Hit tâi Mí-mà
Tī tshù-lāi, tiānn-tiānn thiann--tio̍h guán lāu-bú kóng " Hit tâi mi-mà ". Guán ta̍k-ke lóng tsai-iánn I tō sī teh kóng hit tâi puê i bô-mê bô-ji̍t, tsò kuí nā tsa̍p tang ê pòo-pinn-tshia-á. Tâi-uân tī Tē-lī-tshù tāi- tsiàn liáu-āu, tsin-tsē tiàm-thâu kuainn-liáu-liáu, it-puann-lâng sing-ua̍h lóng tsiok kan-khóo. It-kiú-sù-kiú-nî Kok-bîn-tóng kun-bîn bāi-tsáu Tâi-uân, Tâi-uân-lâng ê ji̍t-tsí koh-khah phái-kuè. Guán-tau ê sè-king ka-kang-tiàm in-uī guán pah--pah phuà-pēnn tsiong tshù bē-tiāu, kang-tiûnn mā kiat-sok îng-gia̍p. It-kiú ngóo-sam-nî tuì huân-huâ ê Tâi-lâm-tshī Tiong-khu puann-suá kàu Pak-khu khah phian-phiah ê Ah-bó-liâu-tshài-tshī-á āu-piah suè-tshù-khiā. Guá tha̍k sió-ha̍k ê sî-tsūn lóng kám-kak tsin-iau koh tsin-kuânn. It-ti̍t kàu tha̍k tshoo-tiong í-āu, pē-bú khai-sí tsò sîng-i tāi-kang, ka-kíng tsiah tsiām-tsiām hó--khì-lâi. Hit-tang-tsūn sóo iōng ê sing-tsâi khì-kū tshin-tshiūnn mi-sín kah tshia-pòo-pinn ê ki-khì lóng sī jī-tshiú-huè. In-uī tshiánn bē khí tsuan-gia̍p ê ki-kang, sóo-í kán-tan ê siu-lí kah pó-ióng-khang-khuè lóng sī guá teh hū-tsik.
Guá bat-mn̄g ChatGPT hit tâi ki-khì sī siánn-mi̍h sî-tsūn sing-sán--ê. I kóng tshâ bô tsit king kong-si. bué--á guá kā ki-khì ê miâ-pâi kah kong-si ê li̍k-sú bāng-ia̍h kià-hōo--i. ChatGPT kóng tsit tsióng hîng-hō khó-lîng sī it-kiú sam-tshit-nî í-āu sing-sán ê ki-khì. Kin-kù Hui-má-kong-si ê li̍k-sú bāng-ia̍h Mí-mà sī it- kiú it-sù-nî Khah-tsu̍h Mí-mà tshòng-pān--ê mi-sín kang-tiûnn. It-kiú sam-tshit-nî uân-sîng Ji̍t-pún thâu-tsi̍t-tâi tshia-pòo-pinn ê ki-khì ( First Japanese overedger ). It- kiú sù-pat-nî tsing-tsu liáu-āu tsiah kái-miâ tsò Mí-mà tsiam-tshia kong-si. It-ti̍t-kàu it-kiú ngóo-kiú-nî tsiah-koh kái-iōng phín-pâi phiau-tsì Pegasus tsò kong-si ê miâ. Tsia ê Ji̍t-pún tsè-tsō ê ki-khì sui-jiân sī kū-phín, m̄-kú tsin nāi-iōng. Tshù-lāi tsit-tâi 1948-nî kàu 1958-nî kan tsè-tsō ê thâu-tsi̍t-tāi pòo-pinn-tshia king kuè la̍k-tsa̍p guā tang iu-guân ē-tàng tsìng-siông lâi tshau-tsok. Tiō-sǹg-kóng guán pē-bú í-king kuè-sin kuí-nā-nî--ah, guá ûn-nā m̄-kam tàn-hìnn-sak. Tiānn-tiānn tsiam-iû pó-ióng, tō tsún-tsò sè-hàn-sî-tāi sing-ua̍h ê kì-liām-phín lâi siu-tsông.
That Mima
At home, I often hear my mother say "that Mima". We all knew that she was referring to the overlock machine that had been working with her day and night for decades. After World War II, all industries in Taiwan were in recession and ordinary people lived in extreme hardship. In 1949, the Kuomintang army and civilians moved into Taiwan, local people's lives became even more difficult. My family's original small garment processing factory also closed down when my father fell ill. In 1953, we moved from the bustling Central District of Tainan City to a rented house behind the more remote Yamuliao Market in the Northern District. When I was in elementary school, I felt hungry and cold. It was not until I entered junior high school that my parents started working as garment OEM workers and our family's financial situation gradually improved. The money-making tools used at that time, such as sewing machines and overlock machine, were all second-hand. Since we cannot afford professional technicians, simple machine maintenance work falls to me.
I once asked ChatGPT when this machine was manufactured. He said he couldn't find the company. I sent him the machine brand and the company history webpage. ChatGPT said this model may have been manufactured after 1937. Because according to the history webpage of Pegasus Company, Mima was a sewing machine factory founded by Kazo Mima in 1914. In 1937, it completed the first Japanese overedger. In 1948, after the capital increase, the factory was renamed Mima Sewing Machine Industrial Co., Ltd. It was not until 1959 that the brand logo Pegasus was used as the company name. Although these Japanese-made machines are old, they are quite durable. The first generation Pegasus overlock sewing machine in my home, manufactured between 1948 and 1958, is still in normal operation after more than 60 years. Even though my parents have passed away for many years, I still can't bear to throw it away. Maintain and lubricate it regularly and keep it as a memory of my childhood.
那台 Mima
在家裡,經常聽到媽媽說 "那台 Mima"。我們都知道她指的就是那台數十年來陪她日以繼夜,不停工作的縫布邊機。台灣在二次戰後百業蕭條,一般百姓生活極為困苦。1949年國民黨軍民轉進來台,本地居民生活更是雪上加霜。我家原有的小型成衣加工廠在父親病倒,將房屋賣掉時也跟著結束營業。1953年從繁華的台南市中區搬遷到北區較為偏僻的鴨母寮市場後面租屋居住。我讀小學時的感覺就是飢寒交迫。一直到就讀初中以後,父母開始從事成衣代工,家境才逐漸好轉。當時所所用的生財器具如縫紉機與縫布邊機全是二手貨。因為請不起專業技工,所以簡單的機器維修工作都歸我負責。
我曾問 ChatGPT 這台機器是何時生產的。他說查不到這家公司。後來我把機器名牌和公司歷史網頁寄過去。ChatGPT 說這個型號可能是1937以後生產的。因為根據 Pegasus 公司的歷史網頁得知 Mima 是1914年Kazo Mima 創辦的縫紉機工廠。1937年完成日本第一台縫布邊機 (First Japanese overedger)。1948年增資後才改名為Mima Sewing Machine Industrial Co., Ltd. 直到 1959年再改用品牌標誌 Pegasus 作為公司名稱。這些日本製造的機器雖是舊品,卻相當耐用。家裡這台1948~1958年間製造的第一代縫布邊機經過60多年年仍然可以正常操作。即使父母已經過世多年,我仍然捨不得丟棄。 經常保養潤滑,就當作童年的生活回憶收藏著。