recorded
2018-07 Recorded and processed 103 new monosyllable words
Install win7 Japanese windows need to modify the default directory
2018-07 Compile TSN5030RE
2018-07 Reprocess monosyllable words with Goldwave
Reprogram TSN5030RE
Foreign words must be built and recorded in main and mrprime.dic (sequence within 10000)
Byte language by'te needs to be separated
***Modify wordInput.chkEnglish() to change the range to 10000
2018-07 siunn7-be7-khi2--lai5 is a special case of tone sandhi
Edit otdRealPeopletts, byrpRealPeopletts text file
2018-08 The meaning of inside test and outside test in the test program (add Q&A)
2018-08 Update sttsb.vbp and add new variable primeItem4
Update Tcorpus.vbp tro2mlt()
2018-08 Test sttsa.vbp TG feedback function (formload)
chkstg.dic searching algorithm see TextInput.parsing.click()
Update sttsa.vbp TSP
2018-08 Compile TSN5030PE
2018-08 Update LabNote
The Influence of Tone Characteristics of Monosyllabic Files on Speech Synthesis
2019-09 sttsa.vbp feedback function ported to sttsb.vbp
2019-09 Test the sttsb.vbp feedback function and need to modify the variable transmission method
Tcorpus.vbp GetDatafrom Tcorpus adds aftgItem variable
2018-09 modify mrprime.dic
sttsb.vbp debug record
Feedback data reading method pros and cons analysis
Execute TG Geedback input directly by sttsb.vbp, and update Tcorpus.db when porting to mrprime.dic regularly
2018-09 Produced the first draft of Superviced TG Feedback design criteria
2018-09 Test the compatibility of VeraCrypt and ChapB
2018-10 Test Windows XP recovery system
2018-10 Update single syllable POS marking method
2018-10 Research Reference Materials on How to Master the Tone Sandhi Acquisition by Native Taiwanese Speakers
2018-10 Update and print TREcog6 Sub CtoneRecognition ()
2018-10 @ Sorting out the four-tone recognition of Chinese
2018-11 Revised the essay outline and outline guidelines
2018-11 Modify Hidden Markov Model Test7: Take 10 modified fundamental frequency sampling values as input, state=3, test David Chinese four tones
2018-11 *****Debug ChapB file length is a multiple of 20480 resulting in Sub charade reduction () error
Modify RECHA and REDUC, test OK. Save chapb1811a.zip
2018-12 Marked IJCLCLP v22n2a6.pdf Corrections and new parts
2018-12 Remake F Disc
2018-12 Update mlttsb-U mltdic.enc production program (Japanese text graphics conversion ASUS-Pro version)
2018-12 Compile sttsb1812.zip
2019-01 Topic study: Examine linguistic and model approaches to the knowledge representation
2019-01 Topic study: Computer simulation of language acquisiion
2019-01 update mrprime.dic
2019-02 Record Feednack program development program and schedule
2019-02 Establish An2-tsuan2, an2-na2 rules
2019-02 Draw feedback diagram sketch
2019-02 Give an example to illustrate the "indispensable" feature of the tone sandhi rule (save a lot of memory space, avoid hanging up and missing ten thousand)
2019-02 Update TSP
2019-02 Rule or corpus first draft (rule-corpus.doc)
2019-02 Revised the outline guidelines on the part of Tonal government hypothesis, the process of how to integrate Lilun with knowledge engineering technology
2019-02 Comparison of the feasibility of Note 8 and XP parser to TG from theory and implementation methods
2019-03 Added inside test special sentence test rule robustness
2019-03 View the three major blocks of the simulation system that have yet to be completed
2019-03 Weichen Zhang TSN5030REm TSN5030PE
2019-03 Update proposal: How to reveal the process of developing a scheme from the theories to a practical simulation system
2019-03 Draw A simulation diagram of Taiwanese tone group human parser sketch
2019-03 Update proposal
2019-03 @ Taiwanese Speech Recognition and Experimental Methods
2019-04 Add Tonal government hypothesis to the simulation of Taiwanese tone sandhi acquisition
2019-04 Record: The design of continuous write and write fault tolerance mechanism
2019-04 The richness and musicality of tones in Taiwanese-the formation mechanism of tone groups (examples)
2019-04 Re-edited TSN5030RE, TSN, TSN3050PE
2019-04 TSNP adds TRO real tuning conversion
2019-04 Dealing with function word sandhi
2019-04 update mrprime.dic
2019-05 Compile sttsb1905
2019-05 ***** Win7 installation needs to modify default dir
2019-05 Tcorpus related files reorganized into working directory
2019-05 Symbol mark processing multi-POS case (take hit-king tiam3 ti7 kuan-te3-bio7 pinn as an example)
2019-05 TG, the relationship between prosodic perception and grammatical structure
2019-05 Chinese history manuscript excerpts
2019-06 Tonal language (Taiwanese) and non-tonal language (English) compare the principles of defining prosodic boundaries and cutting prosodic units)
2019-06 sttsa to be updated (un7-tong 7)
2019-06 @ Method and discussion on how to propose Tonal government hypothesis
2019-06 Explore when the tone sandhi mechanism of Taiwanese came into being and its evolutionary relationship with Chinese
2019-07 Reinstall win7
2019-07 @ beh Khi3 followed by Tone2,3,4,5,7,8 tone example
2019-08 Taiwanese sentences composed of a single tone group
2019-08 @ The relationship between the classification of Taiwanese words and the rules of tone sandhi
2019-09 Make TSN5030RE compressed file and upload it to the cloud
2019-10 List the list of unpublished and pending papers
2019-10 Conceive a program that demonstrates the simulation process
2019-10 @ Tone sandhi simulation programming
2019-11 The design and implementation of the analog monitoring interface for tone sandhi acquisition
2019-11 Acquisition and application of simulation process data for tone sandhi acquisition
1. Whether the word or phrase is built-in
2. The relationship between words or phrases and context
3. Rule inference path
4. Comparison of preset key attributes and inference results
5. Improve the efficiency of program debugging
2019-11 User control interface design (Next & Reset)
2019-11 Set rule name and display subroutine
2019-11 Prevent re-pressing the Parsing key and Reset key functions
2019-11 Test and record the modulation acquisition simulation monitoring system
2019-12 Writing the method of tone sandhi acquisition and computer simulation
2019-12 *** Some TRO files of Debug can not be converted to MLT
2019-12 Modified sttsb supplementary notes
2019-12 Test simulation data conversion to Excel format
2019-12 Added the advantage of the analog monitoring interface of modulation acquisition for debugging and modulation errors
2019-12 Writing a study of the tone sandhi and psychological authenticity of Taiwanese literature review
2019-12 Drawing to illustrate the theoretical basis and three main axes of the simulation of Taiwanese tone sandhi acquisition
2019-12 @ Tone group recursive examples and how to form the mechanism in the human brain
2019-12 Exploring the form in which tonal morphemes in allomorph selection exist in mental lexicon
2019-12 @ Tone group has been defined by syntax and structure (the tone sandhi is closely related to grammar), but it is necessary to face the fact that children and adults who have not learned grammar can still correct the tone sandhi
2019-12 Display method of design rule description
2019-12 Describe Tone group Recursive features
2019-12 Install Seagate 1TG hard drive
2019-12 Computer Simulation and Turing Test
2020-01 @ TSNB.vbp does not need to construct a Feedback mechanism, merge s-afstg.dic and mrprime.dic
2020-01 Turing test simulation design (Machine judgement test cancelled)
2020-01 Update Proposal version C, D, E
2020-01 Update the paper outline
2020-01 @ Context Inference Program
2020-01 Improve Three Methods of Modulation Learning Simulation System
2020-01 Use TG corpus to modify or update Basic corpus (Tcorpus.db)
2020-02 Remove fres-news virus
2020-02 revise chapt56D.doc
2020-02 revise chapt56E.doc
2020-02 Update sttsb rule description
2020-03 Human brain operation and tone group processing
2020-03 Amend chapt56E.doc
2020-03 Steps to exclude startup programs
2020-04 Translate and modify chapt56E.doc
2020-04 First draft in English completed chapt56F.doc
2020-04 Amend chapt56G.doc
2020-05 Copy ASUS-P hard drive
2020-05 System startup modification steps
2020-05 ASUS-P Replace with a new hard drive
2020-05 Translate chapt56H.doc
2020-05 Amend chapt56H.doc
2020-05 Modify sttsb TSP save sttsb20205a.zip
2020-05 Modify and re-edit sttsb TSP save sttsb20205b.zip
2020-05 Added knowledge graph to the paper
2020-06 Review Web archive Homepage
2020-06 Modify Web archive tggp.zip download URL
2020-06 revision 8-(5-3)-tsp3.jpg
2020-06 Test the function of TGCorpus update Basic Corpus (use tsiunn3 as an example for demo)
2020-06 @ Sorting out the voice recognition method (Chinese and Taiwanese)
2020-06 check 6~10 sandhi.tbn
2020-06 Pay attention to the ordering when updating s-afstg.dic
2020-06 6-sandhi.tbn The correct rate of manual adjustment of the adjustment is 98.4%, which takes about 60 minutes
2020-06 revision 6-sandhi.tbn
2020-06 The difference between Symbol 2nx and 2ox
2020-06 The processing of tiam3 division and continuous writing of recorded words
2020-06 Numbers + e5 If you need to write machine learning
2020-06 complete 6~10 sandhi.tbn error checking, save error.txt, update s-afstg.dic
2020-06 Organize sttsb inside test procedure
2020-06 The total number of words is counted as "(" count all
2020-06 ***** The record in TG corpus needs to be updated to the knowledge base regularly after the test
2020-06 Try to do 6-sandhi.tbn Test I manually, about 50 minutes. Test II, about 23 minutes.
It takes about 30 minutes to count and calculate the contribution rate
2020-06 Modify stts, part of call Tcorpus.dll
2020-06 Start sttsb experiment 4 (6~10 sandhi.dic use 2019-04-22 Tcorpus.db)
Experiment 5 (all use 2019-04-22 Tcorpus.db)
2020-06 ***** Precautions for Taiwan Document Format
2020-06 Record the Inside test program
2020-06 Complete sandhi files 6~10 error.txt test, update s-afsthg.dic
2020-06 Comparative analysis of 1~5 and 6~10 sandhi.dic test results
2020-06 *BUG* stts.vbp can not handle s&x (short sentence) sentences
Check and update the code test s&x statement after 2017, OK
2020-06 richtx32.ocx can not be installed, stts.vp uses textbox instead
2020-06 Mark inside test General station document number
2020-06 Experiment 5, using program testing and statistics to calculate 20 papers and it takes about 100 minutes (not including the correct rate of the first manual check)
2020-06 Solve and record the installation method of sps5 and richtx32.ocx
2020-06 @ Organize stts.vbp operation method
2020-06 Organize the functions of stts.vbp and record the content and purpose of the output file
2020-07 Added a single syllable statistics
2020-07 Manual calculation of rforont.tbn statistic value, compare with stts.vbp output result
2020-07 Modify stts5.exe to replace CrLf with space
2020-07 Reorganize the content and purpose of the output file in \Data
2020-07 Modify stts5.exe to use Tcorpus.dll for Corpus reading and searching algorism
And add TGcorpus (2020-06-22 version) to update the knowledge base, still use the 2019-04-22 version. Save stts6.exe
2020-07 Experiment with stts6.exe 6
2020-07 Revised Chapt56.doc
2020-07 In Basic corpus, replacing consecutive words with partial writing will lead to a slight increase in the accuracy of the tone sandhi
2020-07 Calculate the TypeII test with the number of syllables and compare the calculation with the number of words and analyze the difference
2020-07 ***BUG*** Solution: Replace worditem6, worditem7 with EOF()checking, save stts7.exe
2020-07 Use stts7.exe to retest the number of syllables to calculate TypeII test
2020-07 Use stts7.exe to retest the number of words to calculate TypeII test
2020-07 Type I test is compared with **-Non-TSP.tbn, Type II test is compared with **-normal.tbn
2020-07 When comparing with **Non-TSP.tbn, save (8)->(2) to stts8.exe
2020-07 Perform the 8th inside test with stts8.exe and analyze the experimental results
2020-07 Select part of the test corpus for manual comparison and calculation
2020-07 Empirical Default tone-form preset monosyllable reading tone sandhi, polysyllable reading tone sandhi with 75%~80% accuracy
2020-07 Revise Proposal and chapter56.doc
2020-07 Update stts and related documents total 35 hrs.
2020-07 Solve the problem that Twnp003E can not be executed in Virtual PC XP mode
2020-07 Manual comparison of 9-wine.tbn and stts8.exe output results match
2020-07 Virtual PC settings
2020-07 Win7 uses normal fonts to execute Taiwanese image TWNP.exe from CD Driver
2020-07 Install and test DOSBOX version 0.75
2020-07 Revise Proposal-G.doc
2020-07 Modify DOSBOX conf file to execute DOS version LJT CD start.bat
2020-07 Test DOSBOX version of Yitian Chinese and Vikon multimedia editing management system. OK
2020-07 Burn important Tony and David files backup, modify Tony-works.doc
Create kueh.gif and add it to Taiwan photoscope
2020-07 Test old DOS game
2020-07 @ Record Taiwanese how to apply tone sandhi rules to internalize grammatical rules into the tone group structure
2020-08 Taiwan photoscope TWNPSM Key must be changed to align to the right, record the modification method
2020-08 TSNB added Right-click Paste AS ASCII Can also perform Unicode->ASCII in Taiwan text frame
2020-08 @ Record the code that determines whether the tone form of the previous word has changed
2020-08 Revise Proposal-H.doc
2020-08 ***BUG Control Resizer can not be used on 64 bit ASUS pro
2020-08 Record BUG Control Resizer solution
Package and test TSNB 64 bit version
2020-08 1996 Apple, Apple Power burned after booting
2020-08 Record 2019~2020 CDs send out List
2020-08 Burn the new version TWNP003E
2020-08 Revise Proposal-H.doc 2.1
2020-08 Modify TSNB ack.gif
2020-08 How to execute Lin Rongde's music and art album of DOS version in win7
1. Download DOSBOX version 0.75 to install
2. Modify C:\Users\user name\AppData\Local\DOSBox\dosbox-staging.conf
Change capture_mouse: to onstart
sensitivity: -80
fullscreen = true
3. After executing DOSBOX, Z:\> appears
Enter mount e e:\ in Z:\> (specify the drive as DOSBOX E drive. E is the drive letter)
4. Enter Disk E and execute start.bat in E:\>
2020-08 sttsb Simudata.txt adds Final Tone() and comparison column
Use temporary file #14 to read and reuse #15 to save in a new column
Switch to TRO for the original MLT
2020-08 PUT,,output Only one variable can be used at a time
2020-08 Re-execute inside test 13492 strings, 1138 previous word tone values have been modified.
2020-08 sttsb.vbp If keyboard Input is used, it will cause simuData archive error
Solution: Use the fileinput variable to control file open instead
2020-08 Update TSNP-64, test OK
2020-08 Organize files required for program compilation
2020-09 Create technical conversion disc
2020-09 Update the non-TG part of s-aftg.dic to mrprime.dic (74592) and fix the error
2020-09 Reasons for not using Chinese characters in TSN 1. Word segmentation required 2. Difficulty in processing tone sandhi
2020-09 version update rules
2020-09 Added TSP overlapping word rules
2020-10 Install win10 vb6 software
2020-10 Repair computer ASUS-AHong, add 2G RAM, reinstall
2020-10 New purchase of two ASUS4-S340MC
2020-10 ASUS-4 install Win 10H DOBOX-staging-windows-v0.75.0
2020-10 ASUS-AHong (win7-A) install DOBOX-staging-windows-v0.75.1 (requires vcruntime140_1.dll)
2020-10 Software installation notes, record the list of installed software
2020-10 Win7H installation method of virtual machine
2020-10 Backup ASUS-AHong win7H to 750G
2020-10 Revise Proposal-J-Chinese.doc
2020-10 Added The knowledge to Proposal-I-Chinese.doc, Proposal-I-English.doc
2020-11 Hitachi 120G repartitioned into a single hard drive
2020-11 Organize 750G HD
2020-11 ASUS-4 backup save Hitachi 120G
2020-11 ASUS-AHong win7H install vb6, compile requires PDCMDLN.exe (Professional Tools)
2020-11 Update mltts and mlttspoj, reprogram TSN5031RE-64, TSN5031PE-64
2020-11 Update RAM disk 32G
2020-11 Update History sttsb, TSNB, TSNP
2020-11 Modify sttsb.vbp sttsb.gif, adjust the position and background color of the simulation control
2020-11 Modify sttsb.vbp Change Inference string from medium language to TRO and save sttsb2020SD.zip
2020-11 test sttsb2020D OK
2020-11 Revise Proposal-I-Chinese.doc, Proposal-I-English.doc
Modify Chapt56-E.doc, Chapt56-C.doc graphics and next reasoning
2020-11 Remake simudata.txt with sttsb.vbp, and export simudata.txt to simudata.xls
2020-11 Update HD 750G sttsb.vbp, TSNB-64.vbp, TSNP-64.vbp and David directory
2020-11 Modify wminj.tbn (siunn7-be7-khi2-lai5 -> --siunn7-be7-khi2-lai5
2020-11 Organize Tonyworks
2020-11 Autoresizer authorized in copyleft
2020-11 ***** Reinstall Win7 pro in Ahong (Hitachi 160G)
2020-11 Organize RAMdisk
2020-12 Reedited TSN5031RE-64, TSN5031PE-64 Modified URL to Archive
2020-12 Save modelB TRECOG4.vbp, TRECOG6.vbp, Trainer4.vbp to zip file
2020-12 @ The method of applying praat and script to extract the fundamental frequency f0 of the voice, and then identify the tone (refer to 2018-04-03~2018-06-15)
2020-12 Supplementary Index of Lab note on the third floor
2020-12 upload tycl.htm 2020-12
2020-12 Create tool program description file, subdivided into two common terms
2020-12 Revise proposal I, add Rule-based system vs Deep learning
2020-12 How to create unix textbox
2020-12 Revised Voice Recognition Method.doc
2020-12 ASC<->Unicode If there are new syllables, you need to modify the related subroutines of syllable conversion, and pay attention to the ordering.
2021-01 Rewrite the Chinese version of Taiuanue.txt, upload taiuanue.htm
2021-02 Revise proposal L, Chinese and English version
2021-02 *** There are bug modification methods in simu.txt and simudata.txt in sttsb.vbp
2021-02 ***** tone group corpus s-afstg.dic can avoid causing TSPgoal=7. To execute sttsb.exe, pay attention to the version and storage location of Tcorpus.dll and Tcorpus.db.
2021-02 Modify the bug caused by the X (exit) in the upper right corner of sttsb.vbp simulation.
2021-03 Modify BUG, simulation will skip TRCount=0, and need to add new rules for processing.
2021-03 Added TSP XX XX processing rules
2021-03 Amend TSP adj+a2 rules
2021-03 Revise TSP adj+a2+adj and overlapping word rules.
2021-03 Revise TSP linking verb rules.
2021-03 How to adjust the size of vb FORM
2021-03 Design saveTH.vbp to divide Tele and Chinese
2021-03 test and debug saveTH.vbp
2021-03 saveTH.vbpru8 Annotation
2021-03 Actual test Taiwan Luo and Chinese segmentation program, change 0D 0A to comma.
2021-03 The definition and function of inside test and outside
2021-03 New file outside test of sttsb.vbp
2021-03 Amend TSP rules, update mrprime.dic
2021-03 sttsb.vbp new version of outside test, the correct rate of tone sandhi reaches 97%
2021-03 modify proposal N
2021-03 record Why not do XP parser at present
2021-04 Statistics: About 25% of words not built into corpus
2021-04 Supplementary record of the development process of Taiwanese speech notepad.
2021-04 Revise proposal N and redraw Figure 3-1
2021-04 Revise Title page "Demonstration"
2021-04 update Taiwanese speech notepad POJ version
2021-04 update TSN5040RE, TSN5040PE, TWNP003E
2021-05 test deepL, Google translation comparison of Chinese, English and Japanese translations.
2021-06 on AI and XP parser, tonal derivation strategy and deep learning (2021-06-12)
2021-07 update mrprime.dic
2021-07 Produced Taiwanese Tone group Corpus
2021-08 Update the Chinese four-tone recognition method [refer to TRecog6.vbp Sub CtoneRecognition( )] (2021-08-18)
2021-08 Reasons for not using Deep learning technique to construct a tone sandhi simulation program
2021-09 Extract the basic tone group and the shandhi part of tone group from mrprime.dic
2021-09 Add s-afstg.dic to Tone group corpus
2021-09 Why the simulation and monitoring interface is necessary for Taiwanese tone group parser
2021-09 The difference between the using of Knowledge representation method and Neural Network for problems solving (Third-Floor Lab Note 2021-09-03)
2021-09 Add dental nouns to mrprime.dic
2021-09 Create F:\mltts\MRP holder for old mrprime.dic
2021-09 BUG: tshiu3->tshui3 for main.dic, mrprime.dic
2021-09 The proscdure of using COMP2P.vbp compare mrprime.dic and main.dic
2021-09 Append English to main.dic
2021-09 update mltdic.snd with Soundmake-L.exe (52729 items)
2021-09 Compile version of TSN5100RE64
2021-09 Make compile procedure recording
2021-09 Edit technique menu version 5
2021-09 Create Ucomp-C.vbp (for Chinese-Japapnes dictionary)and UComp-Add.vbp (For Japanese updating)
2021-09 Test Ucomp-Add.vbp
2021-09 The discussing of sandhi rule "ka7"
2021-09 BUG: tsah8-ng2 show red word for spell checking
2021-10 writing procedure of Ucomp-Add.vbp
2021-10 Update Double.vbp for MLT sandhi double checking
2021-10 Test the result of appending tsah8-ng2 to mrprime.dic and main (fail)
2021-10 Find the solution of tsah8-ng2 spell checking. update TSNB=64.vbp & TSNP-64.vbp
2021-10 Tone 5 is longer, tone 1,2,8 have larger energy
2021-10 Compile version of TSN5102RE64
2021-10 Compile version of TSN5102PE64
2021-10 Ucomp-AddC.vbp for Japanese Appending.
2021-10 Modify Soundmake-L.vbp Add Chinese to NonEng.tbn
Check 2021NonEng.tbn
2021-10 Modify Comp2P.vbp main-add-Eng ( )
2021-10 The evaluation of Taiwanese text-to-speech using WaveGlow
2021-10 Modify TSP, Add Rule Ka7
2021-10 Bug: IF THEN ..... ELSE (ELSE needs more Rigorous definition)
2021-10 Tsit8-kua2 mmark( )= "b"
2021-10 Compile version of TSN5103RE64
2021-10 The quantity of training data will be critical for WaveGlow.
2021-10 update Techtran
2021-10 Update mlttsbp mltdic1
2021-10 The advantage and disadvantage of using Deep learning technique for Taiwanese Text-to-speech
2021-11 *** Modify TSP Rule Ka7
2021-11 Write down the procedure of Rule Ka7
2021-11 Silence reduction for GoldWave -48 0.2 100 0.4
2021-11 Modify TSP Add Rule V-tioh8
2021-11 The procedure of Building Context related sandhi rules (Detail procedure see Notebook on third-floor)
2021-12 Update sttsb.vbp, TSNB64.vbp, TSNP64.vbp
2021-12 Test sttsb.vbp, TSNB64.vbp, TSNP64.vbp
2021-12 Add V-tioh8 sentences to Inside test
2021-12 Test sttsb.vbp for V-tioh8
2021-12 modify TSP( ), Rule of V-tioh8 phrase for double syllable verbs.
2021-12 Modify TSP( ), Exclude 3-x, &-x from Context rules
2021-12 Update TSNB64.vbp, TSNP64.vbp
2021-12 Retest sttsb.vbp for V-tioh8.
2022-12 Update TSP context rules
2022-12 update mrprime.dic
2022-12 ***** update sttsb s-afstg.dic (Only necessary items are saved)
2022-01 The testing of using Tacotron2 + Waveglow in Taiwanese text-to-speech system
2022-01 The evaluation of using Tacotron2 + Waveglow for Taiwanese speech synthesis
2022-01 The difference between traditional corpus-based concatenation synthesis and multiple neural network architecture for speech synthesis
2022-01 Efficiency Test of Taiwanese Speech Notepad (Intel Core i5-8400 CPU @ 2.80GHz 2.80 GHz)
file: Rfrost-T.tbn (107 words)
speech length: 40 seconds
processing time: 1.5 seconds
file: wminj-T.tbn (667 words)
speech length: 400 seconds
processing time: 10 seconds
file: 10-sandhi-T.tbn (862 words)
speech length: 510 seconds
processing time: 10.1 seconds
file: Tainan-T.tbn (1115 words)
speech length: 730 seconds
processing time: 12.5 seconds
2022-01 Modify TSP, context rules must be placed before punctuation rules
2022-01 update mlttsb.exe, sttsb.exe
2022-01 Comparison of the pros and cons of sequential search algorithms
2022-01 How to Optimize Sequential Searching Algorithms
2022-01 modify TSP context rule V+tioh8
2022-01 modify proposal
2022-02 Examples of secondary tone sandhi
2022-02 TITES Multimedia Editing Management System User Manual
2022-02 modifyfleave.htm
2022-02 twnoem.htm translation
2022-02 LJT data and manuscript archive location
2022-02 CD, DVD classification storage, indexing
2022-02 How to establish the capture process in DOBOX
2022-02 About DOSBOX and DOSBOX-Staging
2022-02 modifyLJTD108.pcx
2022-02 Make a Fleave video and upload it
2022-02 modifyproposal
2022-03 Produce and edit Taiwan video MP4, upload
2022-03 Produced and edited Lin Rongde's music art album MP4, uploaded
2022-03 modify mrprime.dic
2022-03 modify proposal
2022-04 Tcorpus.dll and Tcorpus.db are installed in C:\windows\apppatch
2022-04 modify proposal
2022-05 Monument to Masaharu Homma at Gokoba 2010-07-14 mstone-1.jpg
2022-05 Mlttsp MLT realtone file See 2008-08-17
2022-05 Mlttsp New TRO realtone file
2022-05 Why MLT can not become a written language
2022-05 test TRO realtone file
2022-05 sttsb joined TRO realtone file
2022-05 How to handle light-toned words in TRO realtone file
2022-05 BUG: tsiann1--gueh8 modifies-afstg.dic
2022-05 test MS Azure AI text-to-speech
2022-05 GoldWAV settings for internet recording (from output to input)
2022-05 Create Chinese soundbook
2022-05 modify proposal
2022-06 The compressed installation version of Tsn can not be installed on a CD because it must be unzipped to a hard disk. Installing from a hard disk will check the CD's sound file and close the program.
2022-06 Use Innosetup to install tsn5103RE64 2022-06 How to use Innosetup to install tsn5103RE64
2022-06 Tcorpus Dynamic-link library description
2022-06 Tone group parser is a practical application of knowledge engineering technology to build a simulation environment for Taiwanese tone sandhi.
Taiwanee speech notepad is a combination of knowledge engineering and multimedia technology.
2022-06 Summarize the steps of Innosetup to create installation software
2022-06 Recompile sttsb9 and create an installation version. Add the documentation file to the installation file
2022-06 test Google speech recognition
2022-06 Translated "Silent Passion" into Taiwanese Romanization
2022-06 modify proposal
2022-07 MS Azure replaces mispronounced words with homophones
2022-07 modify mrprime.dic
2022-07 Use simulation to find out the wrong part of the rule and solve the problem of ku7 e5 siong3-phoo7-a2
2022-07 How to modify the classification file of the Ministry of Education's Tai Luo Dictionary
2022-07 MLT should pay attention to the relationship between tone symbols and the preceding and following vowels. Do they need to be separated?
2022-07 modifystts10B use richtextbox instead
2022-07 The recording files in mlttsbp are being considered for re-arrangement
2022-07 modifyTSP rules
2022-07 Remake Taiwanese voice output (speed 3) file, upload
2022-07 Modify proposal
2022-08 New special symbols
2022-08 modifyTSNP-64.vbp
2022-08 Rule description: Replace "," with ";" (for excel) Use text mode when importing
2022-08 Things to note when writing simulation data file translation
2022-08 Examples of natural adjustment of Taiwanese intonation patterns during language evolution 2022-08 Bug caused by modify sttsb open file (see 2022-08-17)
2022-08 Re-setting the revision rules
2022-08 About the design of the semi-automatic feedback function of Tone group
2022-08 V+tioh8 Processing Rules
2022-08 The frame structure of Taiwanese tone sandhi simulator
2022-08 Context-dependent rules are the most difficult to handle because of case-by-case
2022-08 modifyTSP, update related files
2022-08 Taiwanese speech notepad, 1 second can synthesize about 33 seconds of speech output. The article length is about 250 words and the efficiency is the highest
2022-08 modifysttsb Archive English description page
2022-08 sttsb test 124k byte large file takes about 5 to 6 minutes
2022-08 Update sttsb related files
2022-08 The development process of Taiwanese tone sandhi simulator
2022-08 Checking and calculating the accuracy of pitch change in the third floor notes
2022-08 TSNP-64.vbp mergewav already has MLT realtone text which can convert Arabic numerals into text.
2022-08 modify proposal
2022-09 Processing TRO Arabic numerals to text and number reading
2022-09 modify tsnp-64.vbp Addone, num2txt subprogram
2022-09 Dealing with TRO digital textual and vernacular reading differences
2022-09 test TSNP-64.vbp
2022-09 TSNP TRO realtone conversion code in TGparser
2022-09 Updated mrprime.dic
2022-09 modify V-tioh8 rules
2022-09 modifySttsb9, redo inside test and outside test to calculate tone sandhi accuracy, update xls table
2022-09 Update sttsb0.vbp
2022-09 Created tkel20220920sp.cha tkel20220920data.cha
2022-09 Processed time and temperature words, added rules for quantifiers, and can be read correctly even when written separately.
2022-09 Discussion on when Taiwanese began to change its tone and its relationship with the level and oblique tones of Chinese. The formation of Taiwanese tone sandhi is not a physical phenomenon.
From modern Chinese, it can be seen that tone sandhi has nothing to do with the difficulty of pronunciation
2022-09 modify the rules for directional words
2022-09 modify verb rules (lai5, khi3)
2022-09 Updated mrprime.dic
2022-09 The accuracy of quantifiers has been improved after the rules were updated
2022-09 modifyproposal
2022-10 An example of using default tone form as the main method and default POS as the auxiliary method (see the third floor notes 2022-10-01 for details)
2022-10 Discussing Corpus and searching algorithm
2022-10 Manually check whether the intonation is correct, about 12 minutes per page. 1000 words about 50 to 60 minutes, depending on the intonation error rate.
2022-10 How to deal with multiple POS words? Take tiunn1 as an example
2022-10 Meta speech-to-speech software test
2022-10 modify sttsb background picture (sttsa.gif)
2022-10 Recompile mrprime.dic
2022-10 Modify proposal
2022-11 How to define the value of an attribute in vb6 frame, using textbox, label and command button as examples
2022-11 Why we need medium language and tone sandhi processor
2022-11 Taiwanese orthography must consider the tone sandhi of Taiwanese, that is,
the structural characteristics of the tone group
2022-11 Classical Chinese reading and Vernacular reading
2022-11 Memory management
2022-11 The use of hyphens in Taiwanese orthography
2022-11 The Romanized Taiwanese translatin of "Diamond Sutra"
2022-12 Add new data records of corpus for "Diamond Sutra"
2022-12 Test speech output of Diamond Sutra
2022-12 Check the bug of "Nai2 tsi3"
2022-12 The conversion method of PST to TMSS.
2022-12 Modify mrprime.dic (for &&x, s&x)
2022-12 update prime.enc, tcorpus.db
2022-12 Review Romanized Taiwanese Heart Sutra and Dimond Sutra
2022-12 update new records in corpus
2022-12 Test Heart Sutra and Dimond Sutra with tone group parser
2022-12 Total syllables of inside test: 34850 syllables, 2935 sentences
2022-12 Total syllables of outside test: 7241 syllables, 338 sentences
2022-12 Modify Discussion - The procession of Wenyin and Baiyin (文白異讀)
2022-12 Modify Dimond Sutra version 3, update mrprime.dic
2022-12 Modify proposal Chapter-5 TSP rules
2022-12 Translate The Peach Colony (桃花源記) into Romanized Taiwanese
2022-12 Add tool program takemlt.vbp for mrprime.dic checking
2022-12 Modify Dimond Sutra version 4, 5, 6, 7
2022-12 Modify sttsb9, 9B, 10B (Add 1,4)
2023-01 Rebuilt stts9B
2023-01 Talk to ChatGPT
2023-01 sttsb9b.vbp modify sub SaveTRO14( ), update Addone.vbp
2023-01 Disscussion title with ChatGPT: Taiwanese TG parser, Tone sandhi, Orthography and others
2023-01 30 files for intest, (35301 syllables, 21191 words,175414 bytes).
2923-01 Upload heartSutra.htm
2023-01 Modify The Peach Colony, update meprime.dic
2023-01 Modify and check 軟體開發記事.m4a with GoldenWave, (10 hrs), upload to website
2023-01 Modify TSNB, TSNP Unicode to ASC ( -> nn)
2023-02 Modify TSNB, TSNP sub ASC to UNicode (remove nn convertion)
2023-02 Update TSNB, TSNP exe files
2023-02 Add homepage and Upload : Kim-kong-king.htm, HeartSutra.htm, PeachColony.htm, 琵琶行.htm
2023-02 Photos needed for filming a documentary
2023-02 Documentary editing principles
2023-02 Upload mp3 for documentary No. 1
2023-02 Revise Kim-kong-king.mp3
2023-02 Test ChatGPT
2023-03 ChatGPT can not understand Chinese allusions
2023-03 Modify proposal Chapter-3
2023-03 *****How to convert real tone file back to lexical tone file
2023-03 Making Documentary No. 2
2023-03 The procedure of building speech engine
2023-03 Add Tone group parser to Documentary No. 2
2023-03 \MLttsBP total 79035 files (mltdic1~mltdic6 & mltdicJ)
2023-04 Update proposal
2023-04 Revise and upload documentary No. 1 mp3
2023-04 Revise documentary No. 2 mp3
2023-05 Revise and upload documentary No. 1 mp3
2023-05 Revise documentary No. 2 mp3
2023-06 Revise documentary No. 2 mp3
2023-06 Add discussion to Chapt567.doc ( see ChatGPT202301.txt)
2023-06 Comparison between traditional method of concatenation and application of deep learning method
to create text-to-speech software
2023-06 Testing and the evaluation of TIT text-to-speech and speech recognition
2023-06 Revise and upload documentary No. 1 mp3
2023-06 Revise and upload documentary No. 2 mp3
2023-07 Buy ASUS BM1AF I5-4460 used computer. Install win7 system
2023-07 Revise and upload documentary No. 2 mp3
2023-07 Install Lotus 123 for *.sam files
2023-07 Photographing lab logs and making cha files
2023-07 TKEL202307 DVD
2023-07 update mrprime.dic
2023-08 Sound-speed.vbp, Sound-pitch.vbp programming
2023-08 Sound-speed.vbp, Sound-pitch.vbp testing and debug
2023-08 Bretagne.htm
2023-08 Documentary No. 2 mp3 silence adjustment
2023-08 Revise Sound-speed.vbp -15 -10 -5 +5 +10 +15
2023-08 TIT text-to-speech testing result
2023-08 The sound quality of m4a files will be distorted after being modified sveral times
2023-08 BUG!! Addone.vbp (Debug method: Add space at the end of each column of text)
2023-08 make documentary No. 1 mp4
2023-08 How to use DOSBox to execute ABC7C3.exe, Vikon.exe
2023-08 The method to do pcx-> jpg batch convertion
2023-08 The method to capture mp4 of DOSBox
2023-08 How to execute DOS software and record mp4 in win10 (p.125)
2023-08 Taking pictures required for shooting documentary No. 1
2023-08 984x738 for TSN capture
2023-08 Test documentary No. 1
2023-09 Test and revise documentary No. 1 (78 hours)
2023-09 Upload documentary No. 1 to Youtube
2023-09 Revise proposal
2023-09 How to create Chinese, English and Japanese subtitles from Taiwanese audio files
2023-10 Whisper testing
2023-10 documentary No. 2 editing
2023-10 Add youtube documentary No. 1 to tycl.htm
2023-10 Update 64G/32G SP and Tool zip and cha files
2023-10 documentary No. 1, documentary No. 2 subtitles checking
2023-10 620 x 520 for TSNP capture
2023-10 956 x 740 for TSNB capture
2023-10 Revise and upload documentary No. 1
2023-10 documentary No. 2 editing
2023-10 documentary No. 1, documentary No. 2 subtitles checking
2023-10 Test TIT Chinese-> Romanized Taiwanese
2023-10 The method to capture sttsb simulation with moving mouse
2023-10 Upload SP, Tools, Data, TGPE cha file to Google clound
2023-11 Modify documentary No. 2 subtitles
2023-11 Use chatGPT to check Chapt567Q.doc
2023-11 Modify chapt567-GPT Chinese and English version
2023-11 How to use a program to do tone sandhi accuracy comparison and statistics
2023-11 Revise proposal
2023-11 Statistics of word, sentence and tone group for Sttsb inside test and outside test
2023-12 Revise chapt567R.doc (5.9.3)
2023-12 Mrprime.dic over the years kept in Mltts\David
2023-12 Revise 5-1.dia, 5-1.jpg
2023-12 Update proposal
2023-12 Update chapt567.doc
2023-12 sttsb calls Tcorpus.dll (searching) in parsing to convert TRO to medium language
2023-12 A list of the job items for sttsb project
2023-12 David's project proposal passed.
2023-12 Update tycl.htm
2023-12 The biggest challenge encountered in the programming process is that to let humans understand
the grammar, sentence patterns and operation processes of language is one thing, but to teach computers
to learn the grammar, sentence patterns and operation processes of human language is another matter.
2023-12 Why don't use word frequency for Taiwanese corpus.
2023-12 Rewrite Thesis Chapter 5,6,7
2024-01 Modify Thesis Chapter 5,6,7
2024-01 Debug Tho5-hua-guan5 ki3 -T.tbn. Add 50 records in corpus (4hours).
2024-01 Add Tone sandhi bug procedure to 變調錯誤處理.txt
2024-01 Make vb6 reference DLL as jpg picture. Related DLL files keep in F:\mltts\package\TSN5103PE64\support
2024-01 write "How to learn a programming language" (2.5 hours for recording)
2024-01 keep folder vb6-jpg for TSN and sttsb library and component
2024-02 Modify thesis Chapter 4
2024-02 Modify thesis Chapter 7.1 Conclusion
2024-02 Convert simudata.txt into xls format
2024-02 Modify thesis 4.9, 2.3 (3 hours)
2024-02 Retest 48 files of inside and outside test for non-built word calculation
2024-02 only ASCII code text can be used in sttsb program
2024-02 Modify Addone.vbp for foreign language words
2024-02 Modify thesis Chapter 1 and all Chinese version thesis (6.5 hours) + 1.5 hour
2024-02 Modify thesis chapter 2 and chapter 7 (5 hours)
2024-02 Google search for linguistics related expert system paper (2 hours)
2024-02 Modify thesis chapter 6, 7, 2 (3 hours)
2024-02 Modify thesis chapter 6 (5hours)
2024-02 modify memory management and the application of simulation data
2024-02 Modify chapter 6 statistical methods (4hours)
2024-02 Modify chapter 6 (16 hours)
2024-02 Modify thesis (17.5 hours)
2024-03 Translate thesis English version to Chinese version
2024-03 update mrprime.dic
2024-03 Modify TSP rule of localizer for "ti7"
2024-03 update MLearn subprogram
2024-03 Update 2024SP
2024-03 append NK-1973.tbn, nuclear.htm English version
2024-03 retest inside test and outside test
2024-04 Collect all version of mrprime.dic and main.dic in F:\mltts\corpus
2024-04 Modify and check NK-1973.tbn
2024-04 Edit and upload tonegroup.mp3 to Google cloud
2024-04 Modify sttsb.vbp TSP if gwsuu=" " then go to 100
2024-04 Modify Addone.vbp
2024-04 Modify symbol of foreign words as 0&x
2024-04 Moved sub CHKEnglish. Mouse over function is OK.
2024-04 dit and check Humanity.tbn
2024-04 Update 2024SP folder
2024-05 TSNB-64.vbp Bug of show dictionary. Add chkparse = 0 in module sentence, sub Parse
2024-05 Ucomp use c-53111.dic for Japanese
2024-05 Move TSNB-64.vbp CD check function.
2024-05 compile TSNB POJ 5200 version
2024-05 upload postscript.mp3
2024-05 Modify all unicode Taiwanese file to nn
2024-05 Modify TSP K-rule
2024-05 Modify TSP special word rule for ee, kab, kag, k0q
2024-05 Check DrToo.tbn
2024-05 Modify and test TSP verb + tioh8 special rule
2024-05 Modify TSP 160
2024-05 Update 750-G HD
2024-05 Recompile sttsb0.vbp
2024-05 A-parser-4.dia
2024-05 Edit DemoTSN-T2.txt
2024-05 Edit Criteria of V+tioh8 context analysis-2.txt
2024-06 Test rule of V + tioh8, modify mrprime.dic symbol.
Recompile all sttsb vrsion
2024-06 Calculate average words/sentence= 6.75
2024-06 Modify TSP rule of "ee"
2024-06 Test Google Sound of Text. (https://soundoftext.com/)
2024-06 Rcompile TSNTRO 5400, add mltdic6 folder
2024-06 Rcompile TSNTRO 5400
2024-06 Edit "Sttsb Programming Guidelines
2024-06 Edit "Allotone selection of Multi-POS"
2024-06 Update TSN of archive.org, mltmenu3.htm, mltmenu3e.htm. tycl.htm.
2024-06 ModifyThesis R6 Chinese version
2024-06 ModifyThesis R7 Chinese and English version
2024-06 ModifyThesis R8 Chinese and English version
2024-06 Edit Sttsb Criteria of programming procedure
2024-06 Edit Sttsb development record
2024-07 Update mrprime.dic
2024-07 Compile TSN5500PE64.exe
2024-07 Translate Chinese prose to Romanized Taiwanese text
2024-07 Make TRO5500RE executable version for RAMDisk
2024-07 Modify TSNB version, add sttsb output function to mltts,exe
2024-07 Corrected the bug that the voice of ""蚵仔麵線"" can not be read.
2024-07 Modify soundmakeL2.vbp related to Nonwav, Yeswav
2024-07 Test soundmakeL2.vbp
2024-07 Update 750G, copy files from 64G to 128G RAMDisk.
2024-07 Renew simudata-all.xlsx
2024-07 Upload TSNTRO-update.zip
2024-07 Calculating the five Taiwanese articles, the rate of reading sandhi tone words is less than 58%
2024-07 Create a list of monosyllabic quantifiers
2024-07 Modify TSP and mrprime.dic Enable applicable number +quantifier and demonstrative pronoun + quantifier
without a hyphen between syllables
2024-07 The tenth experiment of inside test experiment for ten articles. The average tone sandhi accuracy is 99.2%.
The reason for the relatively high correct rate of tone sandhi may be the non-concentration of tone sandhi errors
and the influence of writing style.
2024-08 Monosyllabic locative words must be written without a hyphen with the preceding noun.
2024-08 correct the error of 12-sentence.tbn and 13-sentence.tbn
2024-08 Since the average tone sandhi accuracy of the outside test in the tenth experiment has exceeded 99%,
all future tone sandhi accuracy tests will be used to optimize the sttsb system.
2024-08 Added numerals 1 to 99 to mrprime.dic
2024-08 The differences among TSN 5400, TSN5500, TSN5600, TSN5700
2024-08 For the process of correcting tone sandhi errors, refer to the rules and symbol settings applicable to similar words that can be transposed correctly.
2024-08 Updated method to fix tone sandhi errors
2024-08 Modify Rule of 'Hoo7"
2024-08 Update 750G RAMDisk, 128G RAMDisk
2024-08 Modify the background color of index report, recompile mlttsb.exe
2024-08 Upload TSNTRO-update.zip
2024-08 Modify quantifier rules for new addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and equal parts
2024-08 modify MLearn subprogram
2024-08 Add TSP Rule of -tshut, -khui
2024-08 Steps on how to deal with the inconsistency between file names in mlttsbp and corpus mlt terms
2024-08 Comparing the available files in mltdic-NONWAV to 10/584, approximately 300 new speech files
can be added proportionately.
2024-08 How to deal with web pages that can not be copied
2024-08 Use Taiwanese Speech Notepad architecture and programming methods to create the compiler
required for Traditional Chinese Speech Notepad (華語語音筆記本)
2024-09 Test the compiler required for Traditional Chinese Speech Notepad
2024-09 Edit and modify the necesssary corpus of Traditional Chinese Speech Notepad
2024-10 Modify tool program Com2p.vbp for appending Chinese corpus
2024-10 The goals of research are usually:
1. Want to solve a known or unknown problem
2. Want to understand the cause of a certain phenomenon
3. Whether the research model can be used to deal with similar problems
2024-10 While building the models of Taiwanese speech notepad and the simulator for Taiwanese tone sandhi,
we gained some valuable experience.
2024-10 The main purpose of this research project.
Through the development of the software, we found that TSN's architecture and application technology
can be used to build another text-to-speech system. In other words, the Taiwanese model may be useful for
other natural language processing. Therefore we use the Taiwanese speech compiler and corpus building tools
to create Chinese speech notepad, so that we can understand the feasibility of applying the Taiwanese model
to other natural languages and the differences between the two models.
2024-10 Sorting out the differences between Chinese in China and Taiwan.
2024-10 Added Chinese difference conversion subroutine sil2main( ) in Comp2p.vbp
2024-10 Start building a Chinese vocabulary database
2024-10 Test csn2000
2024-10 Test csn2100
2024-10 Test csn2200
2024-10 Test csn3000
2024-10 Test csn3100 (main corpus 74574 items, crprime corpus 98059 items, 1461 wav files compiled)
2024-11 Renew Chinese syllable.enc
2024-11 Recompile csn3100, 1471 WAV files compiled
2024-11 Modify paper A~K.docx
2024-11 Edit Music.htm
2024-11 Edit the method of using DOS Box for old multimedia CD (see Disk.htm)
2024-12 Edit the method of "How to record Text-to-speech output from Internet AI application"
2024-12 Add English speech (speech speed 92%~95%) to Works in Taiwanese
2024-12 Upload *.mp3 English speech and related htm files
2024-12 Edit Chinese speech notepad compile procedure
2025-01 Update Homepage mltmenu3.htm
2025-01 Update Homepage csmmtts.htm
2025-01 Update Homepage music.htm
2025-01 Update Homepage disk.htm
2025-02 Update Homepage csmmtts.htm, disk.htm
2025-02 Method of applying AI technology to Taiwanese language processing