Flag Counter 音樂 Music

音樂 Music

本計劃應用 VIKON 多媒体管理系統進行編輯及播放,內容包括:
This multimedia uses VIKON multimedia management system for editing and playback, including:

                綠島小夜曲  Green Island Serenade
                杜鵑圓舞曲 Cuckoo Waltz
                夜曲 Nocturne-in-b-flat-minor-op-9-no-1 
                走向心上人的路上 Der Gang zum Liebchen
                 Sàng-tshut-phâng   送出帆                   		      

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Copyright July 1996. All rights reserved.

Last update : 2024-11-25
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作曲者: François-Joseph Gossec
口琴演奏: 張東瀛

Composer: François-Joseph Gossec
Harmonica player: Tung-Ying Chang

綠島小夜曲 Green Island Serenade

作曲者: 周藍萍
口琴演奏: 張東瀛 

Composer: Lanping Zhou 
Harmonica player: Tung-Ying Chang

杜鵑圓舞曲 Cuckoo Waltz


German 78rpm recordings in the US, 1926

Cuckoo Waltz
作曲者:  Johan Emanuel Jonasson (1886-1956)
口琴演奏: 張東瀛

Composer: Johan Emanuel Jonasson (1886-1956)
Harmonica player: Tung-Ying Chang

夜曲 Nocturne op. 9 no. 1 in B flat minor

夜曲 Nocturne op. 9 no. 1 in B flat minor (第一主旋律片段)
作曲者:  F. Chopin
鋼琴演奏: 林榮德
電腦合成樂曲: 張東瀛

夜曲Op. 9是蕭邦於1830至1832年創作的一組作品,一共三首。1833年出版,獻給鋼琴家 Camille Pleyel。這首夜曲也是林榮德博士最喜愛的樂曲之一,他在留學德國期間曾經有一段時光,和女友共享這首讓他難以忘懷的音樂, 1998年我請他彈奏這首夜曲,那時他已有小中風的症狀,手指不太靈活,錄影三次都無法順利完成。最後我把第一主旋律片段用電腦合成後,放在林榮德音樂藝術專輯裡面作為背景音樂。


Composer: F. Chopin Piano performance: Jong-Teh Lin Computer synthesized music: Tung-Ying Chang

Nocturne Op. 9 is a set of three nocturnes composed by Chopin from 1830 to 1832. Published in 1833 and dedicated to pianist Camille Pleyel. This nocturne is also one of Dr. Lin's favorite pieces. There was a time when he was studying in Germany and he shared this unforgettable piece of music with his girlfriend. In 1998, I asked him to play this nocturne. By then he had symptoms of a small stroke, his fingers are not very flexible, and I couldn't complete the video recording three times. Finally, I synthesized the first main melody fragment with a computer and placed it as background music in Jong-Teh Lin's Music & Art CD.

Dr. Lin often injects a lot of emotion into interpreting Chopin's works when playing the piano. I once heard him play this nocturne in the recording studio. Personally, I felt that compared with Rubinstein's performance (https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=ZtIW2r1EalM&t=4m4s), it was a bit more enjoyable. Rich and touching elements. Dr. Lin believes that it is difficult for music scores to fully reflect the composer's delicate thoughts and creative background. In addition to being skilled in piano skills, it is more important for a performer to project his emotions through his piano skills so that he can resonate with the composer and the audience.

走向心上人的路上 Johannes Brahms, 7 Lieder, Op. 48: No. 1. Der Gang zum Liebchen

作曲者: Johannes Brahms 演唱者: 林榮德 鋼琴伴奏: 葉綠娜 (承蒙葉綠娜教授提供原曲資訊,耑此致謝)

Composer: Johannes Brahms Singer: Jong-Teh Lin Piano player: Lina Yeh

Sàng-tshut-phâng 送出帆

圖片資料來源: https://cmsdb.culture.tw/object/788C73C8-C279-4932-ACB1-BE541A49C540

Sàng-tshut-phâng   送出帆 (1936)
作詞者: 陳達儒 
作曲者: 林禮涵

Huann-hí tsûn ji̍p-káng, keh-mê suî tshut-phâng.  
歡喜船入港, 隔暝隨出帆
Pi-siong lâi sio-sàng, hūn-kun kiânn-tsûn-lâng.   
悲傷來相送, 恨君行船人
Tsi̍t uī kuè tsi̍t uī, kuí-sî tsài tsò-tui.   
一位過一位, 何時再做堆
Ba̍k-tsiu khuànn káng-tsuí, guá kun tsûn tsiah khui.   
目睭看港水, 我君船隻開
Tsîng tshim iân-hūn tshián, siūnn tio̍h tsiok liáu-jiân. 
情深緣份淺, 想著足了然
Lī-hn̄g khuànn boē hiān, tsí-ū hué-tsûn-ian.  
離遠看未現, 只有火船煙
Bô-kun àm-tsū uàn, ū-kun iā tsiâu-huân.  
無君暗自怨, 有君也憔煩
Kiann-ji̍t ná tsit khuán, káng-pinn khàu sit-luân. 
今日哪這款, 港邊哭失戀
「送出帆」為日治時期(1936年)由任職勝利唱片公司的陳達儒作詞,鋼琴家林禮涵作曲,老牌歌手秀鑾原唱的台語歌。歌詞敘述當船員的戀人從外海回港,隔日船隻又將啟航的心情。40年後的1976年,鳳飛飛將這種聚少離多的無奈,把台語的音樂性及連讀變調透過歌曲的旋律完整呈現出來,可以說是台語歌曲的經典之作,足以和義大利歌劇作曲家普契尼 (Giacomo Puccini) 1918年作品《Gianni Schicchi 》中的詠嘆調 《O mio babbino caro》比美。